Ep.93 The Siren's Song - Something Under the Water WANTS YOU DEAD!

Published: July 21, 2021, 4 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
Something under that water sings beautifully... and hides a DEADLY secret, waiting to bring you under!
Siren\'s Song by Joe Solmo
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Music by Ray Mattis http://raymattispresents.bandcamp.com
Produced by Daniel Wilder
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Jacob watched as his uncle headed towards the rustic one room cabin that sat on the riverbank. He wondered how he was supposed enjoy himself up here with his uncle. It had only been three days since his mother\\u2019s funeral. A car accident took her from him, she was on her way to pick him up from a friend\\u2019s house, after a night of trying out Dungeons & Dragons. The night was fun, he was all smiles until the phone rang at Keith\\u2019s house and Keith\\u2019s mom had to drive him home. She wouldn\\u2019t explain why, but Jacob could tell by the look on her face something was wrong.
They never caught the person who crossed the double yellow lines and hit his mother head-on. They fled the stolen car and the scene on foot before the police arrived and found her there. Jacob overheard the officer say that she was still alive when they arrived, but passed shortly after. They found several beer cans in the other car, and thought it might have been a drunk or teens out for a joy ride, but no one knew for sure. There was no justice, just loss. It really wasn\\u2019t fair.
When Uncle Greg showed up to help them with arrangements and daily household stuff, Jacob was glad. His father seemed lost, he\\u2019d just stare out the window at the driveway, like he expected his wife to pull in any minute. At times, Jacob wanted to join him, wanted to believe that it was all a mistake and his mother would be home in time for dinner and complain has his father overcooked the roast.
The night after the funeral his father suggested he go to bed early, and to be honest, Jacob didn\\u2019t feel like staying up. As he finished brushing his teeth, he could hear his uncle and father talking on the back deck. The window was open on the warm August night. He dragged the stool over to the window he used to use to brush his teeth so he could peek out.
His father was still wearing his white shirt and tie, the latter hanging loosely to the side as his father raised a glass to his lips. He turned towards his Glen.
\\u201cYou know why I don\\u2019t want to go back up there,\\u201d Jacob\\u2019s father said after swallowing.
\\u201cIt would do the both of you good to get away. Come up to the river camp. It will be like old times, Jason,\\u201d Glen replied. \\u201cThe boy should be up there too, get away from this place.\\u201d
\\u201cToo many memories. Memories of her. You know not all the memories up there are good ones,\\u201d Jason said. They sat in silence for a minute and Jacob got bored. He climbed down and put his wooden stool away. He thought it was odd that his father told his uncle that he met mom at the cabin. When he asked for a school project, his parents had told him they met at a school dance.
Jacob snapped out of his memory and looked at the river as it flowed by. So, this was where his father and mother met. He looked up and down the shore and wondered which of the houses had belonged to his mother\\u2019s family. He had never met anyone from his mother\\u2019s side. She told him they had all died when she was young.
Before he knew it, he was standing at the water\\u2019s edge. Something had drawn him there. There was something comforting about the way the water lazily passed by the large boulder near the weathered dock. He walked out onto the aged wooden planks until he reached the edge and looked down at the reflection of the sunset and mountains in the river. He stared intensely into the water, there was something there, just under the surface, but he couldn\\u2019t make it out. Pastels reminiscent of Easter covered the swirling water, keeping its underwater secrets from him.
He slapped a mosquito as it tried to make a meal of him. A look out on the water showed all kinds of insects swimming just above the surface of the water, and he regretted not bringing a long sleeve shirt to cover up. Jacob had never been fishing before, he wondered if he would like it. Maybe if it was a video game. Then he wouldn\\u2019t have to worry about the bugs.
\\u201cThere you are Jake,\\u201d came Uncle Greg\\u2019s voice from behind him. \\u201cLet\\u2019s get all the bags inside. It\\u2019s really cooling down; the browns should be out soon.\\u201d
Jacob didn\\u2019t know what a brown was. He assumed it was some kind of fish, or maybe an insect since there were so many of those out. He grabbed his duffel bag from the back of the truck and with a grunt lifted it over the side of the truck. It took both hands to carry it to the house with a week\\u2019s worth of clothes inside it. \\u201cWhat\\u2019s a brown?\\u201d he asked his uncle as he caught up to him, out of breath.
\\u201cTrout, boy. Brown trout. It\\u2019s on the menu for tonight. They love to eat those bugs there and will be right up near the surface. Easy pickin\\u2019s,\\u201d Uncle Greg replied.
\\u201cEww, they eat bugs?\\u201d Jacob asked.
