Mastering Time for Future Work

Published: May 13, 2022, 9:45 a.m.

Future of Work Sherpa Dan Smolen explores mastering time for future work with guest Kris Ward. Kris is the host of the Win the Hour, Win the Day Podcast. She counsels entrepreneurs on how to manage their time resources so that they become successful in work, but also in life. Main podcast segment starts at 3:02 Time mastery is critical for success in the future of work. And to that end, Kris and Dan cover a lot of ground around time mastery including: The unique value proposition for Win the Hour, Win the Day. Starts at 4:13 How the notion of working a lot of hours is believed to be good. Starts at 6:43 A deep dive into her "Super Tool Kit" and what makes it effective. Starts at 11:07 Why entrepreneurs and career professionals get jammed up with "time sucks." Starts at 12:01 Infrastruture in the future of work frame. Starts at 14:00 The ways quality of work and life improves with time mastery. Starts at 16:50 The powerful outcome of giving up tasks. Starts at 18:32 In a future of work frame, getting away from the notion that the amount of time expensed in work is everything. Starts at 24:15 Mastering time for future work allows entrepreneurs and career professionals to thrive in work and life. Main podcast segment starts at 3:02 About our guest: Kris Ward is a leading authority on scaling business and maximizing the resource of time. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Ryerson University. Kris lives and works in the province of Ontario, Canada. EPISODE DATE: May 13, 2022 Social media: – LinkedIn – Twitter – Instagram – Podcast – Website Please Subscribe to The Dan Smolen Podcast on: – Apple Podcast – Android – Google Podcasts – Pandora – Spotify – Stitcher – TuneIn …or wherever you get your podcasts. You may also click HERE to receive our podcast episodes by email. Image credits: Clock, Valerii Evalakhov for iStock Photo; Portrait, Kris Ward; podcast button, J. Brandt Studio for The Dan Smolen Experience.