Ep.86 Catalyst - A KILLER is Born!

Published: June 2, 2021, 4 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
The so called "Angel of Death" has been killing lots of criminals in Strickfield, but how did she start and who can possibly catch her?!
Catalyst by Rob Fields
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Drake Kazmierczak had been on the road for a few hours. He had packed up and left his job as a detective at the Erie City Police Department. He was on his way to Strickfield to take an opening for a detective within their police department. Although Drake\\u2019s uncle, Jeffrey, was the chief of police, he didn\\u2019t actually take the job to be closer to his uncle \\u2013 and Drake was very close to Uncle Jeffrey. No, he had a pretty good idea that a certain Angel of Death was currently residing in Strickfield; his months of research had told him that it was a good eighty-seven percent certainty.\\xa0
Drake tightened his grip on the steering wheel as he wondered how many guilty people the Angel of Death had taken. He knew it was many hundreds! It angered Drake every time the Angel of Death made the news. However, it never really got to him until the day he picked up a copy of the North Ridgeway Press and read about how the Angel of Death had claimed Annie Judge.\\xa0
Drake had known that Annie Judge was not a perfect woman by any stretch, but Annie was the love of his life. The two of them had shared so much in the many years that they were together. He came to know that Annie was carefree and uninhibited, qualities that he loved about her. However, when Drake had accepted his badge, he had accepted the law. It was this, along with what he had discovered about Annie\\u2019s darker tastes that would permanently drive a wedge between the two of them.\\xa0
And then he recalled the events that he had read about in the newspaper . . .\\xa0 \\xa0
Four Years Ago
Raigen Devereux walked into North Ridgeway High School. She walked into first period and took her usual seat.\\xa0
\\u201cHey, Raige, you gonna show us your tits after we win the game tonight?\\u201d Jagger Nelson called out to her.\\xa0
Raigen turned to see the sneers of Jagger and the other football players. She responded by raising her middle finger. \\u201cYou can\\u2019t even catch a football, Jagger. What makes you think you can handle my tits?\\u201d The other girls in the class cheered for this witty cheerleader.\\xa0
Just then, Raigen turned and gave her full attention to Annie Judge as she entered the classroom. She had been teaching many of the A.P. math subjects for the last several years. She almost always wore the same outfits: a blouse, a long skirt or pants, and loafers. Her face was a perfect oval with long blond hair and blue eyes. She always wore blush and matching lipstick. It was easy to see why guys appreciated her, even at thirty-six years old.\\xa0
Raigen came to know that she made damn good money, not referring to just her teacher\\u2019s salary. Raigen knew that Annie had a second life as a self-employed prostitute and drug pusher. But she didn\\u2019t go to other cities to sell her body. No, she sold her body to students at North Ridgeway High School, ones who could afford to pay her prices for fucking them, or students she desired to prey upon \\u2013 legal age or not.\\xa0
Raigen came to know this information for two reasons. One, Miss Judge lived two blocks down the street from Raigen. Two, a month ago, Raigen saw a police car parked in Annie\\u2019s driveway, flashers on. Raigen couldn\\u2019t listen to the conversation, but her mother was a detective on the police force and was there that night. Raigen\\u2019s mother usually told her about what was going on in the privacy of their home, because she knew her daughter always kept her mouth shut. Raigen learned about the anonymous tip about the drug activity that was taking place at Annie Judge\\u2019s house. Nothing was found, however, in spite of the search warrant. It seemed that Annie Judge was always steps ahead of the police.\\xa0
Two weeks later, Raigen was out walking and had seen a police car at Annie Judge\\u2019s house again. Again, Raigen\\u2019s mother was on the scene. Raigen would later learn that Michelle Bailey, at fellow student at her high school, had recently gone missing. After Raigen\\u2019s mother had questioned several students, a few of them said Miss Judge__ was the last one to talk to her. In fact, the two of them seemed to be really close by the end of the last school year. It was then Raigen\\u2019s mother had told her that Michelle\\u2019s parents had filed a missing person\\u2019s report that Annie Judge would become Raigen\\u2019s top priority.
