Toms Story - How I Turned $50 into $7,000 in 7 Days. A Lesson In Getting Started

Published: March 24, 2020, 2 p.m.


From restaurant manager to successfully growing a six-figure digital agency in Maui, Tom Gaddis shares how he started it all. He is the owner of PS Direct Marketing, Hands Off Media, and is a co-founder of Offline Sharks. For the first episode, take a sneak peek into Tom\\u2019s work history, discover what gave him the idea to start his own business, and find out how he turned his $50 into $7,000 in a week!

\\u201cYou\\u2019re always getting ready to get ready.\\u201d - Tom Gaddis

\\xa0In This Episode:

- Why Tom started his own business

- What you should focus on to get the cash flowing

- The postcard idea that started it all

- Key lessons from Tom\\u2019s first business venture

- Action steps you need to take today




\\xa0Connect with Tom Gaddis:
