Ep.83 Wilson Road - A Creature is Loose in the Woods!

Published: May 12, 2021, 10:11 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
Two cousins saw something BIG and furry in the woods, now they have to investigate as the sun begins to set... We know curiosity killed the cat, but what did it do to the WOLF?
Wilson Road by Charles Campbell
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Produced by Daniel Wilder
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There is nothing like a dirt road in the Deep South. The dust kicked up by your truck when you race up the hill after a long day of hard work. The occasional deer that looks back at you curiously when you round the corner is a sight to behold.
There are snakes that slither across the dirt road to get to the other side of the woods. You will see hawks scoping out prey from the trees as you move down the dirt road. There are many surprises when you go up or down an old fashioned, in the woods, authentic dirt road.
I should know. I grew up in a big house at the top of the hill of one of these roads. A road that was named after my family \\u2013 Wilson Road.
There is one story above the many that stands above them all. It was late summer and my cousin came running up the road. He was out of breath and it was a night none of us would ever forget.
\\u201cDanny! You got to come down the hill!\\u201d Tanner hollered. He had his
hands on his knees as he sucked in air like no tomorrow.
\\u201cWhat happened?\\u201d Danny asked as he rose from his seat on the back
\\u201cI saw something down there. It took off in the woods. Go in the house
and get the shotgun real quick,\\u201d Tanner said, finally catching his breath. \\u201cWas it a deer? You know we can\\u2019t shoot a deer with a shotgun,\\u201d
Danny said and began to sit back down.
\\u201cDon\\u2019t get back on your ass! Get in the house and grab the shotgun! It
wasn\\u2019t any deer. I don\\u2019t know what it was exactly, I just caught a flash of
it but it was big and it was an animal.\\u201d
\\u201cYou probably just saw a dog,\\u201d Danny replied as he turned to open the door. He\\u2019d grab the Remington that sat just inside the doorway. What the big house was not low on was shotguns. There were a few Winchesters, a couple of Mossbergs and four Remingtons. Danny grabbed the box of shells and Tanner was waiting for him at the edge of the dirt road.
\\u201cCome on, I\\u2019ll show you where I saw it.\\u201d
\\u201cI ain\\u2019t shooting a dog, Tanner, just telling you that now.\\u201d \\u201cIt weren\\u2019t no dog! Come on!\\u201d
Tanner wasn\\u2019t a small guy. He was a seventeen year old that hit his
growth spurt at thirteen. He was six foot three and still had a little growing left in him. Danny was much smaller in stature by comparison, standing at just five foot six with a slender frame which made it kind of funny that he was the one in charge of the shotgun. Tanner lumbered down the hill like Sasquatch with Danny following close behind.
Tanner pointed, \\u201cIt was down there near the bottom of the hill, off close to the creek bed.\\u201d
\\u201cAlright then,\\u201d Danny racked the Remington and stepped off the dirt
road and led the way in front of Tanner. The two of them made their way down to the creek bed and Danny noticed something right off the bat. There was a litany of broken branches lying about. It was as if someone tossed them about haphazardly all over the ground. They were definitely
out of place as the tree line was approximately fifteen yards or so from the edge of the creek bed.
\\u201cYou see anybody dumping their sticks down here?\\u201d Danny asked
\\u201cNo, there ain\\u2019t no tire tracks. I don\\u2019t know why they\\u2019d lug all these
branches down here by foot; be easier to run them over to the Langley
dump,\\u201d Tanner answered.
\\u201cWell, these limbs didn\\u2019t magically fly from the trees. We ain\\u2019t had no
big winds in a couple of months at least and I was down here at the creek two days ago and these weren\\u2019t here,\\u201d Danny said. He did a three sixty to see if anything else jumped out at him. Tanner acted as if the limbs weren\\u2019t a big deal. The big deal was the something he swore he saw.
\\u201cI don\\u2019t know nothing about the stupid sticks but what I saw was standing about where we are now.\\u201d
\\u201cYou see any prints?\\u201d Danny asked. Tanner was looking at the ground
looking for that very thing.
\\u201cNo, but you know how this ground is. It don\\u2019t hold prints that good.\\u201d
\\u201cTrue,\\u201d Danny said. \\u201cLet\\u2019s walk up the creek a bit.\\u201d Danny took the
lead and Tanner followed. It was going to be dark soon but the two of them knew these woods better than they knew just about anything else in the world.
\\u201cKeep your eye out for moccasins,\\u201d Danny warned. Tanner rolled his
eyes to signify that Danny must have forgotten who he was talking to. Tanner fancied himself as the moccasin king. He had so many skins hanging on his wall that he lost count of them.
