Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 3

by Isaac D'ISRAELI (1766 - 1848)


Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 3

This is the third and final volume of Isaac D'Israeli's monumental work Curiosities of Literature. It covers a great range of diverse topics, by no means limited to literature only, but also containing numerous essays on history, politics, and customs of English society. Therefore, this book will not only interest students of literature, but any reader should be able to find something matching his or her particular interests. - Summary by Carolin

Listen next episodes of Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 3:
Secret History of Charles the First and his first Parliaments, part 2 , Secret History of Charles the First and his first Parliaments, part 3 , Life and Habits of a literary Antiquary - Oldys and his Manuscripts, part 2 , A Bibliognoste , Apology for the Parisian Massacre , Buckingham’s political Coquetry with the Puritans , Buildings in the Metropolis, and Residence in the Country , Discoveries of secluded Men , Dreams at the Dawn of Philosophy , History of the Skeleton of Death , James the First as a Father and a Husband , Life and Habits of a literary Antiquary - Oldys and his Manuscripts, part 1 , Literary Forgeries , Literary Parallels , Literary Residences , Of Lenglet du Fresnoy , Of Literary Filchers , Of Lord Bacon at Home , Of Palaces built by Ministers , On Puck the Commentator , 'Political Religionism' , Prediction, part 1 , Prediction, part 2 , Quadrio’s Account of English Poetry , Royal Proclamations , Secret History of an elective Monarchy , Secret History of Charles the First and his first Parliaments, part 1 , Secret History of the Death of Queen Elizabeth , Sentimental Biography , Sir Edward Coke’s Exceptions against the high Sheriff’s Oath , 'Taxation no Tyranny' , The Book of Death , The Dictionary of Trevoux , The History of Writing-masters , The Italian Historians , The Man of one Book , The Pearl Bibles, and six Thousand Errata , The Rival Biographers of Heylin , The Rump , Toleration , True Sources of secret History , View of a particular Period of the State of Religion in our Civil Wars , Whether allowable to ruin oneself?