Never Normal is the Future of Work

Published: Aug. 14, 2020, 10 a.m.

Is Never Normal the future of work? Author and business futurist Greg Verdino believes that the answer is YES. "Leaders need to become more comfortable with how to manage [people] remotely, and, I think, [have always had] this problem in that they hire adults and treat them like children." - Author and Business Futurist Greg Verdino In his new book Never Normal: Uncommon Ideas for Leaders Who Don’t Settle for the Status Quo, Greg Verdino describes how the answer to constant disruption at work is not technology but rather agile and resilient people. The pandemic provided a perfect backdrop for discussing with Greg the dramatic forces that have, in an instant, upset our traditional ways of working. With sudden changes in where we work, the work that we do, and so much uncertainty in what it means to do work, Never Normal is the future of work. In this episode, Greg: Describes what Never Normal: Uncommon Ideas for Leaders Who Don't Settle for the Status Quo is about and why he wrote it. Starts at 1:48 Offers why a lack of resources is a "lame excuse" for today's management. Starts at 3:45 Provides his thoughts on how Never Normal enmeshes into the future of work. Starts at 8:41 Responds to the question: will Never Normal be the death of big companies? Starts at 18:33 Describing the Never Normal paradigm shift, Greg says of the future of work: "This is what work looks like now, and, I don't think we are going to go back. You can't shove it back into a box." About our guest: Greg Verdino is a highly regarded authority on “the digital now.” He is a veteran marketing executive who has done brilliant work for leading advertised brands, and, the co-founder of Adapt Manifesto. Greg earned a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Wesleyan University. He lives and works in the Long Island suburbs of New York City. EPISODE DATE: August 14, 2020 Social media: - Website - Twitter - Amazon Book Page - Adapt Manifesto Image credits: Fire extinguisher on an office chair, talaj for iStockPhoto; Never Normal dust cover, Greg Verdino; Portrait, Greg Verdino. Please check out our most recent podcast episodes and blog posts on The Dan Smolen Experience website.