\\u201cI don\\u2019t know where it could have gone. We\\u2019re almost up to the old finishing plant,\\u201d Tanner said.
\\u201cYou think it might have went in the plant?\\u201d Danny asked.
\\u201cCould be. I just got a quick glance before it took off. It was big and dark. You\\u2019d think I was going crazy but I know what I saw and I ain\\u2019t smoked any weed in the last week if that\\u2019s what you\\u2019re thinking. That bad shit I got from Frog last time taught me the error of my ways,\\u201d Tanner said with a nervous chuckle.
\\u201cYeah, I don\\u2019t know where he got that shit. He must have grown that out by Langley Pond. It messed you up pretty bad. Glad it didn\\u2019t kill you,\\u201d Danny said and chuckled himself.
Darkness was creeping up around them. They could still see the lights
from the big house but it was quickly receding. \\u201cWish I would have grabbed the flashlight out of my truck,\\u201d Danny said.
\\u201cYou want me to run up there and get it real quick?\\u201d Tanner asked.
\\u201cNo, you about died when you ran up there a little while ago. I\\u2019m not
telling Nana you died of a heart attack while we chased your fake monster
to the finishing plant. You got your lighter, don\\u2019t you?\\u201d
\\u201cWe\\u2019ll just light a few sticks if we need to. We know our way around here.\\u201d
\\u201cThat we do.\\u201d
There was a crash. It sounded like a boulder was dropped from the second story of the finishing plant. The two of them looked at one another and they knew they were going to find out where the noise came from. Danny broke into a jog and Tanner fell a little behind. The boys came up on the tricky part of the trek. They had to cross a narrow pipe on foot. One misstep and they would go tumbling into the creek below. Danny could walk it in his sleep. Tanner could move quickly across it in the stark light of day but he took measured steps in the narrow light. He could tell that he would probably have to take the long way back to the hill when they were done at the plant. No way could he balance back across the pipe in complete darkness. Good news is that Danny would take the long way with him. Danny stood at the end of the pipe patiently waiting on Tanner to finish crossing. He stayed quiet as not to startle his large cousin.
\\u201cAlright, let\\u2019s go,\\u201d Danny said once Tanner cleared the pipe. The boys walked the grooved out path to the old plant. There was a redneck Hansel & Gretel trail of tossed cigarette butts and rolling papers. The abandoned plant was a cool place for the Valley kids to break shit. Danny suspected the crashing sound they heard on approach was one or more of those said kids screwing around the decrepit building. And it was probably one of those kids that Tanner saw at the creek bed.
The sun was almost fully set with only the last haze disappearing, surrendering the day. It was a good thing they were wearing shoes with heavy soles because the crunch of broken glass under their feet as they got closer to the building was now prominent with every step.
The darkness finally enveloped them completely and the night sky was star filled with a full moon that provided adequate light. There were no clouds in the sky and that was good. What the boys didn\\u2019t need was to be stomping around the inside of the gutted plant with zero visibility. Danny was very good directionally but complete darkness would definitely test his skill.
\\u201cLet\\u2019s just stop for a minute and listen,\\u201d Danny said as he held the shotgun by his side. \\u201cI think you saw a buck, Tanner.\\u201d
\\u201cIt weren\\u2019t no deer, I know what a damn deer looks like,\\u201d Tanner
whispered angrily.
\\u201cAlright, shush,\\u201d Danny replied. The boys got quiet and listened. The wind had ceased and the crickets weren\\u2019t as noisy. They could hear some of them but not the overwhelming chorus that was common for this time of the day, in this part of the woods.
Danny finally broke the silence. \\u201cWell, Tanner, I ain\\u2019t going in there unless we hear something. I don\\u2019t feel like tripping over something and breaking my neck. We can take the main road back. I know you can\\u2019t cross that pipe now,\\u201d Danny said.
\\u201cCome on man, I didn\\u2019t make it up. Let\\u2019s wait about five more minutes and if we don\\u2019t hear nothin\\u2019, then we can scoot back. Just five more, ok?\\u201d
\\u201cAlright then, five more and then we are out of here,\\u201d Danny replied.
\\u201cFive minutes then,\\u201d Tanner said and no sooner did he get the words out of his mouth, there was another loud crash and it definitely came from the second floor of the plant.
\\u201cLet\\u2019s go,\\u201d Danny said flatly. The boys entered the plant from what would have been the back entrance when it was functioning. Now there were entry points everywhere that the walls had crumbled. It certainly wasn\\u2019t a safe place to be screwing around, especially at night.
What remained of the old stairs near the back entrance was a precarious stack of bricks that resembled stairs but there were chunks missing where you would have to really stretch to reach the next usable step. This wasn\\u2019t a problem for Tanner but presented a challenge for the shorter'