YBB020: Top Technology Tips for Entrepreneurs from ex Google Gal

Published: Oct. 12, 2014, 1:05 p.m.

b'Maya Geddie is our guest today on Your Business Brilliance. She became a coach to professionals at such major technological businesses as Microsoft, Apple, Google and others. She went out on her own after the company she worked for shut her department down in 201.
You\\u2019ll learn how to handle your worst clients, and how to get away from the bad clients and get more of the ones you want to work with. Including the recognition that bad clients don\\u2019t always know what they want. And, Maya gives some insight on how to help them find that. \\xa0You\\u2019ll also learn what it is Maya Geddie went to university for, and you\\u2019ll learn Sanjay\\u2019s Key Takeaway from the podcast that will help you in any project you\\u2019re involved in currently.