The Watch, Drugs, and Largesse

Published: Feb. 7, 2020, 9 p.m.

All good things must come to an end, including season 4 of the Portal, but not before we take another look at the laws and ordinances of Ankh Morpork, especially as they apply to the trade in illegal drugs for trolls. 

I also lay out my three options for season 5, which are having more success in getting you the listener to support the show financially, beginning to accept advertising through the emerging mechanism of podcast pools for advertising, or going to 2 episodes a month. It would also be possible to combine #1 and #2, in order to avoid #3. Whatever happens, bonus episodes for Patreon subscribers will not be affected.

I lay out the whys and wherefores in this episode, so here I will just remind you that one-time donations to the show via PayPal, at are much appreciated. The show’s Patreon page, where you can become a subscriber, is at

You can find the Portal blog, Gnomic Musings, at

Remember, only you can perform Random Acts of Kindness. As always, this episode is dedicated to the memory of Sir Terry Pratchett, OBE. Chelonian mobile.