Ep.73 Slasher - Making Movies Can Be MURDER

Published: March 3, 2021, 5 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
A group of college students set out to make a slasher movie but when real bodies start piling up who will survive these halls of horror?!
Slasher by Rob Fields
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The group that was to breathe new life into the Strickfield University Film Society gathered in the movie room at Wilder Hall, the student union building. When Professor James Corgen arrived to conduct the meeting, he sat on top of his desk and looked at the others.\\xa0
\\u201cI see we\\u2019re missing somebody,\\u201d he said.\\xa0
\\u201cI\\u2019m sure Jennie will be here shortly,\\u201d Jessie, his busty, red-headed daughter, assured him.\\xa0
The professor appeared annoyed. \\u201cI\\u2019m not talking about your sister.\\u201d
Just then, another girl entered the movie room. \\u201cSorry I\\u2019m late. I got delayed.\\u201d
Jessie turned to her. \\u201cIt\\u2019s okay, Vickie, you didn\\u2019t miss anything. In fact, we\\u2019re heading out shortly.\\u201d
Professor Corgen looked at Vickie. \\u201cYou did read the script, right?\\u201d
\\u201cTrust me, I know my lines,\\u201d Vickie assured him.\\xa0
\\u201cI know why Vickie got delayed.\\u201d Bethany Mirren looked over at the others and made an obscene pantomime of giving oral sex, getting a few chuckles out of some of the males present.\\xa0
Jessie pointed right past Bethany. \\u201cHey! Don\\u2019t want to work with Vickie Valentine? There\\u2019s the door! We\\u2019ve only got one shot at making this movie. Just say the word and we\\u2019ll recast you.\\u201d
Bethany flashed a toothy smile. \\u201cYour ad said you needed big-breasted girls for your movie. It just surprises me that you\\u2019d hire a porn star.\\u201d
\\u201cThat porn star can actually act!\\u201d Jessie fired back. \\u201cShe\\u2019s already starred in a horror movie for the North Ridgeway University Film Club. The Murder Club is kicking ass all over the film festival circuit. My contact at North Ridgeway told me it\\u2019ll be getting a limited theatrical run in a few months. I want our movie to get that same prestige, especially if we want to keep the Strickfield University Film Society going.\\u201d
\\u201cWe\\u2019ve lost a lot of money over the past six months,\\u201d Professor Corgen explained. \\u201cDean Roth won\\u2019t set aside any more money in the budget for us unless we can start making some of our own. We have just enough money left to make our movie. My daughter here wrote a script, which is both excellent and an homage to cheesy, exploitation horror. I don\\u2019t personally care for horror movies, but I feel Jessie\\u2019s going to do well with it. She\\u2019ll be in the movie with all of you, but will also be directing Slasher, the title. I\\u2019m merely here as an adviser. I don\\u2019t want any animosity between any of you, especially with Vickie Valentine here.\\u201d
Jessie pointed to Bethany. \\u201cYou in? Or out?\\u201d
Bethany shrugged. \\u201cI\\u2019m in.\\u201d
Jessie smiled. \\u201cExcellent! Now . . .\\u201d Professor Corgen picked up a bag and opened it. \\u201cAll of your smartphones are turned off and go in there. No interruptions due to someone getting a text!\\u201d
Some were reluctant in handing over their phones, but they were all collected.\\xa0
Jessie took an excited breath. \\u201cOkay, let\\u2019s head on over to the old Performance Hall. It won\\u2019t be torn down for a month yet. Dean Roth gave us permission to shoot Slasher there. Everything will be up and running, including the showers in the basement dressing room. If none of you want to go home, you can crash in one of the many old classrooms. Are we ready?\\u201d
Cody King stood up. \\u201cLet\\u2019s go!\\u201d
Everybody left the room and exited Wilder Hall. They walked across campus until they came to the boarded-up building that was once Performance Hall. The building had seen better days and was why a new building had been constructed. When Jessie was looking for locations to shoot Slasher, she had to convince Dean Jerry Roth to allow the Film Society to have the former performance arts building until it was time to be leveled. He finally consented and wrote her the permit she needed. He also had signs posted that only the Film Society had access to the building.\\xa0
When they reached the front doors, Jessie unlocked them and they all went inside. Jessie was so excited to be shooting her first feature film that she could barely contain herself. She took a deep breath and turned to everybody. \\u201cOkay, people, our first scene is already set up. Head down the hall to make-up, and then we\\u2019ll start.\\u201d
The first day of shooting for Slasher was about to begin . . .
