Ep.59 Christmas Rage! - Santa Has an Axe and He's Coming!

Published: Dec. 2, 2020, 5:01 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
It\'s Christmas Eve and a maniac has gone crazy with an axe, killing anyone that crosses his path... However there is an ever more dangerous predator out on the streets and they aren\'t out caroling...
Christmas Rage by Rob Fields
Music by Ray Mattis
Produced by Daniel Wilder
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December 23rd \\u2013 Evening
Strickfield Towne Centre Mall only seemed to be a hopping place around the holidays. The vacancies left during the usual ten months out of the year were mostly filled by seasonal stores. There was even a Santa Claus House in the mall\\u2019s center court. Families would line up with their children, many of whom had Christmas lists to give to Santa.\\xa0
But on this day, things were about to take a macabre turn . . .\\xa0
Santa Claus had just taken his seat on his throne. Templeton Mirren, the owner of the mall, and his family were right there in front of him. Santa just sat there and looked right at them.\\xa0
Templeton appeared to be patient. When Santa\\u2019s silence got to be too much, Templeton leaned in and whispered loudly, \\u201cIf you don\\u2019t get your act together, Stanley, you\\u2019ll be enjoying this Christmas on your fucking welfare check!\\u201d
Stanley Monroe was always tapped to play Santa Claus from Black Friday until Christmas Eve at Strickfield Towne Centre Mall. But as Santa slowly stood up and glared at Templeton Mirren and his family, he seemed to have a foreboding presence. Then, Santa opened the door to his house and received several screams when the slain, bloody body of Stanley Monroe just fell onto the porch.\\xa0
The families scattered in different directions. Santa took his time as he reached inside the house and pulled out the same bloody ax that he had used on Stanley earlier. Then he marched toward Templeton Mirren, raising his lethal weapon. Templeton Mirren turned and yanked a nearby father right in front of the Santa. The father never uttered a peep as Santa buried the blade right in his head. The other bystanders were too frightened to see what Templeton Mirren had done. They never saw him or his wicked wife grab their children and leave.\\xa0
From there, Santa pulled the ax out of the father\\u2019s head and buried it in another bystander as It Came Upon a Midnight Clear slowly began to play over the mall speakers.\\xa0
Christmas Eve Morning
I awaken in a different room and remember that I\\u2019m here at Franklin Sloane\\u2019s house. Franklin invited me to come home with him for Christmas. Franklin and I have been seeing each other since late August. In fact, he\\u2019s been my only companion this semester.\\xa0
After I take a shower and get dressed, I hear arguing downstairs. I make my way down and stop short when I hear that I\\u2019m the topic of discussion. Actually, it\\u2019s more like Franklin\\u2019s parents are giving him a hard time about me. The more I listen, I more I hear his father, Joseph, and his stepmother, Delphine, just discouraging him. His dad tells him there\\u2019s no way that a \\u2018big-titted puttana\\u2019 like me would ever care for him. They tell him that I\\u2019m just using him for my own selfish ends.\\xa0
Franklin argues back and tells them that I\\u2019m nothing like that. He tells them that we\\u2019ve been seeing each other since the beginning of the fall semester. He asks them what I could possibly be using him for.\\xa0
Here\\u2019s the irony. I am using Franklin, but not for the reasons his parents are implying. They think I\\u2019m with him for money, or that I\\u2019m waiting to humiliate him. I\\u2019m fully aware that people look at Franklin and decide that he\\u2019s the biggest nerd there is. Do you have any idea how many times I\\u2019ve heard people whisper that to each other when they think I\\u2019m not listening? I even hear those same people wondering how someone like me would even be with Franklin.\\xa0
Delphine tells Franklin that I\\u2019m way too beautiful for him. She even tells Franklin that I would never have sex with him, that people like me belong with fraternity boys. Yes, I certainly could have had my pick of a fraternity boy, or even a jock. The problem with those types of guys is that they would only want to have sex with me just for a short time. They would not want to commit to me. No, I need much more than they\\u2019re willing to give.\\xa0
For those of you who haven\\u2019t been following me since the beginning . . . From the time I came into the world, I have never felt so much as a single emotion. Perhaps my being emotionless is why I\\u2019m a serial killer. Your society has labeled me the Angel of Death, because I destroy those who prey on innocent people. I suppose the closest thing to emotions that I feel is my ever-insistent bloodlust, which pushes me onward to claim my victims. In fact, I\\u2019m feeling the urgent need to kill right now.\\xa0
I make my way to the dining room. The family doesn\\u2019t hear me come in until I\\u2019m right there, right when Franklin yells at Delphine, \\u201cThat\\u2019s your problem. You always think everybody\\u2019s out to get me. Well, Raige isn\\u2019t like that!\\u201d
