As Above, So Below (or something like that)

Published: Sept. 20, 2020, 1 a.m.

Just sharing the wealth. I have an extra hour's worth of time for September on my Buzzsprout account, and what better than to use it to share a one-hour special episode of the Portal with you?

In this show we take a high-altitude look at the lands around the Circle Sea, explore names some more, and consider character's driving force in the Discworld novels.

I'm looking for short (30 seconds or less) recordings about the show or the Disc from you the listeners. I can take care of the technical stuff. All you have to do is send me the recording. 

I would also love to find an artistic listener who would like to design a new logo for the show. If you're interested, send me an email. Likewise if you have any interest in voicing a Discworld character for the show. 

As always, you can reach me at You can also join our Discord server, Friends of Ponder's Wizardly Portal, easy peasy.