Jessie sat on the edge of the stage and looked over her copy of the script. Before long, she heard a door opening to her far left and saw her father coming in.\\xa0
\\u201cWe\\u2019re shooting the opening scene in here,\\u201d she informed him.\\xa0
He came and sat next to her. \\u201cYou\\u2019re going to do just fine, Jessie. I suppose I\\u2019m curious. Why did you cast an adult film actress?\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cI told you, Dad, she really can act. I had a chance to see her in The Murder Club at North Ridgeway University a few months ago and knew she\\u2019d be perfect for Slasher. I met Vickie that night and showed her the script, which she loved. I can\\u2019t pay my actors much, but I\\u2019m glad she took the role anyway. Vickie\\u2019s trying to do more legitimate movies and get out of porn. I want to help give her that chance.\\u201d
He put a comforting arm around her. \\u201cOkay, it\\u2019s your movie. I said I\\u2019d back you.\\u201d
Jessie opened her script again. \\u201cLike I said, we\\u2019re shooting the first scene. I couldn\\u2019t find anybody to play the Scream Queen killer, so I\\u2019m playing two roles.\\u201d She picked up the blank white mask that signified the killer. \\u201cI still can\\u2019t reach Jennie. Do you know if she\\u2019s coming?\\u201d
Her father looked grim. \\u201cI didn\\u2019t want to tell you, but your sister won\\u2019t be joining us for our meetings again . . . ever.\\u201d
Jessie looked worried. \\u201cWhat\\u2019s going on?\\u201d
He sighed. \\u201cShe\\u2019s the reason we\\u2019re having our money problems. I discovered she\\u2019s been embezzling money from the Film Society.\\u201d
Her mouth opened wide. \\u201cOh, my god!\\u201d
Then they heard a noise. Professor Corgen quickly stood up and walked into the stage area. \\u201cSomebody\\u2019s up in the catwalk.\\u201d
Jessie found a flashlight and joined her father. She turned on the flashlight and pointed it upward. \\u201cI don\\u2019t see anybody.\\u201d
\\u201cI\\u2019m telling you, I saw somebody moving around up there, Jessie.\\u201d
Jessie slowly shined the light around a few more times. \\u201cI still don\\u2019t \\u2013\\u201d
Suddenly . . . the figure appeared! The figure was obviously feminine, with a build similar to Jessie. The figure had the same red hair as Jessie\\u2019s and wore a sexy, form-fitting white dress that showed off how full and ample her breasts were. However, this female figure wore the very same mask that Jessie held in her hands. This girl was dressed as the Scream Queen, the killer of Slasher. She looked down at Jessie and her father for a long moment before she produced a bow and arrow. Before either of them could react, the Scream Queen took quick aim and shot the arrow \\u2013 right through Professor Corgen\\u2019s heart!\\xa0
Jessie screamed as her father fell forward \\u2013 dead before he hit the floor! Jessie looked up to the catwalk on impulse, but the Scream Queen was gone. Jessie held her dead father to her and sobbed. \\xa0
It was several minutes before the cast came in, ready to shoot the first scene. When they saw what had happened, they either gasped or screamed.\\xa0
Jessie turned to them. \\u201cGet out of here! Call the police!\\u201d
Stanley Farnsworth quickly turned and left. It wasn\\u2019t long before he was back. \\u201cThe doors are all chained up and the windows are boarded up! We can\\u2019t get out!\\u201d
\\u201cOh, bullshit!\\u201d Cody King snapped. \\u201cGet outta the way!\\u201d
The cast members reached the main doors to find they were indeed chained tightly shut from the inside. They went and checked the other doors. Hope quickly turned to despair when they found the other doors were chained in the exact same manner.\\xa0
\\u201cWe\\u2019re fucking trapped in here!\\u201d Cody yelled. \\u201cBullshit!\\u201d
\\u201cPeople, come on, we need to keep it together here,\\u201d Vickie Valentine said. \\u201cLet\\u2019s go back and check on Jessie.\\u201d
They went back to the stage and found Jessie still holding her father\\u2019s body. Vickie lowered herself and convinced Jessie to put her father down. Jessie did and became angry. \\u201cI told you people to call the police!\\u201d
\\u201cLet\\u2019s all go together,\\u201d Nate Henry piped up. \\u201cThere should be a phone in the office.\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cWhat about the bag with our phones?\\u201d Stanley inquired.\\xa0
Jessie looked dismal. \\u201cDad put them away somewhere. I don\\u2019t know where.\\u201d
Vickie stood up and helped Jessie to her feet. \\u201cWe go to the office, then.\\u201d\\xa0
The seven of them entered the main office and found the landline phone. Stanley picked up the receiver and punched 9-1-1. Then he turned to the others with a grim look. \\u201cIt\\u2019s dead!\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cBullshit!\\u201d Cody snatched the receiver from Stanley. After putting it to his ear . . . \\u201cThe worm\\u2019s right! The killer probably cut the line.\\u201d He slammed the receiver back onto the cradle. \\u201cFuck!\\u201d
Vickie quickly cried, \\u201cEasy, people. We can\\u2019t be losing our shit here! Not now!\\u201d
Bethany sneered at Vickie. \\u201cJust because you\\u2019re the porn queen doesn\\u2019t mean you\\u2019re the queen.\\u201d
Cody turned to Vickie. \\u201cDon\\u2019t lose our shit?! We\\u2019re trapped in this fucking building! The phone ain\\u2019t working! We are so fucked!\\u201d\\xa0
Lizzie Jones finally got her words in. \\u201cI\\u2019ve actually been looking for a weapon or something, but . . . I can\\u2019t find so much as a single tool! I even went to a few of the other rooms nearby. There\\u2019s nothing to use as a weapon to protect ourselves in here! The killer\\u2019s thought of everything.\\u201d
Stanley groaned. \\u201cWe need to \\u2013 Ohshit!!\\u201d
Everybody else screamed and panicked as the Scream Queen now stood in the doorway \\u2013 armed with a chainsaw! With one quick movement, she yanked the cord to bring the lethal w'