Show Some Character!

Published: Jan. 8, 2021, 4 p.m.

Episode 3

Show Some Character!

It’s time to take another look at some Discworld characters; specifically, some who appear serially but who might be overlooked by a casual listing of such characters. We’re talking Wee Mad Arthur, Mr. Slant, Constable Visit, Casanunda…. you get the idea.

The title of this show is a bit of wordplay. “Show Some Character” = “Some Character Show” (more or less.) Any suggestion that it is in reference to recent events on the section of the Roundworld known (at least for now) as The United States is in error; for any such resemblance is, of course, purely coincidental.

This week’s contest question is: “What does Dr. Hopkins regularly bring Jeremy Clockson?”

Remember to support the work of Medieval Gnome Productions, which produces The GEM Show in addition to the Portal, by sending a one-time PayPal donation to, or by visiting our Patreon page at

GNU Terry Pratchett

The Turtle Moves