Working Remotely and Future Work

Published: March 27, 2020, 10 a.m.

Working remotely and future work: How the COVID-19 Coronavirus is pivoting people and careers. About this episode: "An inflection point is something that can have a seismic effect on what we call a 10x impact on the business model as you know it today. When we sit back and look at what we are doing with COVID-19, I would say we are at an inflection point right now." - Carla A. Fleming, CEO and Founder of Pivoting Strategies   Carla Fleming has teleworked for half of her business career. And over that time, she developed and perfected time-management hacks that render the remote-work day both productive and successful. Working Remotely and Future Work: An Inflection Point Carla is a management consultant who studies market trends and business best-practices. She says that the COVID-19 Coronavirus has brought us to an inflection point that will permanently change how we work. In this episode, we discuss Carla's thoughts on how: Work is changing as a result of COVID-19 and social distancing. Starts at 1:55 People can scaffold their skill and experience of working from home. Starts at 8:15 Things are going to change. Starts at 17:10 About our guest: Carla A. Fleming received a Bachelor of Science in Management, with coursework concentration in Journalism and Mass Media, from Rutgers University. She also earned a Master’s degree in Business Administration from The George Washington University. She lives and works in the Washington, D.C. suburbs of Northern Virginia. EPISODE DATE: March 27, 2020 Social media: Pivoting Strategies, LLC – Website LinkedIn Profile Twitter Instagram Photo credits: Mom Working From Home, dragana991 for iStock Photo; Portrait, Carla A. Fleming