Autobiography Memories and Experiences, Volume 2

by Moncure Daniel CONWAY (1832 - 1907)

Chapter 42 - George Peabody - Sir Sydney Waterlow - “Fairseat” and “Lauderdale” houses - Julia Ward Howe in London - Professor Seeley - Mrs. Duncan Maclaren - Garrison at a woman suffrage meeting in London - The poet R.H. Horne

Autobiography Memories and Experiences, Volume 2

Moncure Daniel Conway was an American abolitionist, Unitarian, clergyman and author. This second volume of his autobiography covers the years from the US Civil War to roughly 1904. (Summary by JoeD)

Listen next episodes of Autobiography Memories and Experiences, Volume 2:
Chapter 43 - Visit to America - Washington - Welcome in Virginia - Cinders of the War - Visit to our family Negroes in Yellow Springs - A colored folks’ banquet - My lecture on Demonology - visions of the devil - Lecturing in the West , Chapter 44 - Max Müller at Oxford - His services to mankind - His tolerance - Max Müller and the phonograph - Personal traits - Extracts from letters - Professor Whitney - Bayard Taylor meets Max Müller , Chapter 45 part 1 - Dr. Jowett at Balliol, 1863 - The national Church - Bishop Tait and Martineau - Matthew Arnold - Rev. Stopford Brooke - The English clergy , Chapter 45 part 2 - A walk with Rev. Phillips Brooks and Dean Stanley in Westminster Abbey - Bishop Colenso - “The Sacred Anthology” - “Vox Populi” - Max Müller and my Anthology - “The Earthward Pilgrimage” , Chapter 46 part 1 - Anthropology - Museum at Oxford - Admission of women to membership of the Anthropological Institute - Hunting for flint arrows - ancient coins - Exploring barrows - Contemporary Stone and bronze Ages - Faraday , Chapter 46 part 2 - Helmholtz in London - Psychological wonders - A.J. Ellis on language - J.M. Spear - London school for spirit mediums - Irvingites and their heretics - George Macdonald as Bunyan’s Christian , Chapter 47 part 1 - Sorby and the spectrum - An excursion with Herbert Spencer - Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) - A strange sect in Scotland - A Dutch criticism on my ministry - My “Earthward Pilgrimage” , Chapter 47 part 2 - A visit to Darwin - Darwin in his garden and laboratory - Blank misgivings - The funeral of Darwin - A French Catholic on Darwinism - Science and ethics - The popular reverence for science , Chapter 48 part 1 - Residence at Hamlet House - Sir Charles and Lady Dilke - W.L. Garrison’s visit - Ex-President Grant in London - Wagner in London - “Hugh Conway” - Ballad of Bedford Park , Chapter 48 part 2 - Edwin Abbey - Cambridge University - Minister Lowell and Selwyn College - Karl Pearson’s Passion Play - Positivist festivals - Dr. Congreve - Frederic Harrison and his wife - Frederic Harrison , Chapter 49 part 1 - London as Mars Hill - Professor Clifford’s apostolate - The Liberal Congress - Clifford’s notes for the congress - The Association - Mohammed Bakher - “Ion’s cartoon of the National Church , Chapter 49 part 2 - The death of Clifford - The Church and Freethought Congresses in England - Dr. Ludwig Buchner - Max Müller on Atheism - Renan in London - The Channing Centenary - Kuenen’s lectures in London , Chapter 50 - Carlyle-Emerson letters - Their theft - Their recovery - Letter from Sir James Stephen - Letter from Emerson , Chapter 51 part 1 - Memoranda - Sara Hennell and George Eliot - Berlin - Herman Grimm - Bismark - Hon. Alphonzo Taft in Russia - A saying of Jesus , Chapter 51 part 2 - The mythical pall-bearer of Shakespeare - “Prisons of Air” - “Edmund Randolph” - Historic studies - Andrew Carnegie - Helen Jackson - “Life of Hawthorne” - Thomas Davidson - Rome - Centenary of South Palace chapel , Chapter 51 part 3 - Life of Thomas Paine - Personal liberty - Letters from Herbert Spencer - My wife’s death - Translating my “Paine” into French - Letter from Frances Power Cobbe , Chapter 51 part 4 - Hawthorne centennial at Concord - Paris as a haven of the disillusioned