Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished

by R. M. BALLANTYNE (1825 - 1894)

Balls, Bobby, Sir Richard, and Giles appear on the Stage

Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished

A runaway carriage, a spunky little girl, and a street urchin combine on the first page of Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished: a Tale of City Arab Life in a hilarious combination that you won't want to leave. This story shows first hand what 'city arabs' have to face day by day and the impact Christians can make. - Summary by Adele de Pignerolles

Listen next episodes of Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished:
A Strange Visit and its Results , At Home in Canada , Canada again--and Surprising News , Happy Meetings , Home Again , Hopes Revive , Mrs Frog sinks Deeper and Deeper , Ned Frog's Experiences and Sammy Twitter's Woes , Number 666 Off Duty , Occupations at Brankly Farm , Sammy Twitter's Fall , Sir Richard and Mr Brisbane discuss, and Di listens , Sir Richard visits the Beehive, and sees many Surprising Things , Tells of some Vigorous and Peculiarities of the Lower Orders , The Great Change , The New Home , The Ocean and the New World , The Returning Prodigal , Things become too hot for the Twitter Family , Treats of Altered Circumstances and Blue-Ribbonism