聖經 (和合本) 新約:使徒行傳 (Acts)


Chapters 05-06

聖經 (和合本) 新約:使徒行傳 (Acts)

The Chinese Union Version (CUV) (Chinese: 和合本; pinyin: héhé běn; literally "harmonized/united version") is the predominant Chinese language translation of the Bible used by Chinese Protestants. It is considered by many to be the Chinese Protestant’s Bible.The CUV was translated by a panel with members from many different Protestant denominations, using the English Revised Version as a basis and original manuscripts for crosschecking. Work on the CUV began in 1890 and originally three versions of the CUV were planned: two classical Chinese versions and a vernacular Mandarin version. The CUV was completed in 1919, with one amalgamated classical Chinese translation and one vernacular Mandarin translation. With the onset of May Fourth Movement, and the associated New Culture Movement, the CUV is the first translated work to be published in Vernacular Chinese.The CUV in use today is the vernacular Mandarin version, published in two slightly different editions: the Shen Edition (神版) and the Shangti Edition (上帝版), differing in the way the word "God" is translated.《聖經和合本》(簡稱和合本;今指國語和合本,舊稱官話和合本),是今日華語人士最普遍使用的《聖經》譯本。此譯本的出版起源自1890年在上海舉行的傳教士大會,會中各差會派代表成立了三個委員會,各自負責翻譯官話、淺文理及深文理(文言文)譯本。於1904年,《淺文理和合譯本》出版《新約》。《深文理和合譯本》於1906年出版《新約》。1907年大會計劃只譯一部文理譯本,於1919年出版《文理和合譯本》。1906年,官話的翻譯工作完成了《新約》;1919年,《舊約》的翻譯工作完成。在1919年正式出版時,《聖經》譯本名為《官話和合譯本》,從此就成了現今大多數華語教會採用的和合本《聖經》。(Summaries from Wikipedia)

Listen next episodes of 聖經 (和合本) 新約:使徒行傳 (Acts):
Chapters 07-08 , Chapters 09-10 , Chapters 11-12 , Chapters 13-14 , Chapters 15-16 , Chapters 17-18 , Chapters 19-20 , Chapters 21-22 , Chapters 23-24 , Chapters 25-26 , Chapters 27-28