A Book of Discovery

by M. B. SYNGE (1861 - 1939)

Hudson Finds His Bay

A Book of Discovery

Telling the history of geographical discoveries, "Book of Discovery" is a record of splendid endurance, of hardships bravely borne, of silent toil, of courage and resolution unequalled in the annals of mankind, of self-sacrifice unrivalled and faithful lives laid ungrudgingly down. Of the many who went forth, the few only attained. It is of these few that this book tells. (From the Preface of the book).

Listen next episodes of A Book of Discovery:
Baffin Finds His Bay , Baker Finds Albert Nyanza , Behring Finds His Straight , Bruce's Travels in Abyssinia , Burton and Speke in Central Africa , Champlain Discovers Lake Ontario , Cook Discovers New Zealand , Cook's Third Voyage and Death , Dampier Discovers His Straight , Dates of Chief Events , David Livingstone , Early Discoverers of Australia , Expedition to Victoria Nyanza , Flinders Names Australia , Franklin Discovers the North-West Passage , Franklin's Land Voyage to the North , Landers Discover the Mouth of the Niger , Livingston Traces Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa , Livingstone's Last Journey , Mackenzie and His River , Mungo Park and the Niger , Nansen Reaches Farthest North , Nordenskiold Finds North-East Passage , Parry Discovers Lancaster Sound , Parry's Polar Voyage , Peary Reaches the North Pole , Ross Discovers the North Magnetic Pole , Ross Makes Discoveries in the Antarctic Seas , Sir Walter Raleigh Searches for El Dorado , Sturt's Discoveries in Australia , Tasman Finds Tasmania , The Exploration of Tibet , The Frozen North , The Quest for the South Pole , The Search for Timbuktu , Through the Dark Continent , Vancouver Discovers His Island