Around the World on a Bicycle, Vol. 1

by Thomas STEVENS (1854 - 1935)

XII: Through the Angora-Goat Country, Part 1

Around the World on a Bicycle, Vol. 1

Thomas Stevens was the first person to circle the globe by bicycle, a large-wheeled Ordinary. His journey started in April 1884 in San Francisco from where he cycled to Boston to take a steamer to England. Crossing England, France, Central Europe and Asia Minor before he was turned back at the borders of Afghanistan. He returned part of the way to take a ship to Karachi, from where he crossed India. Another steam ship brought him from Calcutta to Hong Kong, and from Shanghai he set over to Japan, finally ending his journey after actually cycling 13.500 miles in Yokohama, December 1886. This is the first volume of his travel experiences, detailing the part of the journey from San Francisco to Teheran, where he spent the winter. (Summary by Availle)

Listen next episodes of Around the World on a Bicycle, Vol. 1:
XII: Through the Angora-Goat Country, Part 2 , XIII: Bey Bazaar, Angora, and Eastward, Part 2 , XIII: Bey Bazaar, Angora, and Eastward, Part 3 , XVI: Through the Silas Vilayet into Armenia, Part 2 , XVII: Through Erzingan and Erzeroum, Part 2 , XIX: Persia and the Tabreez Caravan Trail, Part 2 , XIII: Bey Bazaar, Angora, and Eastward, Part 1 , XIV: Across the Kizil Irmak River to Yuzgat , XIX: Persia and the Tabreez Caravan Trail, Part 1 , XV: From the Koordish Camp to Yuzgat , XVI: Through the Silas Vilayet into Armenia, Part 1 , XVII: Through Erzingan and Erzeroum, Part 1 , XVIII: Mount Ararat and Koordistan, Part 1 , XVIII: Mount Ararat and Koordistan, Part 2 , XX: Tabreez to Teheran, Part 1 , XX: Tabreez to Teheran, Part 2 , XXI: Teheran, Part 1 , XXI: Teheran, Part 2