Bible Defence of Slavery

by Josiah PRIEST (1788 - 1851)

Chapter 13b - Ill effects of freeing the negroes in the British West Indies. Ill effects if southern slaves were to be freed. The British, the enemy of the U.S., would benefit from the abolition of slavery

Bible Defence of Slavery

The full title of this book is Bible Defense of Slavery; and Origin, Fortunes, and History of the Negro Race, by Rev. Josiah Priest, A. M. 5th edition. This is a compilation of pro-slavery literature and propaganda that went through numerous editions in the Southern United States before the Civil War. It contains the highly influential book, Slavery, as it Relates to the Negro, or African Race, by Rev Josiah Priest, which was originally published in 1843. This compilation also includes many essays and favorable reviews of Rev Priest’s book from contemporary magazines and newspapers, and written endorsements from national politicians. From the preface: ‘The question, “Is slavery, as it exists in the United States, justifiable?” is one which, at least, admits of discussion. If it be in harmony with the immutable principles of truth and justice, and not a “crime against humanity,” and a libel upon our holy religion, let it be so understood and practiced by our honest citizens, whose highest ambition consists in faithfully serving God, and living in obedience to the laws of the country.’ (Summary by JoeD)

Listen next episodes of Bible Defence of Slavery:
Proposition. from Rev George Junkin. - part b , Proposition. from Rev George Junkin. - part c , Proposition. from Rev George Junkin. - part d , Certificates. , Chapter 14a - Difference between Black and White sensibilities on being separated from wives and children. The happiness of the Negro lies under the White man's control. God has decreed the slavery, not hired servitude, of the Negro , Chapter 14b - Difference between Black and White sensibilities on being separated from wives and children. The happiness of the Negro lies under the White man's control. God has decreed the slavery, not hired servitude, of the Negro , Chapter 15a - The subject of God's judicial law, and Jesus' law of love examined in relation to Negro slavery. The Gospel of Jesus first preached to Whites. All the arts of the world are the invention of the White race. , Chapter 15b - The subject of God's judicial law, and Jesus' law of love examined in relation to Negro slavery. The Gospel of Jesus first preached to Whites. All the arts of the world are the invention of the White race. , Proposition. from Rev George Junkin. - part a , Slavery and the Fugitive Slave Law. From Rev. A Campbell. , Strictures on Abolitionism - Part a. National colonization of the free black population of the United States, advocated. By the Publishers. , Strictures on Abolitionism - Part b. National colonization of the free black population of the United States, advocated. By the Publishers. , Strictures on Abolitionism - Part c. National colonization of the free black population of the United States, advocated. By the Publishers. , Strictures on Abolitionism - Part d. National colonization of the free black population of the United States, advocated. By the Publishers. , Strictures on Abolitionism - Part e. National colonization of the free black population of the United States, advocated. By the Publishers.