Ep.76 The Bad Schoolgirl - Vampire Cheerleaders vs. Taibon!

Published: March 24, 2021, 4 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
There\'s something not quite right about the Strickfield High cheerleading team... They\'ve added violence, malice and blood to their routine!
The Bad Schoolgirl by Rob Fields
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I walk into the main entrance of Strickfield High School with Eileen Donnerly, or just simply Einstein. Einstein was a name her older brother, Martin, hung on her because of how unbelievably smart she is. How smart is she? Well, over that blizzard weekend, Martin and I just finished having some hot morning fucking. We stopped for some pillow talk, and he told me that Einstein once took his HDTV apart. She easily put it back together, but now he could access all of the satellite channels and streaming services for free. She even doubled the picture quality.\\xa0
I look at the little geek now and just want to wring her fucking neck, but of course I won\\u2019t. The problem with Einstein is that she\\u2019s always so fucking direct with me; she never sugar-coats shit. For example, I asked her why I fucking put up with her. I would\\u2019ve expected her to say because I\\u2019m sleeping with Martin. But no . . . she says it\\u2019s because she\\u2019s so cute and that I really like her. Sigh . . . I do have to admit Einny is cute. I also have to admit the little shit does grow on you.\\xa0
We\\u2019re walking the halls of Strickfield High, and I know I\\u2019m in hell. Just a few days ago, I had to deal with Jarren Hatley when she was on the ultimate caffeine high and tried to send Principal Matthew Van Diest on a permanent vacation. Speaking of whom, he\\u2019s standing right outside the door to the main office. And he\\u2019s eyeing both me and Einny. I\\u2019ll tell him to fuck off if he says something to me, but he doesn\\u2019t. He\\u2019s definitely checking me out, all right. Either he\\u2019s got an eye for me, or it\\u2019s the fact that I\\u2019m wearing this fucking schoolgirl outfit again: plaid miniskirt, white blouse with the sleeves torn off and tied up at my tummy, and my 80s Reebok Pump basketball shoes. I\\u2019ve been wearing this fucking outfit because if I wear any of Einny\\u2019s other clothes, I\\u2019d feel batshit claustrophobic and shred them. And I don\\u2019t really want to go shopping for new clothes.\\xa0
\\u201cOkay, Einny, where are these vampire cheerleaders you want me to check out?\\u201d I ask.
\\u201cThey usually hang out in the north hall,\\u201d Einny replies, in her mousy voice. \\u201cThis way.\\u201d
I let Einny lead me to said hallway. Sure enough, six cheerleaders are huddled together and yacking away. I immediately see the items of Olde Bloodstone they\\u2019re wearing as jewelry. Olde is spelled old with an e on the end. See, I\\u2019m the only vampire who can truly walk freely in the daylight. These bitches are using Olde Bloodstone to be able to walk in the daytime and not burn.\\xa0
Einny and I just walk right past them. Then I start hearing nearby jocks whooping and hollering. Turns out they\\u2019re doing it to me!\\xa0
\\u201cIt\\u2019s the Bad Schoolgirl!\\u201d
\\u201cYou\\u2019re such a badass!\\u201d
\\u201cWill you marry me?!\\u201d
\\u201cHow about a date, babe?!\\u201d
And that . . . definitely pisses off the cheerleaders. Remember, most cheerleaders love the attention since they are at the top of the food chain in the female circuit of high schools. Now that they\\u2019ve seen me, they\\u2019re not going to be so happy. In fact, they all turn towards me and advance. The hallway gets quiet in a big fucking hurry. I\\u2019m ready to defend Einny if they decide to vamp out.\\xa0
\\u201cWho said you could walk our hallway, bitch?\\u201d Alissa Mirren demands.\\xa0
Her twin sister, Allie, grins. \\u201cThis is our hallway. You need special permission to walk it. How much money you got?\\u201d
The other four just look on in anticipation. I really feel the need to laugh. I\\u2019ll let you in on a little secret. Being the one unique type of vamp that I am means that I can detect other vamps, whether they\\u2019re Master or not. Now these bitches are just regular vamps, which means they think I\\u2019m completely human. Only other Master Vampires can detect me. In this case, they don\\u2019t notice my eyes are red.\\xa0
I give them the same sexy smile that Martin loves so much. \\u201cOh, you two are so cute!\\u201d I raise my finger. \\u201cHow about this? You two can take turns sucking my dick . . . and I\\u2019ll come and go wherever the fuck I like.\\u201d
The twins just look at each other, mouths wide. They\\u2019re ready to start a full-on fight with me. I quickly raise my arm. \\u201cNow\\u2019s not the time . . .\\u201d I give them a quick nod to my right. They look to see Principal Van Diest staring attentively down this hallway.\\xa0
The twins each raise a hand, telling the others to back off.\\xa0
\\u201cWe\\u2019ll let you go this one time as a courtesy,\\u201d Allie says.\\xa0
\\u201cNext time you come down here, you\\u2019ll be paying,\\u201d Alissa adds.\\xa0
I laugh as Einny and I turn and walk away.\\xa0
Einny asks me, \\u201cYou think that was wise, Bells?\\u201d
\\u201cWhat, pissing them off? Fuck yeah, they\\u2019ll be looking for me \\u2013 exactly what I want.\\u201d I lightly slap her shoulder. \\u201cDon\\u2019t worry, I\\u2019ve got a plan.\\u201d
And then I smell Principal Van Diest coming our way. I wait for him to reach us.\\xa0
\\u201cWhat can I do for you on this very fine day, sir?\\u201d I crack, not even turning around.\\xa0
He takes hold of my shoulder and turns me around. \\u201cLook, I know you\\u2019re new here, but we don\\u2019t need you starting trouble already.\\u201d \\xa0
I smile. \\u201cNo trouble . . . No trouble at all. Like you said, I\\u2019m new here. Just want to get familiar with my new school.\\u201d
He glares at me. \\u201cUm, I heard what you said to those girls.\\u201d
\\u201cYeah, and . . . ? You gonna take me to the office and wash my mouth out with soap?\\u201d Then I glare back and tell him to where only he and Einny can hear me, \\u201cI would love to see you try.\\u201d
He\\u2019s irritated with me, but he knows he can\\u2019t really do anything. Then I show him my schedule. \\u201cRoom 237 . . . is first period. Far as I\\u2019m concerned, we\\u2019re allowed to walk the halls freely to get to our classes. Maybe you should say something to the cheerleaders. Unless, that is of course, they\\u2019re in charge here?\\u201d
When he doesn\\u2019t answer me, I flash my sexy smile again. \\u201cWay I see it, the students run this school. You\\u2019re just here collecting a paycheck. If you really do run things here, then fucking grow a pair.\\u201d
As I turn to leave, he grabs my arm again. \\u201cDon\\u2019t you test me!\\u201d
I\\u2019m still smiling my sexy smile. \\u201cThat\\u2019s more like it.\\u201d I take my arm back. \\u201cNow fuck off and help make this high school a better place.\\u201d
Einny and I turn away from the principal and resume heading to Room 237. The cheerleaders just glare at us as we walk right past them. I even make sure to flip the twin bees off.\\xa0

