Ep.6 Homecoming - You're Never Alone!

Published: Dec. 4, 2019, 2 p.m.

b'Episode Notes
When a new house has old secrets can the new young inhabitants survive their homecoming?
Homecoming by Joe Solmo
Music by Ray Mattis
Produced by Daniel Wilder
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Brandon pulled the keyring from his pocket of his worn blue jeans. Kristie danced impatiently from foot to foot behind him in the cold morning air. \\u201cHurry up Brandon, its freezing out here,\\u201d she said as a cloud of her frozen breath escaped her mouth.
\\u201cFirst thing we are going to have to do is change the locks. This key isn\\u2019t working right,\\u201d Brandon said over his shoulder back at his fianc\\xe9.
\\u201cI just hope the heat is turned on. I can\\u2019t believe you went out and got us a house without letting me see it first,\\u201d she said and rubbed her arms.
\\u201cIt\\u2019s more romantic that way. Besides\\u2026 it\\u2019s all my money,\\u201d Brandon said as the key finally did its job and the lock clicked. He swung the door open and turned towards Kristie. \\u201cShall I carry you over the threshold?\\u201d he asked.
\\u201cNot until we get married, Bran. Let\\u2019s just get warm,\\u201d Kristie said and pushed passed him. He heard her boots click on the hardwood floors of the living room. \\u201cThis place is huge,\\u201d he heard her say from deep within the house. It put a smile on his face that she liked the house he picked out. He entered and closed the door behind him.
\\u201cHow much did you pay for this place, Bran?\\u201d she asked as he entered the kitchen behind her. She ran her hands over the granite countertop. It was so smooth.
\\u201cNow don\\u2019t you worry about that,\\u201d he replied and wrapped his arms around her. She squealed and started to giggle.
\\u201cHow can we afford this place?\\u201d
\\u201cI got it all covered. I have been saving up for a while now. If I take some overtime down at the shop every week we should be fine. I talked to Sam he said I can work Saturdays,\\u201d Brandon said.
\\u201cIt\\u2019s beautiful. When do we move in?\\u201d she asked.
\\u201cAs soon as we are done here. I got the truck for the whole day,\\u201d he said back. \\u201cThis is going to be great. We can now start a family,\\u201d Brandon finished. She smiled back at him and kissed him on the mouth making a loud smacking noise with her lips when they separated.
\\u201cLet\\u2019s go! You know I don\\u2019t have much at my moms,\\u201d she said and skipped towards the front door. Brandon watched her go. It wasn\\u2019t just to see her backside, although it was quite impressive. It was her youthfulness that really attracted him to her.
They had met in high school, he was a senior, but she was only a freshman. They didn\\u2019t really talk until Kristie\\u2019s mom had to bring her car into the shop Brandon worked at after graduation. They were nearly inseparable ever since. He followed her out the door.
Night fell across the town early in the wintertime, it was only 6:30pm but the streetlights have come on already when they pulled up in Sam\\u2019s borrowed truck full with their possessions. Brandon backed it right up to the front door so they didn\\u2019t have to walk as far.
\\u201cCome on babe, let\\u2019s get this stuff inside. We need to christen each room you know,\\u201d Brandon said patting Kristie on the behind.
\\u201cOnce we get this stuff inside I\\u2019m going to be too tired,\\u201d she said and watched the smile leave Brandon\\u2019s face. \\u201cWell maybe two rooms,\\u201d she said coyly.
They carried boxes inside and placed them in the rooms written on the outside. They didn\\u2019t have much in the way of furniture. They were using lawn chairs temporarily in the living room. It would take another week or so for Brandon to get enough money up to get a couch from one of those rental places.
\\u201cYou know Bran, I was thinking now that we have our own house, that maybe I should get a job,\\u201d Kristie said as she placed a milk crate down in the living room. Brandon placed the T.V. on top of it. At least they had a flat screen and not one of those old heavy T.V.\\u2019s he thought to himself.
\\u201cI\\u2019ll bring the truck back tomorrow. Why don\\u2019t we order a pizza and get cleaned up,\\u201d Brandon said kissing his fianc\\xe9.
\\u201cSounds good to me, I could use a hot shower,\\u201d Kristie said and headed up the stairs. Brandon ordered a pizza quick and followed her up.
He could hear the shower running as he entered their bedroom. He started to assemble the wooden frame before he lacked all ambition. He just finished when he heard a knock on the door. He raced downstairs to get the pizza.
After they were full they made their way to the bedroom. He was glad he had finished putting the bed together. They hopped onto the mattress and started to get undressed.
