On Routines and Forming Habits, Ep. 22

Published: March 9, 2021, 7:45 a.m.

b'We are back from our winter break! This episode focuses on habits and routines and how they\\u2019re related yet not the same thing. For some people who work from home, it can be difficult to break out of unhealthy habits and establish healthy ones when out of the public eye. For others, it\\u2019s a great opportunity to get a fresh start. When we let some of our bad work and posture habits go unchecked as we are working from a home office, it can lead to avoidable injury. It\\u2019s time to take some bad habits and start to restructure some things to work on replacing old ways with better routines. Building productive routines is easiest with accountability that comes with working directly with another human, whether or not we\\u2019re physically in the same building. If you\\u2019re interested in reaching out for some daily accountability as you\\u2019re working to build some new structure into your day, feel free to reach out to April to discuss where you are at and what you\\u2019d like to establish.'