Welcome to Women Express!

Published: Oct. 14, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

Welcome to the Women Express Podcast!

Welcome to the Women Express! I am Denise Harrington your host, guide, and friend as we navigate the world of finding and using your unique voice. I am delighted and excited to share this podcast with you and am so grateful that you are joining me and the many women who will be sharing with us! You can look forward to weekly discussions that will lead your journey to finding your voice.

I decided to launch this podcast, in order to get the conversation started around women's voices; how to discover, use and express with them in ways that will enrich our lives and that of others. Speaking is one of the most powerful tools you can use to find yourself, establish your leadership and take a stand in the world on a greater scale.

During the program, I will share my expertise highlighting thoughts and tips through the stories and interactions of women who are using their voice for their success.  I hope you will find that there are some amazing life stories and practices shared here and which is meant to help you to discover your uniqueness through your voice on an on-going basis. It is really evident that we are being called to take a greater role in leadership today.  Our voices independently and collectively will make a difference in answering that call!  One Woman's voice standing up for herself and for other women seems alone and small.  However, our voices leveraged within the collective voice of women is POWERFUL! Speak your truth and speak truth to power. Collectively we can move mountains...Speak up...Speak out...Stand up and Stand out!  Come on Women Let's Express!