Franklin becomes quiet when he realizes I\\u2019m here. The family is just looking at me now.\\xa0
\\u201cPerhaps I should just go,\\u201d I say. \\u201cClearly, I\\u2019m not wanted or welcome here. I\\u2019ll just get my things and go back to my dorm.\\u201d
Delphine looks sternly at me. \\u201cYou heard everything?\\u201d
I nod once. \\u201cI did. And you\\u2019re wrong about me.\\u201d I fold my arms in front of me. \\u201cPlease, enlighten me. What do I hope to gain by using Franklin?\\u201d
Delphine takes a deep breath. \\u201cDo you see yourself, Raigen? Do you see Franklin? Do you see how completely mismatched the two of you are? You can have any man you want. Why would you settle for Franklin?\\u201d
While I myself don\\u2019t have emotions, I have come to understand a great deal about how emotions can move people, both positively and negatively. Watching enough television and being around Mama long enough will do that for someone like me. \\u201cSo, let me get this straight . . . just because I\\u2019m a beautiful girl and Franklin\\u2019s a nerd, I would not want to be with someone like him? Then . . . why would I date Franklin? Why would I agree to come home with him for Christmas?\\u201d
Delphine glares at me now. \\u201cWell, I don\\u2019t know. Why don\\u2019t you tell us?\\u201d
\\u201cI agreed to come here with Franklin, because he asked me to,\\u201d I reply. \\u201cI wasn\\u2019t going home for Christmas, and Franklin didn\\u2019t want me to be alone. I\\u2019m thinking he invited me out of the kindness of his heart. That\\u2019s why I choose to be with Franklin. He\\u2019s kind to me. He\\u2019s never once tried to take advantage of me. I enjoy his company.\\u201d I unfold and lower my arms. \\u201cI can\\u2019t believe that you and your husband would cut Franklin down like this. Especially you \\u2013 a church minister.\\u201d
Delphine took over being the minister of Strickfield Community Church after the scandal with Minister Darren Harlow years ago. Yes, it\\u2019s the usual type of scandal you read about \\u2013 with children. After Harlow was removed, Delphine became the new minister. She had to work very hard to keep the church going, but she managed to do it. I was a freshman in high school when this happened, by the way. Delphine\\u2019s been quite strict on Franklin ever since, according to what he\\u2019s told me about her and from what I\\u2019ve just witnessed.\\xa0
I put a comforting hand on Franklin\\u2019s shoulder. \\u201cAre you all right?\\u201d
Franklin shakes his head. \\u201cCan we just leave, Raige?\\u201d
\\u201cYes! Yes, we can!\\u201d I reply. \\u201cGo pack a few things and we can have Christmas at my dorm.\\u201d
Franklin leaves the dining room. His parents only glare at me before I turn and head back up to the guestroom to pack my things. You\\u2019re thinking that I want to kill them both, right? Nope! They\\u2019re both innocent, so I can\\u2019t kill them.\\xa0
Ah, yes . . . Now we\\u2019re getting to what I want to tell you. I currently have an even greater need to satisfy \\u2013 even more than my need to kill. Now, while I don\\u2019t feel anything emotional, I do feel things that are physical. I know when I need to eat, drink, sleep, clean my body, seek comfort . . . I did say that I\\u2019m looking to use Franklin. As of late, I\\u2019m feeling the need to have sex. I was able to get by for many years without having to fulfill this basic need. Now my sex drive is becoming as insistent as my bloodlust. It\\u2019s because of this that I\\u2019ve come to realize that I need a mate, a constant companion. I need someone who can be good company for me and satisfy my sexual desires when the need arises. In turn, I would be just as responsive to my mate.
Would you call me a primal girl, in spite of my highly developed brain? Perhaps you would be right. Franklin Sloane is one of the few young men at Strickfield University who has taken an interest in me. Over time, he has shown me that he is both a suitable companion and an intellectual peer. I really don\\u2019t care that Franklin is a skinny nerd who talks about chess or contemporary movies. I don\\u2019t even care that the rest of you in the female population are repulsed by him. Unlike you, I don\\u2019t have it me to be repulsed by him. On the other hand, I don\\u2019t even have it in me to be able to love him. Regardless, Franklin has proven himself to be a suitable companion for me, and my desire is for him to be my mate.\\xa0
Franklin comes and gets me. \\u201cYou ready, Raige?\\u201d
\\u201cYes, we can go.\\u201d
We head downstairs and to the front door. Before we leave, Franklin turns to his parents. \\u201cI really thought we were going to have a normal family Christmas this time, even with my bringing Raige. But I can see that\\u2019s never going to happen. Come on, Raige, let\\u2019s go.\\u201d
Once more, Franklin\\u2019s parents and I exchange looks. Then I turn and leave with Franklin.\\xa0
Franklin is settled in my dorm room; I didn\\u2019t have a roommate during the fall semester. The only reason I\\u2019m allowed to stay over the holiday break is because I\\u2019m attending classes here at Strickfield University next semester.\\xa0
Franklin looks pretty down. \\u201cI\\u2019m sorry you had to see that'