* \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 *
Throughout the day, I end up having classes with both Einny and members of the cheerleading squad. I can easily keep an eye on said people. The downside is that several horny boys are keeping their eyes on me. I hadn\\u2019t planned on being labeled the Bad Schoolgirl, but what could I do? I couldn\\u2019t just let Jarren Hatley have her way with Principal Van Diest. Oh, well . . . I don\\u2019t have to be the least bit afraid of the boys. I catch an occasional glare from whatever cheerleaders are in my classes, but I just give them right back.\\xa0
Thanks to my ultra-sensitive hearing, another Master Vampire quality, I can easily hear the cheerleaders talking. Tonight is a basketball game in the gym. After the game, they\\u2019re meeting the boys for their ritual. They don\\u2019t say where. Yeah, you bitches do that. You go hunt for your victims . . . and I\\u2019ll hunt all of you.\\xa0

That night, Einny and I are just outside the gym. Sure enough, the cheerleaders are inside and the game is going on.\\xa0
\\u201cWhat are you going to do, Bells?\\u201d Einny asks me.\\xa0
\\u201cOh . . . I think I\\u2019ll head on in and watch the game,\\u201d I tell her. I can tell Einny\\u2019s a little scared. \\u201cYou can go home if you want. I can handle those bitches.\\u201d
Einny shakes her head quickly. \\u201cNo! I got you into this. I\\u2019m going to see this through.\\u201d
I turn my attention back to the gym. \\u201cMe, too. Then I can move on.\\u201d
Now Einny\\u2019s gone from scared to upset. \\u201cNo!\\u201d
\\u201cWe can talk about this later,\\u201d I say.\\xa0
\\u201cNo!\\u201d Einny grabs my wrist and pulls me into the empty library. Then she points right at me. \\u201cYou are not going to just up and leave Martin like that.\\u201d
I fold my arms in front of me. \\u201cI asked you this before. I\\u2019ll ask you again. Am I just supposed to wear Martin\\u2019s college ring? Look! I only stayed because you told me there were vampires on the cheerleading squad. Okay, I confirmed they\\u2019re vampires, and I\\u2019ll deal with them. Once I do, then that\\u2019s it. I\\u2019ll give your uniforms back, get my shit, and leave Strickfield.\\u201d
Einstein\\u2019s really pissed now. She shakes her head. \\u201cI said no! You are not walking out on Martin like that. He\\u2019s really into you.\\u201d She points right at me. \\u201cAnd not just because you\\u2019re fucking him.\\u201d
I narrow my eyes on her. \\u201cWhat are you saying . . . ? That Martin\\u2019s in love with me? I don\\u2019t buy that. We\\u2019ve only known each other for about a week. We\\u2019re just sleeping together, Einny. That is it! And you . . . What, are we just supposed to be besties, hang out at the mall together, and do each other\\u2019s nails? I\\u2019m over a hundred fucking years old! I hunt supernatural vermin. I\\u2019m a fucking Taibon. I\\u2019m a fucking Master Vampire! A normal life will never be in my future. Why can\\u2019t you understand that?\\u201d
\\u201cStop acting all high and mighty, Bells!\\u201d Einny snaps. \\u201cAnd stop running away all the time!\\u201d
\\u201cWho the fuck is running away?\\u201d I demand. \\u201cI don\\u2019t have any family left to run away from! I\\u2019m the last in my family tree! I\\u2019m alone in this world, and that\\u2019s the way it has to be.\\u201d I unfold my arms and raise my finger. \\u201cHas it ever occurred to you that my being in your house is potentially'