Feeding Needy Kids During Pandemic

Published: March 13, 2020, midnight

It is a monumental task to feed needy kids during pandemic lockdowns and disruptions. About this episode: Adelle Settle is the founder of Settle the Debt, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Through Settle the Debt, Adelle does meaningful work in ensuring that kids in-need get healthy meals at their public schools. She updates us on the success her organization has enjoyed in paying off thousands of dollars in accumulated student lunch debt at public schools in her Northern Virginia community. We also talk about the fast spreading COVID-19 Coronavirus, and plans to make sure that kids who rely on school-served meals get fed, even if their schools suddenly close. During this podcast episode we discuss: Settle the Debt's big fundraise which helped pay off school lunch debt for hundreds of children. Starts at 2:39 New laws in Virginia which make sure that kids-in-need get healthy meals at school. Starts at 4:00 How children who depend on school-served meals will get fed if COVID-19 Coronavirus shuts down schools. Starts at 7:30 The organization's future plans. Starts at 13:37 About our guest: Adelle Settle received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Albion College, and a Juris Doctorate from George Mason University. She and her family live in Prince William County, Virginia. EPISODE DATE: March 12, 2020 Social Media: Facebook Instagram Twitter Website – Make a Donation Photo credits: Mask-wearing child with laptop, MarsYu for iStock Photo; Adelle Settle and Dan Smolen at school building (11/2019), Adelle Settle CORRECTION: In this interview, White House Cabinet member Sonny Purdue was incorrectly described as the Secretary of Health and Human Services. In fact, Mr. Purdue is the Secretary of Agriculture (USDA).