Ep.66 For the Mother - Nordic Legend Becomes Bloody Reality!

Published: Jan. 13, 2021, 5 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
In a remote estate distant in the mountains something mysterious and bloody is going on, and it\'s all FOR THE MOTHER!
For the Mother by Mark T.B. Shields
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Astrid\\u2019s newly married grandparents had immigrated to America from a small Scandinavian village as teenagers a lifetime before she was conceived . In a similarly small California town, they opened an even smaller general store which grew just enough to support them and their one child; a girl named Synnove. The two of them worked very hard and when their only child grew up and married a fine young man from the city by the bay, they bought a small cabin in the nearby mountains on the lake. After a life of hard work and the birth of their first grandchild, they retired to the small cabin.\\xa0
Thanks to her grandfather, Astrid had always loved Norse mythology. Growing up she had spent most of her summers with her grandparents by that quiet lake.\\xa0 Her grandfather took it upon himself to tell Astrid the many legends he brought with him from his childhood home.\\xa0 She loved him telling and retelling her fantastic tales as they sat by the bonfire each summer night.\\xa0 He told her tales such as \\u201cSif and her Golden Hair\\u201d; \\u201cSigurd and the Dragon\\u201d; and \\u201cThor\\u2019s Fishing Trip\\u201d.\\xa0 He seemed to know them all and when he inevitably retold her a story some night months later , they were always nearly identically.\\xa0 He retold them as if he were relaying history; he retold them with passion;. he retold them like he believed them; and she remembered every word. \\xa0
Of these stories her favorite was always \\u201cThe Death of Baldur\'\'. The tragic tale of how Odin\'s wife Frigga\'s favorite son Baldur was killed by his blind brother Hodur aided by her adopted son Loki.\\xa0 In the tale, a jealous Loki put the arrow in the hand of Hodur that killed Baldur the Beautiful.\\xa0 She always wept by the time it ended. Forever hoping that this time Baldur would survive.\\xa0
After high school she applied and was accepted at Stanford where she chose her major, Actuarial Science, as a way to ensure future financial success. Although interesting to her, she wanted something a bit more light-hearted to break up the difficult class schedule. On a whim she decided to take an elective in the spring semester of her Junior year called \\u201cEarly Scandinavian Folklore & Mythology\\u201d
. \\xa0
This class soon became the highlight of her week.\\xa0 At first it was the fact that her knowledge of Scandinavian folklore rivaled that of her professor.\\xa0 She became a textbook example of a \\u201cSubject-Matter Expert\\u201d for the course and it made her very happy that the other students asked her for help often.\\xa0 She seemed always to be the first to answer questions in discussions and to have the last word when it mattered.\\xa0 Astrid loved the class as it was a way to always feel like she was close to her summer home and to help solidify a rather high GPA.\\xa0
This unintentional mental domination of the other students went on for nearly half the semester when her world changed forever. A handsome young student started to audit the class and immediately put everyone\\u2019s knowledge in that hall to shame. He usurped her position at the top of the class by having the ability to fill in holes of every legend they studied no matter the obscurity of it. \\xa0
The mysterious new student was not only well versed in Scandinavian Mythology, he was what one would call a perfect physical specimen.\\xa0 In his usual attire of t-shirts and cargo shorts one could see an insanely muscular body that was only highlighted by his long blonde flowing locks and sky-blue eyes.\\xa0 \\xa0
To her girlish delight he introduced himself to her one day after class. It took her by her own estimation a good sixty seconds before she was able to respond. As he introduced himself as Baldur and looked into her eyes her first thought was \\u201cYes, you are a god\\u201d. \\xa0
When Astrid finally spoke all her timid voice could say was her name \\u201cAstrid\\u201d.
\\u201cYes, you are divinely beautiful\\u201d he said and when he asked her to walk with him, she was literally helpless to say no.\\xa0
That afternoon as they walked around the campus talking; she thought to herself that she was falling in love with a man she had just met. She didn\\u2019t know how this was possible, but she knew it was true.\\xa0 That night she lost her virginity to this God among men and less than a month later they were married. \\xa0 From that point on they were bound for life.\\xa0

Astrid was glad to\\u202fbe finally meeting Baldur\\u2019s family. Although they had been married since late spring, this winter trip had been their first chance to come together. \\u202fDuring the eight-hour drive from Stanford to his family homestead near Mt. Whitney, her excitement grew.
\\u201cAre we there yet?\\u201d\\xa0
Not taking his eyes off the winding mountain road Baldur said \\u201cAstrid, we are officially five minutes closer than we were when you asked the same question five minutes ago.\\u201d\\xa0
Running her hand down his powerful arm she cooed, \\u201cI know, it\\u2019s just that I have never met your family and you have told me so little about them.\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cWe\\u2019re just like most families.\\u202f We fight, but\\u202flove each other. Mom is overbearing; dad is solemn; and my brothers are out to kill me if I don\\u2019t watch out.\\u202f You see, a normal family dynamic. \\u202fWe should be at the cabin soon.\\u201d\\xa0
She glanced at the odometer and smiled knowing they were very close.\\u202f She giggled \\u201cOnly about five miles out.\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cCorrect\\u201d was all he said as he turned up a driveway and drove under a stone arch emblazoned with their family\'s name; Borson. \\u202fAs they pulled around the last corner and the home came into view Astrid was stunned. \\u202fHe said they had money, but the home that sat before her was at least 20,000 square feet.\\xa0
\\u201cHow can your family afford this?\\u202f You mentioned money, but this looks like money should not be a problem for your great-great-grandkids\\u201d\\xa0
Baldur pulled into the eight-car garage and said "It won\\u2019t be.\\u202f We are\\u202fvery financially secure."
