The Future of Work in Water

Published: Sept. 4, 2020, 10 a.m.

Will Sarni sees the future of work in water. “When I started my career, I worked for a gentleman, David Miller. The name of the company was Geraghty & Miller, and, he said ‘[If] you want a career in water, it will last forever, it will last a lifetime, because it is a public health issue.’” -Will Sarni, Founder and CEO Water Foundry, LLC There is a future of work in water, because our planet is covered mostly in water. And scarcity of clean, potable water remains the planet's biggest problem to solve. Will Sarni built an impressive career as a world-recognized expert on water. His mission is to help people, communities, companies, and organizations ensure access to clean water. In this episode, Will: Relives his early interest in water and the start of his career. Starts at 3:18 Explains water scarcity. Starts at 6:27 Describes the new technologies helping to mitigate global clean water shortages. Starts at 16:13 Discusses the impact water careers will have on the future of work. Starts at 18:54 Introduces his podcast, The Stream. Starts at 20:24 About our guest: Will Sarni is an internationally recognized thought-leader on water strategy and innovation. He has authored numerous books and articles and presented on: the value of water; innovations in digital water technology; the circular economy, and; the energy-water-food nexus. In April 2020, with UK-based co-host Tom Freyberg, he launched The Stream Podcast. Will earned a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in Earth & Environmental Sciences from Queens College in New York. He lives and works in Denver, Colorado. EPISODE DATE: September 4, 2020 Social media: LinkedIn Profile Water Foundry Website The Stream on Apple Podcast The Stream YouTube Channel World Economic Forum: Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Water (White Paper) Image credits: Water poured into glass, Alter_photo for iStock Photo; Will Sarni portrait, Water Foundry. Please check out our most recent podcast episodes and blog posts on The Dan Smolen Experience website.