Explore Future Work Opportunities

Published: May 14, 2021, 10 a.m.

Explore future work opportunities to live your dreams of doing meaningful work. Paired with dreams, strategy, and action, exploration helps us to achieve career success. These four components weave together like DNA, in countless combinations, to create a pathway for people to seek and do meaningful work. In this episode, Dan recalls the impact of Seventh Grade Career Day on his lifetime of work. And his guest, Professor Anne Holton of George Mason University, provides thought-leadership on how early career education can become truly meaningful. Interview starts at 12:23 Dan describes the positive impact of his first career mentor: "[My career exploration] got its first traction because of [TV broadcast executive and former kid's show star] Hal Shaw. Mr. Shaw was the first mentor of many to encourage me to develop my writing skills and, in high school get involved in journalism." When he explored future work opportunities, Dan got closer to his dreams of doing meaningful work. About our guest: Anne Holton grew up in a family committed to public service. Her father, Linwood Holton, is a former governor of Virginia. During her successful career, Anne served as: Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Judge for the City of Richmond, Virginia (1996-98); Virginia’s First Lady when her husband, Tim Kaine, was governor (2006-2009); Virginia’s Secretary of Education (2014-2016), and: Interim President of George Mason University (2019-2020). Currently, she is Professor of Public Policy and Education for GMU’s Schar School of Policy and Government. Anne earned a bachelor’s degree from Princeton University’s School of Public and International Affairs and a Juris Doctorate from the Harvard University School of Law. She and her husband, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, reside in Richmond, Virginia. EPISODE DATE: May 14, 2021 Social media: – GMU Schar School Website – Professor Anne Holton's Twitter Page – Professor Anne Holton's Full Podcast Episode Appearance (September 25, 2020) Please Subscribe to The Dan Smolen Podcast on: – Apple Podcast – Android – Google Podcasts – Pandora – Spotify – Stitcher – TuneIn …or wherever you get your podcasts. You may also click HERE to receive our podcast episodes by email. Image credits: Exploring careerist, Choreograph for iStock Photo; Professor Anne Holton portrait, George Mason University; Podcast button, J. Brandt Studio for The Dan Smolen Experience.