Careers of Danger and Daring

by Cleveland MOFFETT (1863 - 1926)

The Steeple-Climber Pt 2 How They Blew Off the Top of a Steeple with Dynamite

Careers of Danger and Daring

In this volume of adventure the author depicts the lives of certain humble modern heroes whose unconscious courage ordinarily goes unnoticed. Mr. Moffett has chosen unusual and picturesque careers, and has offered dramatic scenes from the lives of the steeple climber, the diver, the balloonist,the pilot, the bridge builder, the fireman, the aerial acrobat, the wild animal trainer, the dynamite worker and lastly the locomotive driver. (Summary by annise)And it has great pictures - ever wondered what the top of a steeple really looked like? Some listeners may find the "Wild Animal Tamer" stories distressing - I did. I would suggest you just don't download that section - the rest is well worth listening to.

Listen next episodes of Careers of Danger and Daring:
The Aërial Acrobat Pt 1 Showing That it Takes More Than Muscle and Skill to Work on the High Bars , The Aërial Acrobat Pt 2 About Double and Triple Somersaults and the Danger of Losing Heart , The Aërial Acrobat Pt 3 In Which the Author Tries His Hand with Professional Trapeze Performer , The Aërial Acrobat Pt 4 Some Remarkable Falls and Narrow Escapes of Famous Athletes , The Balloonist Pt 1 Here We Visit a Balloon Farm and Talk with the Man Who Runs It , The Balloonist Pt 2 Which Treats of Experiments in Steering Balloons , The Balloonist Pt 3 Something About Explosive Balloons and the Wonders of Hydrogen , The Balloonist Pt 4 The Story of a Boy Who Ran Away in a Big Balloon , The Bridge-Builder Pt 1 In Which We Visit a Place of Unusual Fears and Perils , The Bridge-Builder Pt 2 The Experience of Two Novices in Balancing Along Narrow Girders and Watching the 'Traveler' Gang , The Bridge-Builder Pt 3 Which Tells of Men Who Have Fallen from Great Heights , The Deep-Sea Diver Pt 1 Some First Impressions of Men Who Go Down Under the Sea , The Deep-Sea Diver Pt 2 A Visit to the Burying-ground of Wrecks , The Deep-Sea Diver Pt 3 An Afternoon of Story-telling on the Steam-pump Dunderberg , The Deep-Sea Diver Pt 4 Wherein We Meet Sharks, Alligators, and a Very Tough Problem in Wrecking , The Deep-Sea Diver Pt 5 In Which the Author Puts on a Diving-suit and Goes Down to a Wreck , The Dynamite Worker Pt 1 The Story of Some Millionaire Heroes and the World's Greatest Powder Explosion , The Dynamite Worker Pt 2 We Visit a Dynamite-factory and Meet a Man Who Thinks Courage is an Accident , The Dynamite Worker Pt 3 How Joshua Plumstead Stuck to His Nitro-Glycerin-Vat in an Explosion and Saved the Works , The Fireman Pt 1 Wherein We See a Sleeping Village Swept by a River of Fire and the Burning of a Famous Hotel , The Fireman Pt 2 What Bill Brown Did in the Great Tarrant Fire , The Fireman Pt 3 Here We Visit an Engine-house at Night and Chat with the Driver , The Fireman Pt 4 Famous Rescues by New York Fire-boats from Red-hot Ocean Liners , The Locomotive Engineer Pt 1 How it Feels to Ride at Night on a Locomote Going Ninety Miles an Hour , The Locomotive Engineer Pt 2 We Pick Up Some Engine Lore and Hear About the Death of Giddings , The Locomotive Engineer Pt 3 Some Memories of the Great Record-breaking Run from Chicago to Buffalo , The Locomotive Engineer Pt 4 We Hear Some Thrilling Stories at a Round-house and Reach the End of the Book , The Pilot Pt 1 Some Stirring Tales of the Sea Heard at the Pilot's Club , The Pilot Pt 2 Which Shows How Pilots on the St. Lawrence Fight the Ice-floe , The Pilot Pt 3 Now We Watch the Men Who Shoot the Furious Rapids at Lachine , The Pilot Pt 4 What Canadian Pilots Did in the Cataracts of the Nile , The Steeple-Climber Pt 3The Greatest Danger to a Steeple-Climber Lies in Being Startled , The Steeple-Climber Pt 4 Experience of an Amateur Climbing to a Steeple-top , The Wild Beast Tamer Pt 1 We Visit a Queer Resort for Circus People and Talk with a Trainer of Elephants , The Wild Beast Tamer Pt 2 Methods of Lion-tamers and the Story of Brutus's Attack on Mr. Bostock , The Wild Beast Tamer Pt 3 Bonavita Describes His Fight with Seven Lions and George Arstingstall Tells How He Conquered a Mad Elephant , The Wild Beast Tamer Pt 4 We See Mr. Bostock Matched Against a Wild Lion and Hear About the Tiger Rajah , The Wild Beast Tamer Pt 5 We Spend a Night Among Wild Beasts and See the Dangerous Lion Black Prince