#202 | Jahresruckblick 2022, Tops & Flops, Predictions 2023

Published: Jan. 3, 2023, 1 a.m.

b"\\xbb Die Themen der Folge 202:\\n---\\nDer gro\\xdfe Jahresr\\xfcckblick inklusive Deep-Dives zu Big-Tech- und Bewertungs-Implosion, Krypto-Kollaps, Elon Musks Twitter-Abenteuer, Generative-AI / ChatGPT und Konsequenzen, \\xf6konomischer Ausblick, u.v.m.\\n\\n(00:03:40) Januar\\n(00:14:46) Februar\\n(00:19:34) M\\xe4rz\\n(00:26:19) April\\n(00:35:52) Mai\\n(00:48:00) Juni\\n(01:00:24) Juli\\n(01:03:36) August\\n(01:06:39) September\\n(01:10:47) Oktober\\n(01:21:18) November\\n(01:32:20) Dezember\\n\\n(01:34:28) Tops & Flops\\n(01:43:20) Predictions\\n\\xf6konomischer Ausblick: \\nhttps://twitter.com/liebermanaustin/status/1605151108946599936 \\nhttps://twitter.com/northmantrader/status/1604161604823687169 \\n\\nSuche ohne Werbung:\\nhttps://neeva.com/\\n\\nBuchempfehlungen:\\nKaty Milkman: \\u201cHow to Change: The Science of Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be\\u201d\\nAnnie Duke: \\u201eThinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts\\u201c\\nMichael Pollan: How to Change Your Mind\\n\\nCatherine Belton : \\u201cPutin's People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took On the West\\u201d\\nTimothy Snyder: On Tyranny and On Ukraine: Lessons from Russia's War on Ukraine\\nNicole Perlroth: \\u201cThis Is How They Tell Me the World Ends: The Cyberweapons Arms Race\\u201d\\n\\nKatrine Mar\\xe7al: Mother of Invention: How Good Ideas Get Ignored in an Economy Built for Men\\nDan McCrum: House of Wirecard\\nMatthew Ball: The Metaverse: And How It Will Revolutionize Everything\\nCade Metz: Genius Maker\\nChris Miller: Chip War"