Bitcoin, The Critical Money Layer with Nik Bhatia

Published: Oct. 14, 2022, 11:47 a.m.


\\u201cAll of that monetary profligacy over the last 10 years put the Fed\\u2019s reputation on watch; everybody and their mother knows about the Fed and its willingness to just do QE infinity, and so in a post-pandemic world where they got caught, basically, without a plan, now they have to preserve their reputation.\\u201d
\\u2014 Nik Bhatia

Nik Bhatia is Author of Layered Money and founder of In this interview, we discuss Jeff Snider\\u2019s Eurodollar ideas: how all money is credit money; why Bitcoin will be a check, but will not replace, fractional reserve banking; and how Bitcoin will complement the dollar as a generational store of value.

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Three months ago we interviewed Jeff Snider who discussed the Eurodollar system, how Central Banks aren\\u2019t in control of the levers of money, and why we could be entering a deflationary depression. The show generated a huge amount of interest, particularly because despite the Eurodollar system being opaque and poorly understood, it is arguably a central cog in the global economy.

Nik Bhatia, amongst other esteemed commentators, was compelled to respond to Jeff\\u2019s show. This is because Jeff\\u2019s ideas and the way he presents them are enlightening and engaging. There is broad agreement regarding the unacknowledged criticality of this part of the global economic system, and the resultant challenge it presents for being able to define money.

There is also consensus that inflation won\\u2019t be the runaway phenomenon some are warning of, because the impact of QE was offset by tightening in the Eurodollar market. As such, deflationary pressures could soon become apparent meaning banks should be taking more risk to stimulate growth. It is fair to state Nic is an admirer of Jeff: Nic attributes Jeff\\u2019s seminal work to helping him develop Layered Money.

However, Nic does also have some important divergent opinions from Jeff. Nik believes that the banking system isn\\u2019t out of control. Whilst it doesn\\u2019t necessarily have the power it seeks to portray it does, neither is it an impotent bystander. The recent moves to quell inflation have only just begun in earnest. Could the Fed show that it has teeth in this regard?

What is most illuminating however is their convergent ideas around Bitcoin. Whilst presented in different ways, they both see Bitcoin\\u2019s role as an important store of value. They also agree that fiat\\u2019s elasticity will continue to be a desired utility. What Nik leads on in this regard is that Bitcoin can act as a vital check on fiat and Central Banks: it makes money pluralist.

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This episode\\u2019s sponsors:
Gemini - Buy Bitcoin instantly
Ledn - Financial services for Bitcoin hodlers
Bitcasino - The Future of Gaming is here
Pacific Bitcoin - Bitcoin\\u2011only event, Nov 10 & 11, 2022
Ledger - State of the art Bitcoin hardware wallet
Wasabi Wallet - Privacy by default
Texas Blockchain Summit - Nov 17-18, 2022 | Austin, Texas
BCB Group - Global digital financial Services


WBD567 - Show Notes


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