I was Aching this morning, and I'll still be Aching tonight

Published: Oct. 6, 2019, 6 p.m.

The Portal's opening was delayed two days this week due to the classic "family emergency." My wife ended up in the hospital, but she's home and doing fine. And here is this week's episode, albeit two days late.

This week we conclude our discussion of the witches of the Discworld with a look at the newest and youngest of their number, Tiffany Aching. 

To enter the season three lottery (for a copy of The Discworld Atlas) just send an email stating your favorite Discworld character to randy@mindkindle.net. There were only two entrants last week so make sure and get your entry in this week! 

The topic for next week's show will be chosen by one of our Patreon subscribers. You can visit the Portal's Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21210045.