\\u201cSure do, it\\u2019s a source of protein for them.\\u201d
\\u201cDo they taste like bugs when you eat them?\\u201d asked Jacob.
\\u201cNot at all, they\\u2019re delicious,\\u201d his uncle replied with a laugh and put his bag down on the old worn couch. \\u201cYou take the bed; I will take the couch.\\u201d
Jacob looked at the bed by the window. It had a nice view of the river; he carried his bag over to the bed and plopped in on there without taking his eyes off the river. A boat was heading upriver, the steady drone of its motor almost trancelike. He watched it until it was out of site.
\\u201cHow come you don\\u2019t have a motorboat like that, Uncle Glen?\\u201d Jacob asked.
\\u201cWell honestly, I can\\u2019t afford one. I am not very good with money,\\u201d Glen said laughing as he set down the cooler by the old sink. Jacob had not even seen his uncle to go back out to the truck to get the cooler.
\\u201cDad says you whizz it away, but I don\\u2019t know what that means,\\u201d Jacob said.
\\u201cYeah well, when we were growing up, your father had it easier that I did making friends. I found my friend in a bottle. Y\\u2019understand?\\u201d Uncle Glen asked gathering up the fishing gear and heading towards the door.
\\u201cYeah,\\u201d Jacob said, but had no idea what his uncle was talking about.
The canoe was so shaky it felt like if Jacob sneezed he would send the thing over and he\\u2019d have to swim back to the cabin. So he sat very still, white-knuckle gripping the sides of the aluminum canoe in order to prevent his imaginary catastrophe. His uncle paddled them upriver a bit to a spot he said he knew where there was a deep pool that the browns liked to hang out in. They would drift with the current from above it so the fish wouldn\\u2019t hear the splashing of the oars and get spooked.
Even though he was terrified of the canoe tipping, Jacob wasn\\u2019t afraid of the river itself. Once again, he felt a calmness when he looked out on it. There was something familiar about the river, something comforting. It took a few minutes for him to get up the nerve to let go of one side of the canoe and reach down to the water, letting his fingers drag in the cool water.
\\u201cWell, here we are,\\u201d his uncle said and slid the canoe just upstream of a fallen log to keep the watercraft in place. \\u201cYou ready to catch some fish?\\u201d
Jacob watched his uncle take a rod out from a tube and fit the ends together until the thing was almost as long as the canoe. He had seen rods in fishing shows before, but this one was super long and the line was brightly colored. He watched as is uncle tied a tiny little poofy thing to the end.
\\u201cHere take this,\\u201d Glen said, thrusting the rod towards his nephew. Jacob reached out slowly to take the rod from his uncle, daring to rise a little from his safely seated position. As he sat back down, he felt something bump the canoe.
\\u201cWhat was that?\\u201d he asked nervously, looking around wide-eyed.
\\u201cWe just brushed up against a log, nothing to worry about,\\u201d his uncle said and started to fit together another rod. \\u201cAll I have are these fly-fishing rods, it\\u2019s a little harder to cast, but the browns love the flies on the end,\\u201d his uncle explained and stood up in the canoe making it shake more than Jacob would have liked.
Uncle Glen gave a false cast and sent the line shooting out the end upstream. Jacob watched the graceful cast. It was easy to see the bright orange line make its way back downriver to them. His uncle cast this way three more times, explaining to Jacob how it worked, but Jacob wasn\\u2019t about to stand up in the boat now.
He felt another bump on the canoe. This time he swore he felt something tapping on the bottom of the boat. \\u201cWhat is that?\\u201d Jacob asked, terrified.
\\u201cThere are all kinds of noises, kid. It could be anything, a branch, a turtle. Nothing to worry about either way,\\u201d Uncle Glen explained and sat back down in the canoe. He reached into the bag he brought with them and pulled out a beer. \\u201cIf you were another year older, I would let you have one, but eleven is just too young to drink beer.\\u201d
\\u201cThat\\u2019s ok. I don\\u2019t want a drink,\\u201d Jacob said.
\\u201cGood boy, don\\u2019t want to end up like me,\\u201d His uncle answered putting down the beer to grab his paddle. \\u201cLet\\u2019s move a little farther downstream and give it another go.\\u201d
Jacob nodded and looked overboard as his uncle maneuvered them out into the current to take them downstream.
Jacob. Jacob can you hear me.
His young eyes widened as he heard the familiar voice. It couldn\\u2019t be. How could he hear his mother? She was dead! He looked at his uncle to see if he heard it too, but he just guided the canoe down river.
Jacob. It\\u2019s your mother. Can you hear me, child?
Jacob tried to swallow, but his throat went dry. The hairs on his neck stood up. This can\\u2019t be happening.
\\u201cUncle Gl'