Ep.56 The Babysitter - The Killer is Watching and You Have No Idea!

Published: Nov. 11, 2020, 5:01 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
A babysitter is watching after some kids to make some quick cash when the phone calls start... But the killer is closer than anyone could imagine!
The Babysitter by Rob Fields
Music by Ray Mattis
Produced by Daniel Wilder
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I\\u2019m walking down Sheffield Avenue, which is located over in Strickfield Commons. As I\\u2019m looking at all of the beautiful homes that line each and every block here, I remember that everybody and anybody who lives in Strickfield knows that this is where the rich people live. Further down this street, I can see the wall that surrounds the properties where all of those Mirrens live. It must be nice to have the kind of money that they\\u2019ve got. They sure don\\u2019t have to take babysitting jobs just to be able to make money.\\xa0
\\u201cKelsey?\\u201d a woman calls out to me.\\xa0
I quickly come out of my thoughts and turn to see Mrs. Nancy Marsden standing in the front door of the house I\\u2019m supposed to be babysitting for. \\u201cSorry, I guess I got lost in my own thoughts,\\u201d I say to her in my mousy voice.\\xa0
She gives me a little smile. \\u201cWell, come on in. My husband and I are getting ready to leave. We were just waiting on you.\\u201d
I turn and walk to the front porch. I walk up the steps and Mrs. Marsden steps aside to let me come in. This house always smells like potpourri. Definitely a pleasant smell. This beautiful house isn\\u2019t one of those mansions the Mirrens live in, but I would live in a house like this if I had that kind of money.\\xa0
The potpourri smell is overtaken by the smells of something savory, which makes my stomach growl. Then Jonathan Marsden himself comes out of the kitchen. \\u201cKelsey, glad you could finally make it.\\u201d
\\u201cUm, aren\\u2019t you two going out tonight?\\u201d I ask.\\xa0
\\u201cOh, we are,\\u201d he says. \\u201cI\\u2019m actually putting dinner on the table for you and the kids.\\u201d
One of the perks about babysitting for the Marsdens? They feed me real good. Either they give me money to order something to have delivered or Jonathan makes dinner. I take off my coat and let Mrs. Marsden have it. Then I go into the dining room and see three very nice turkey dinners on the table.\\xa0
\\u201cOh, you\\u2019re way too kind,\\u201d I say.\\xa0
\\u201cI\\u2019ve got to take good care of you, Kelsey, since you take good care of our kids,\\u201d he says with a wink. \\u201cSit.\\u201d
I go and sit at the table. Then the two children I\\u2019m babysitting come in and sit. Stephen and David are across from each other, nine and ten. They both give me those dirty looks.\\xa0
\\u201cCan\\u2019t you get a better babysitter?\\u201d Stephen complains to his dad.
\\u201cYeah, she\\u2019s such a nerd,\\u201d David adds. \\u201cKelsey wears those stupid glasses and she can\\u2019t even play video games that good.\\u201d\\xa0
Jonathan gives them a gentle sigh. \\u201cNow, you two . . . Kelsey takes good care of you both, doesn\\u2019t she?\\u201d
They give me their dirty looks again. As you can tell, they really don\\u2019t like me that much. Still, they can\\u2019t tell their dad that I hurt them in any way. No, I treat them with kid gloves and pretty much let them do whatever they want.\\xa0
When the kids don\\u2019t reply, Jonathan tells us to go ahead and eat. Nancy comes into the kitchen. \\u201cWe\\u2019d better get going, dear. We don\\u2019t want to be late.\\u201d
\\u201cRight!\\u201d Jonathan agrees.\\xa0
When Nancy leaves, Jonathan comes up behind me and pats my shoulder. \\u201cYou\\u2019ve got this under control. As always, I\\u2019ll pay you when we get back. You\\u2019ll probably get a bonus if there are no issues.\\u201d
Jonathan and Nancy leave. Now it\\u2019s just me and the kids. They start giving me a hard time again about my glasses and how I suck at video games. Then Stephen tells me the only reason their dad hires me to babysit them is because he says I\\u2019m a cute little thing. Then David tells me I look like a little girl. Sigh . . . I sure wish my body would have developed as much as my brain. They\\u2019re right when they say I look really young for my age; I\\u2019ve been told that I look like I\\u2019m twelve, when I\\u2019m really much older. I can\\u2019t even get into R-rated movies without having my I.D. with me.\\xa0
After we finish dinner, I go ahead and do the dishes. The kids are running around and acting like . . . kids. I have to tell them to settle down. When I\\u2019m done with the dishes, I join the boys in the living room. Then they attack me and start wrestling me. I end up getting a little rough with them, not enough to hurt them of course. In time, I get them to sit down and we watch a couple of movies (their choices).\\xa0
When it gets to be around ten o\\u2019clock, I tell them it\\u2019s time to head upstairs and go to bed. Of course, they always have to ask me if I can let them stay up a little later. I bend a little and give them another half hour. Then I finally make them go upstairs. In fact, I make sure they\\u2019re both in their pajamas and getting into bed. One other time before, I caught them messing around in their parents\\u2019 room.\\xa0
