Ep.9 Home For Christmas - Bloody Holiday Horror

Published: Dec. 24, 2019, 5:06 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
A frozen hell brings evil to an all girl academy on Christmas Eve... and it\'s very hungry.
Home for Christmas by Shane Migliavacca
Music by Ray Mattis
Produced by Daniel Wilder
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\\u201cIt\\u2019s never going to stop snowing.\\u201d Kat Walker said to herself, watching as never-ending white fell outside. The dying embers of the day cast a soft glow that lit the snow covered landscape in a blood red hue. The wind howled, making the old walls of the house creak and strain.\\xa0
Kat was alone in the parlor; the gathering place for most of the social activity at Blackoaks. A tall Christmas tree sat in the room\\u2019s center, it\\u2019s lights blinking on and off. The smell of cinnamon delighted Kat\\u2019s senses. Cinnamon cookie ornaments hung from the tree\\u2019s branches, crafted in various Christmas related forms; Santa, Frosty, snowflakes and Christmas trees\\u2026 lovingly made by Blackoaks\\u2019 resident cook, Mallory Horst. A fire crackled in the fire place and the scent of burning wood hung in the air.
The sound of whisky flowing over ice pulled Kat from her thoughts. She watched fellow student Georgina Harris enter, reflected in the glass of the window. Georgina returned her metal flask to the folds of her expensive robe before crashing to the couch. The chic brunette lounged on the couch, her sleek legs visible at the robe\\u2019s part. Taking a sip of whisky, she lit a cigarette. \\u201cThe weather outside is indeed frightful little Kitten.\\u201d \\xa0
Kat turned, angry at the interruption. She spun around so fast, her long Raven black hair fell across her eyes, stinging them.
\\u201cWhat are you doing?\\u201d Kat blurted out. Her anger getting the better of her.
\\u201cWorking towards a career in alcoholism and nicotine addiction.\\u201d Georgina smirked, raising her glass in a toast. \\u201cJust like dear old mom.\\u201d
\\u201cYou know the house rules.\\u201d Kat said, \\u201cIf Miss Keene sees you.\\u201d Her voice lowered as if saying the woman\\u2019s name would summon the headmistress out of thin air.
\\u201cDon\\u2019t worry about it.\\u201d Georgina took a puff off her cigarette. \\u201cIt\\u2019s not your ass on the line if I\\u2019m caught Kitten.\\u201d
\\u201cFine\\u201d Kat gave up. Why did she care if the bitch got in trouble anyway? \\u201cAnd, my name is Kat. I hate it when you call me Kitten.\\u201d
Girls like Georgina were the reason Kat was at Blackoaks. She\\u2019d gotten in her fair share of fights with girls that thought they were better then her\\u2026 thought they could tell Kat her place. Expulsion for Kat soon followed nearly every time.\\xa0
A slight, red-haired girl with a fox-like face stood framed in the doorway. Her freckled brow wrinkled in concern. She was wearing a snug, if preposterous, sweater; robots danced around a Christmas tree on it\\u2019s front, and a pair of pale blue jeans.\\xa0
\\u201cThere you guys are.\\u201d Sue McCoy said, sounding relieved. \\u201cMiss Keene wanted to know if you guys wanted to exchange Christmas presents now or in the morning.\\u201d
Kat looked down at the presents, neatly arranged under the tree. She wondered how the tree looked at home. Her mom would have it all decked out with all the usual ornaments. This would be the first year Kat wouldn\\u2019t be there to help her decorate it. She was stuck here, at Blackoaks boarding school\\u2026 mainly for the simple fact that her parents couldn\\u2019t afford to come and get her\\u2026 even if the weather did permit.
Not that she was the only one stuck here for Christmas break. Georgina\\u2019s mom and her new girlfriend where off to Barcelona for the holiday. Sue was still here because she preferred it to her home life. Why, Kat really wasn\\u2019t sure, nor did she want to pry.\\xa0
The other two students still here, Lois Kincade and Alison Gordy, were both stuck due to the sudden onslaught of the freak blizzard assaulting half the country. Besides the remaining five girls, there was Miss Keene and Mallory still at the school.
Georgina kicked one of the presents under the tree with a outstretched leg. \\u201cI say we get this shit over with.\\u201d\\xa0
Sue turned to Kat.\\xa0
\\u201cYeah, why not.\\u201d Kat answered.\\xa0
A half hour later, wrapping paper littered the parlor\\u2019s royal blue carpet. The girls had done a \\u2018Secret Santa\\u2019, ensuring that each girl got a gift and they didn\\u2019t have to spend a lot of money getting multiple presents.
Kat sat with her knees drawn up on the floor, clutching her gift in her arms\\u2026 a simple black T-shirt with \\u2018I\\u2019m against It!\\u2019 written on it\\u2019s front in a spray paint font. Whoever had drawn Kat\\u2019s name, they certainly knew her tastes.\\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0
Sitting next to her was Mallory. The cook was only a few years older then her and lived in town with her mother, who had held the position previously until injuring her back. Now her daughter supported her.
