Building the Foundation of a Solid Strength Training Program with Dr. Andy Galpin

Published: April 12, 2023, noon


On this week\\u2019s episode, WHOOP VP of Performance Science Kristen Holmes is joined by Dr. Andy Galpin. Dr. Galpin is a professor of kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton and an expert in exercise science. He is also the Director of the Center for Sport Performance at CSU Fullerton where he conducts kinesiology and human performance research. Dr. Galpin and Kristen will discuss how to Dr. Galpin describes strength training (3:00), getting started on a program (5:45), neural adaptations and how muscles and bones work together (7:40), how to train differently based on your desired results (14:00), training for high performance vs. longevity (20:55), how speed plays a role in strength training (29:40), recommendations for a basic training routine (36:45), how Andy trains his pro athletes (47:15), tips on how to accelerate recovery (50:25), strength training advice for women (55:35), and the best tips to optimize your strength training program (58:47).

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Dr. Galpin\\u2019s Website

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