\\u201cDon\\u2019t even think about raiding any of the other rooms up here,\\u201d I tell them. \\u201cI can hear you downstairs and I\\u2019ll be up.\\u201d
\\u201cYeah, you\\u2019re just waiting for Dad to get home,\\u201d David quips.\\xa0
\\u201cWell, yeah,\\u201d I say. \\u201cHe\\u2019s got to pay me, right?\\u201d
\\u201cAnd then you can show him your boobs,\\u201d Stephen teases.\\xa0
I open my mouth wide. \\u201cStephen! You are much too young to be talking about things like that!\\u201d I point at both of them. \\u201cNow get to bed! Remember, I\\u2019m downstairs and I\\u2019ll hear you if you\\u2019re messing around up here. And if I hear you . . . I\\u2019m coming back up here and killing you both.\\u201d
They both give me pouty sighs and finally get under their covers. I wait a bit before I turn out the light and head back downstairs. I sit in a recliner and turn on the TV. I turn the volume down enough so I can hear it and not disturb the kids. There\\u2019s a news program that shows the Statton house, which is just a few blocks away, still here in Stickfield Commons. A reporter is talking about a murder that happened there just last night. Turns out the three children who lived in that house were all murdered \\u2013 violently! They\\u2019ve been reporting on a lot of kids being murdered in the last few months. They obviously haven\\u2019t caught whomever did it.\\xa0
I click the remote and try to find something to watch. It\\u2019s one of those nights where nothing\\u2019s on. I adjust my new glasses and wish I hadn\\u2019t broken my other ones. I guess that\\u2019s what happens when you get careless, right? I turn off the TV and pull out my smartphone. Just as I\\u2019m about to mess around on it, I hear the telephone ring. It surprises me that the Marsdens still have a landline, as rich as they are.\\xa0
I get up and answer the phone. \\u201cHello? Marsden residence.\\u201d
\\u201cHow are the children this evening?\\u201d this weird voice asks me.\\xa0
\\u201cExcuse me?\\u201d
\\u201cHow are the children this evening?\\u201d the voice repeats.\\xa0
\\u201cUm, can I help you with something?\\u201d I demand impatiently.\\xa0
\\u201cStupid crank callers . . .\\u201d I mutter as I hang up the receiver.\\xa0
I go back to the living room and sit down with my smartphone. I open up Facebook and check out my notifications. Then I mess around on Twitter and post a few responses. After that, I look at some of my pics. After a while, the telephone rings again. I groan and get up to go and answer it. I pick up the receiver. \\u201cHello? Marsden residence.\\u201d
\\u201cDon\\u2019t you think you should be keeping a closer eye on the children?\\u201d It\\u2019s that weird voice again.\\xa0
\\u201cSeriously, what do you want? The Marsdens aren\\u2019t home right now. You\\u2019ll have to call back later. Preferably tomorrow morning,\\u201d I say, with a bit more impatience.\\xa0
\\u201cI wouldn\\u2019t get too comfortable if I were you.\\u201d
I groan and hang up the receiver.\\xa0
I realize I have to go to the bathroom. After I finish, I\\u2019m washing my hands. Then I\\u2019m looking at myself in the mirror. \\u201cYeah, right. I\\u2019m a cute little girl? Give me a break,\\u201d I mutter to myself.\\xa0
I look myself over in the mirror again. The best I can do to describe myself is that I look like a small beanpole version of Velma from \\u201cScooby-Doo\\u201d. I\\u2019ve got the same dark hair as Velma, except mine is straight and goes halfway down my back. I also have freckles on my cheeks. Then I look down at my chest. I can\\u2019t believe that Stephen would attack me and talk about my boobs. Okay, I\\u2019m not endowed like many of the cheerleaders at Strickfield High, but I\\u2019d like to think that I have enough to at least tell people I\\u2019m really a woman and not a little girl. So frustrating . . .\\xa0
I turn away from the mirror and leave the bathroom, turning off the light. And . . . the telephone\\u2019s ringing again. I groan again and go pick up the receiver. \\u201cYes?\\u201d
\\u201cDid you even check to see if all of the doors were locked?\\u201d A pause. \\u201cKelsey!!\\u201d
My eyes open real wide! \\u201cSeriously, what do you want?\\u201d
\\u201cI\\u2019d be checking those doors if I were you.\\u201d
I growl and slam the receiver down. Then I move and check the doors. They\\u2019re all locked up tight. I even check the windows down here. I mean, the Marsdens wouldn\\u2019t have them unlocked anyway, right? Not in the middle of November. Seriously, what does this person want? Why does he keep calling here?
I take a deep breath. Keep it together now. It\\u2019s just some idiot who\\u2019s trying to scare you for some cheap thrills. I return to the telephone and wait for it to ring again, which it does. I pick it up. \\u201cNow what?!\\u201d
\\u201cYou should have been checking the doors to make sure you could UNLOCK them. I\\u2019ll be coming for you very soon, Kelsey. There will be NO ESCAPE for you.\\u201d
This time I\\u2019m the one who hangs up on him. I need to go and check on the kids. Then the telephone rings again! I swear I am going to rip the phone cord out! I pick up the receiver. \\u201cLeave me alone!\\u201d I yell.\\xa0
\\u201cIn a little while, you\\u2019ll be more alone than you think . . . permanently! I\\u2019ll be coming for you in just a short while! You will belong to me!\\u201d
I have had it! I hang up the receiver and then pick it back up again. I dial 0 for the operator. Yes!! I can'