Kat had bonded with her, both feeling very much the outsider at Blackoaks. Mallory had a crisp, no bullshit way of looking at things, and never sat around feeling sorry for herself or whining about the shit life had handed to her. It was something Kat aspired to do herself.\\xa0
Mallory\\u2019s Secret Santa bought her a simple pendent necklace. She wore it proudly around her neck. Turning to simile at Kat as they all laughed at one of Miss Keene\\u2019s stories.\\xa0
Kat drifted in and out of the story the woman was telling. Her ears picking up bits and pieces of the news playing on the TV behind them.\\xa0
\\u201c...storm of the century\\u2026flights canceled\\u2026power outages\\u2026escaped mental patients\\u2026pile up on the thruway\\u2026\\u201d
The girls all laughed again and Kat joined in instinctively. Her thoughts turned back towards home. Were mom and dad celebrating tonight? Was mom making her annual Christmas lasagna tomorrow? She hoped her parents were safe and happy.\\xa0
\\u201cWhat\\u2019s on your mind?\\u201d\\xa0
Kat turned to see Mallory looking at her.\\xa0
\\u201cNothing, just Christmas at home.\\u201d Kat answered.
\\u201cMiss your folks?\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cYeah, we don\\u2019t always get along\\u2026 but this time of year though, all the shit of the year disappears.\\u201d Kat smiled, thinking about that warm feeling she got, sitting around the tree on Christmas morning. \\u201cHow about you?\\u201d
\\u201cHope I can get back into town tomorrow. Spend the day with mom.\\u201d
\\u201cHold hands you love birds.\\u201d Georgina mocked them. The heavy scent of whisky hung in the air as she spoke.\\xa0
Mallory made a face. \\u201cGod, you\\u2019re drunk.\\u201d
Georgina laughed. \\u201cFuck yeah townie!\\u201d
Kat noticed a repeated thumping sound under the din of the girl\\u2019s laughter and the TV. It grew louder and more ferocious as seconds ticked by, until finally\\u2026
\\u201cSomeone\\u2019s here!\\u201d Kat said, springing up from the floor.\\xa0
All eyes turned towards her. They stared as if she was in a one woman play, written by a psychotic. \\xa0
\\u201cAt the door!\\u201d Kat added, already headed to the foyer.\\xa0
Kat fumbled with the door lock as the knocking outside intensified. Miss Keene and the girls gathered behind her.\\xa0
\\u201cI told ya, there\\u2019s somebody at the door.\\u201d Kat felt vindicated as the knocking continued.\\xa0
\\u201cMaybe you shouldn\\u2019t open that door.\\u201d Sue spoke up. \\u201cIt could be a\\u2026you know\\u2026a crazy person.\\u201d
\\u201cIt might be a rapist.\\u201d Lois said.\\xa0
\\u201cOr a Holy Roller.\\u201d Georgina added. \\u201cWe\\u2019ll be buried in Watchtowers.\\u201d\\xa0
From the other side of the door, a man spoke. \\u201cPlease, I know your in there. I need help.\\u201d
Kat looked to Miss Keene for guidance. The head mistress nodded her approval.
Without hesitation, Kat unlocked the door. Wind and snow assaulted her immediately. A man, looking half dead, stood at the center of the maelstrom. His hair whipped about as if alive, and his eyes were wide with panic. The man stumbled into the house, helped along by Kat and Miss Keene.
Sue struggled to shut the door behind them, the snow and wind fighting her. Mallory stepped in and helped her close the door.
\\u201cWell this is something.\\u201d Georgina observed the scene before her.\\xa0
They took the stranger into the dining room. A large wood table sat at room\\u2019s center. The room much like the living room had been decorated for the holiday; lights and garland ran along the walls, and the table was covered by a table cloth and place mats depicting Santa and his Reindeer on Christmas night.
Alison pulled out one of the chairs for the disheveled man.\\xa0
\\u201cGet him a blanket and some coffee.\\u201d Miss Keene instructed Alison and Lois, sending the two girls racing off in opposite directions.\\xa0
\\u201cI told them. \\u2018I\\u2019ll be home for Christmas\\u2019\\u201d the man said through chapped lips. He looked up into Kat\\u2019s eyes. \\u201cMy wife and son, they\\u2019re waiting for me.\\u201d
Miss Keene took the blanket from a returning Alison and draped it over the man\\u2019s shoulders. \\u201cWere you in an accident?\\u201d\\xa0
The man hugged the blanket to himself before nodding. \\u201cOur bus went off the road, the snow made it hard to see.\\u201d
Lois came back with a steaming cup of coffee. The man gladly took the mug. Holding it in his hands for the warmth it radiated.\\xa0
\\u201cWhere about did you crash?\\u201d Miss Keene asked. \\u201cHow many people on the bus besides you?\\u201d
\\u201cI don\\u2019t know where. The storm made it hard to see any landmarks.\\u201d The man took a sip of coffee. \\u201cTen, I think there was ten on the bus.\\u201d He pondered this for a moment before continuing. \\u201cI went for help. Got lost.\\u201d He laughed grimly. \\u201cI was in the army. Some tracker I turned out to be. I used to go through the jungle like nothing.\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cWe should call the police.\\u201d Lois said.\\xa0
\\u201cAnd tell them what?\\u201d Georgina pointed out. \\u201cWe don\\u2019t know where this guy crashed? Where we gonna send \\u2018em?\\u201d
Mallory stepped forward. \\u201cShe\\u2019s right.\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cWe should get you to the hospital.\\u201d Miss Keene said, turning towards the man.\\xa0
\\u201cI\\u2019ll call for an ambulance,\\u201d The headmistress left.\\xa0
There were only two working phones at Blackoaks; one in Miss Keene\\u2019s office and the other in the Rec room. The girl\\u2019s weren\\u2019t allowed to have cell phones as they were felt to be too much of a distraction from their studies. The same went for thee internet. The girls were allowed laptops for assignments, but even those couldn\\u2019t go online.\\xa0