Brandon awoke sometime in the night. He sat up and looked around their bedroom. It was like a dream come true. He turned back to his bride to be and smiled. He threw on his pants and headed down to the kitchen to grab himself a drink. He hoped there was a beer or two left over. Nothing was as good as a cold beer after sex, he thought.
He let out a wahoo when he opened the fridge and saw there was plenty left. He grabbed a bottle and twisted the top off. He took a long pull off the bottle before leaning against the counter looking over the boxes he had yet to unpack. A chore that he really didn\\u2019t mind having to do. Being out on their own was worth it, even if they didn\\u2019t have much.
He didn\\u2019t mind Kristie\\u2019s parents, well her foster parents, even thought they had split up both of them continued to be a part of her life. She had lived with her foster mother since they divorced two years ago. Sometimes Kristie would tell him he that she wanted to know her real parents, but she had no way of knowing. He foster parents refused to help her.
Brandon heard a thump from upstairs. \\u201cBabe?\\u201d he called out, but only silence followed. He put his beer down on the counter and moved towards the stairs. He heard no movement upstairs. \\u201cMaybe it\\u2019s the house settling,\\u201d he said and went back to his bottle.
A louder thump came from upstairs, this time with a scream. It was not the house settling. He ran for the stairs but a half dozen steps up he froze. Standing at the top of the stairs was a black form, its eyes glowed red with hatred. \\u201cIntrusus,\\u201d it said in a guttural voice.
Brandon felt his knees give out and he fell back onto the hard kitchen floor. He slid into the corner of the cabinets. Brandon was paralyzed with fear, but he heard something coming down the stairs and Kristie was screaming. He couldn\\u2019t turn his head to look. He listened as the noise went through the kitchen to the hall and then he heard a door open and slam shut. Then there was only silence.
It took him another minute before he could move. He got to his feet and called out to Kristie, but he heard no reply. He ran into the Hall and looked for her. He saw a small blood trail leading to the basement door. He grabbed a flashlight in the living room and headed towards the basement door.
He placed his hand on the knob and yanked it open, not sure what to expect, but only darkness greeted him. He shone the light on the wooden basement steps. He say the same blood trail leading down into the abyss.
\\u201cKristie!\\u201d he called out. There was no reply. He took a test step down and waited, for what he wasn\\u2019t sure. He continued down into the darkness. He had never been in the basement before. When he came to look over the house he had Sam look over the furnace and other things in the basement. His boss knew more about those kind of things. Now he wished he had gone down those stairs before, to know what he was walking into.
He reached the bottom of the stairs and shone the light around the basement. He followed the trail of blood that led off to the right from the stairs. A moment later he came to a wooden wall, with a door built in with odd symbols painted in a black paint on it.
Brandon paused and took a deep breath. The hairs on the back of his neck rose and he felt rooted in place. What if the thing he saw at the top of the stairs was in here? What if it had Kristie? He looked around on the old wooden shelves for some kind of weapon, although he didn\\u2019t know what good it would do.
Brandon found a crowbar and picked it up with his left hand. He shined the light on the door that lead deeper into the basement. The symbols written in black paint there looked foreboding to him. He couldn\\u2019t place why, just something primordial told him to run, leave Kristie and run. He couldn\\u2019t leave her though. She was the only thing that made existence worth it for him.
He took a deep breath, trying to gather his resolve and grabbed the handle on the wooden door. It was hot to the touch and he yanked his hand back. He used a rag he found to grab it a second time and yanked it open.
Dancing flames met him, the heat off of which assaulted him immediately. He saw Kristie, surrounded by a ring of fire. Her legs bound at her slender ankles and her hand tied behind her back with some kind of leather strap. She was still naked from their foray earlier, her short cropped blond hair sticking to her face with sweat generated by the heat.
\\u201cKristie!\\u201d he called and took a step closer to her. Kristie\\u2019s head snapped towards him.
\\u201cNo Brandon. Stay back!\\u201d she called out with panic in her voice.
A shadow moved off to the left, Brandon barely caught the movement out of the corner of her eyes. \\u201cIntrusus,\\u201d the thing said towards him.
\\u201cKristie, are you ok?\\u201d Brandon said facing the shadow and sidestepping towards the circle of flame.
\\u201cI\\u2026I\\u2019m ok,\\u201d she said. Brandon run. Just run!\\u201d she said.
\\u201cI can\\u2019t leave you,\\u201d he said back and watched the shadow move closer. Somehow it was darker than the blackness behind it.
\\u201cLex debet incipere,\\u201d it said in its hateful voice.
\\u201cWhat does it want?\\u201d Brandon asked his fianc\\xe9. He could feel the heat on his bare back. He was only a few feet from the flames.
\\u201cI don\\u2019t know. I don\\u2019t understand it,\\u201d she said.
\\u201cCan you move? If you we'