\\xa0After he hopped out of the car he swung around and grabbed her door. "Welcome home."\\u202f\\u202f She smiled and followed him in.\\xa0
As they entered the living room his parents sat sipping what appeared to be iced tea.\\u202f
"Mother. Father. We\\u2019re finally here." His dad stood and helped his pregnant wife to her feet. "Are we the last to get here?"\\u202f\\xa0
"Yep, your brothers are downstairs preparing for later. \\u202fThis must be the wife."\\xa0
"Mother, father meet Astrid.\\u202f Astrid this is\\u202fmy father, Odin and my mother Frigga."\\xa0
Astrid extended her hand. \\u201cGreat to\\u202fmeet you. Baldur has told me so much\\u202fabout\\u202fyou.\\u201d
"Come now dear, we\\u2019re family now. Give your new mother a hug."\\u202f Reaching out Frigga gave Astrid a hug and Odin followed suit. \\u202fWhile still holding her Odin asked if she\\u202fliked the house.\\xa0
"How could I not?\\u202f\\u202f It is the most\\u202fbeautiful\\u202fhome I have ever seen."\\xa0
\\u201cThank you.\\u202f The family has been working on it for a while now.\\u202f It was my fathers and his father before him. When I die, it will get passed on to the next generation.\\u202f This place\\u202fis what you\\u202fwould\\u202fcall the family home.\\u201d\\xa0
Releasing the hug Astrid replied \\u201cWell, it\\u2019s truly breathtaking lovely, and it\\u202ftruly is great to\\u202fmeet Baldur\\u2019s parents.\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cHush dear.\\u201d said Odin. \\u201cWe are your parents as well now. Baldur, let\\u2019s go help your brother\'s downstairs.\\u202f Leave the women here to get acquainted."\\u202f\\xa0
Pointing, \\u201cAfter you Father.\\u201d
As the two men left the room,\\xa0 Frigga grabbed Astrid \\u2019s arm, "Come, child. Let\\u2019s get a drink,\\u201d\\xa0
As they walked, Astrid asked if everyone in the family was named after a Nordic god.
"No, just the three of us.\\u202f My other two sons are Larry and Christopher. Not as interesting as Baldur, but still good names. Now come sit. Drink\\u202fsome\\u202fmead.\\u202f We cracked open a barrel.\\u202f I will warn you though, it will knock you on your bum."\\xa0
Astrid walked over and grabbed a mug off the coffee table. "What brand is this?"\\xa0
"Borson, we make it ourselves."\\u202f\\xa0
"Obviously you guys make it yourself, you\\u2019re Nordic gods," Astrid took a drink and was amazed. "This is incredible."\\xa0
"Thank you, now come sit, before you fall.\\u202f We have so much to talk\\u202fabout."\\u202f Astrid sat after taking another sip. Her face was already getting\\u202fwarm.\\xa0
"Now Frigga or should I call you mother?"\\xa0
"Call me mother that is what I am."\\xa0
"Ok mother, I don\\u2019t mean to be rude, but I don\\u2019t think you should be drinking.\\u201d
\\u201cAnd why is that?\\u201d
\\u201cWell, because of the baby.\\xa0 Research shows\\u201d \\xa0
Cutting her off and rubbing her own belly, Frigga said \\u201cI can assure you this child is perfectly fine.\\xa0 I drank with all of my children and you can see how they turned out\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cBut nothing, our family all drank the mead and have given birth in this very home\\u201d\\xa0
Astrid was sure she had heard her right.\\u202f\\u202f Europeans had not even gotten to California until the 1800\'s and as impressive as the home was, over 1000 years was a mistake spoken by a drunk old woman.\\xa0
Frigga took another drink of her mead and let out a sharp quick cry. Chuckling she said \\u201cThe baby wants to join the world soon.\\u202f\\u202f Either that or she wants more mead. \\u201c\\xa0
\\u201c\\u202fYou are an amazing woman. How is this possible at your age you even conceived?\\u202f\\u202fHow old are you?\\u202f\\u202fI have so many questions?\\u202f\\u202fI am so sorry if I stepped on any toes.\\u201d\\u202f\\xa0
\\u201cNonsense.\\u202f No toes were stepped\\u202fon. You are family now and as family you are free to know these things.\\u202f This body is 84 years old and the child will be born tonight I would guess.\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cBut shouldn\\u2019t you go to a hospital. No offense, a woman your age having a baby is incredible,\\u202fbut complications make it far too dangerous to do here. Put\\u202fdown\\u202fthat dri'