Raigen\\u2019s mother had told her about the last night that Michelle Bailey was seen. It was at Skate World where Raigen\\u2019s mother had been told Michelle was picked up by a woman matching Annie Judge\\u2019s description, in a green Ford Fusion. Raigen knew that Miss Judge had such a car.\\xa0
Since Raigen had access to her mother\\u2019s computer, she was able to look into Annie Judge\\u2019s record, but she found no priors. Raigen knew that the police couldn\\u2019t keep detail on Miss Judge, because who was to say that she might not file a harassment lawsuit against them. No, Raigen would have to take matters into her own hands.\\xa0
This was a job for the Angel of Death!\\xa0
The next afternoon, Annie Judge opened her front door to a nice surprise. \\u201cRaigen Devereux? What brings you to my home?\\u201d
Raigen faked a smile and held up a printout. \\u201cThis is my school schedule. You\\u2019re going to be my math teacher again \\u2013 Calculus. I wanted to ask you some questions about the class, but I obviously came at a bad time.\\u201d
Annie wore a white bikini that left very little to the imagination. She didn\\u2019t have a pool out back but looked a little wet from both sweat and suntan lotion. Raigen wore a blue tank-top with thin shoulder straps, white short shorts with a leather belt, and sandals.\\xa0
Raigen expected Annie to just politely dismiss her, but she stepped aside and motioned for her to come in. After closing the door, she turned to Raigen. \\u201cWhat can I help you with?\\u201d\\xa0
Raigen reached into her purse and came up with a second printout and a calculator. \\u201cIt says here that you\\u2019re requiring a mathematical calculator. Are you sure this calculator won\\u2019t be okay for Calculus?\\u201d
As Annie took her calculator, Raigen noticed that she was checking her out \\u2013 especially her endowed upper body. Then she pointed to the sheet. \\u201cThese are graphing calculators. Yours is a scientific calculator. In Calculus, you\\u2019re required to present graphs to show your work.\\u201d
\\u201cOkay, I\\u2019ll go to Office Depot and buy one.\\u201d
As Annie handed Raigen back her calculator, she took hold of her left hand and held it. She finished by folding Raigen\\u2019s fingers over the calculator, caressing them as she did.\\xa0
\\u201cYou\\u2019re a very bright student, Raigen.\\u201d She gestured to the kitchen. \\u201cCan I offer you something to drink?\\u201d
\\u201cSure,\\u201d Raigen replied. \\u201cIce water, please.\\u201d
Annie led Raigen to the kitchen, which had many top-of-the-line appliances.\\xa0
\\u201cI was about have some iced tea,\\u201d she said.\\xa0
\\u201cWell, I\\u2019d hate to impose . . .\\u201d
\\u201cIt\\u2019s not imposing if I\\u2019m offering.\\u201d\\xa0
Annie pulled two glasses out of her cupboard. She opened the refrigerator and bent down to retrieve the iced tea, making sure Raigen saw her almost-naked rear. She stood up straight and closed the refrigerator. Annie poured the tea and handed Raigen a glass. Raigen waited until Annie drank first, which she did. Raigen tasted the sweetened black tea with a hint of lemon. Annie motioned for Raigen to come into the living room. They sat down on the couch.\\xa0
Raigen drank her tea. \\u201cYou have a really nice house, Miss Judge. You also have a very nice tan.\\u201d
Annie stood up. \\u201cI want show you something.\\u201d
Raigen put her glass down, got up, and followed Annie into the hallway. When they stopped, Annie gestured to an open doorway. Raigen looked inside to see a tanning bed.\\xa0
\\u201cI can tan all I want, and it pays for itself.\\u201d Annie took Raigen\\u2019s hand. \\u201cCome on.\\u201d
Raigen was given a tour of the house. The more she saw, the more she knew that there was no way Annie could afford everything on her teacher\\u2019s salary alone. Raigen\\u2019s mother made better money as a detective, but even she didn\\u2019t have these luxuries.\\xa0
Still holding Raigen\\u2019s hand, Annie led her to the bedroom at the end of the hall. Thanks to Raigen\\u2019s highly photographic memory, she now knew every room and the objects in them. As Raigen examined the bedroom, Annie gently turned her against the wall and kissed her. Raigen\\u2019s plan to investigate Annie hadn\\u2019t included this! She would have to indulge Annie as much as possible until she could determine her connection to Michelle Bailey\\u2019s disappearance.\\xa0
As they kissed, Raigen let Annie undress her. Annie truly admired Raigen\\u2019s naked form, especially her upper body. \\u201cI imagine only a select few have seen these.\\u201d
Raigen acted giddy. \\u201cWow, Miss Judge, I never knew you liked girls.\\u201d She bit on her lower lip a little. \\u201cWhat now?\\u201d
Annie eased Raigen onto the bed and then removed her own bikini. Raigen realized that Annie truly meant to have sex with her and knew she could not let that happen. Annie came onto the bed with her. Raigen let Annie kiss her again as she fondled her large breasts.\\xa0
Suddenly, something was beeping. Annie immediately stopped kissing Raigen and got off her. \\u201cYou stay right here.\\u201d\\xa0
Annie went to her purse that was sitting on the dresser and removed her smartphone. Raigen saw her type in her password. Now she was texting someone. When she was finished, she locked her phone and put it down. She slithered back onto the bed, got on top of Raigen, and began kissing her again.\\xa0
As Annie was about to touch Raigen\\u2019s sex, she quickly turne'