Ep.54 Another Mischief Night - She's Loose and She's Ready to Kill You!

Published: Oct. 31, 2020, 4:01 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
This is our Halloween Episode, so on top of our haunting story we have some fun skits and music as well to celebrate our favorite holiday!
On Halloween things aren\'t so good at the Forbe\'s mental hospital as their star pupil has escaped and gone on a rampage to quench her thirst for blood and carnage!
Mischief Night by Shane Migliavacca
Music by Ray Mattis
Produced by Daniel Wilder
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Fresh from nursing school, Kay Farris had only been at Forbes Sanitarium for three months\\u2026 yet, she was already sure she\\u2019d never get used to the building or the psychotics that dwelled within.\\xa0
Lightning flashed outside, it\\u2019s crooked fingers searching for the ground. Halloween was a few days away, but for Kay it may as well be tonight. The dark hallways and stillness of level 5 were creeping her out, and the damn storm wasn\\u2019t helping matters.\\xa0
Dr. Chandler had all the patients on level 5 sedated early; something to be thankful for, she thought, as she made her rounds. But with the storm it was really the only course of action as bad weather tended to knock out the sanitarium\\u2019s power\\u2026 and since the doors were locked electronically, if the power went out, all the doors would unlock. The cheapskates in charge refused to pay for a backup generator.\\xa0
She stopped.\\xa0
Ahead was the end of the hall\\u2026 and the last door on the left behind which sat Patient\\xa0 15.\\xa0
Patient 15; that girl in the mask, Amanda Williams\\u2026 she was worse than all the others. The girl just sat there, day and night in her white mask, never making a sound. Chandler, who had treated the girl since she\\u2019d first arrived, said she wore the mask out of shame\\u2026 shame that her brother was murdered in a botched robbery while she stood by, paralyzed with fear.
Kay heard noises coming from the room late at night\\u2026 not surprising since Amanda was the only patient that was never sedated as Chandler felt it unnecessary. Kay suspected the old man thought of the girl as a daughter. She chuckled, picturing them sitting down for a Sunday dinner.\\xa0
She started down the hall again when there was a bright flash of lightning, followed by a loud crash of thunder. The lights dimmed before finally flickering back on.\\xa0
\\u201cSpooky shit huh?\\u201d
Kay jumped, she spun around to see Johnny Earl behind her. The husky orderly smirked and she felt her face turning red.\\xa0
\\u201cDown there. The last cell.\\u201d His loud booming voice trailed off into a whisper. \\u201cPatient 15.\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cI guess.\\u201d Kay shrugged, not wanting to let on how freaked the girl made her feel.
\\u201cAll the ghosts and goblins will be coming out soon. \\u201c He made eerie sounds. \\u201cI can protect you.\\u201d
\\u201cSave the trick or treat shit for Halloween night, Johnny Earl.\\u201d
Thank god Halloween was on a Saturday this year Kay thought, safe in the knowledge she had the day off.\\xa0
\\u201cHey, I\\u2019m sorry. How about I make it up to you?\\u201d He touched her arm, making Kay flinch.
\\u201cThere\\u2019s some empty rooms downstairs, we could take a little break.\\u201d
She pulled away from the big orderly. \\u201cNot a chance.\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cStuck up bitch.\\u201d Kay heard him mumble as she walked away.\\xa0
Smiling at his disappointment, she walked back to the nurse\\u2019s station. An older nurse sat watching a small TV which sat next to a large Jack-o Lantern. Lightning flashed, causing the lights to dim again. The woman looked up as Kay approached.\\xa0
\\u201cDon\\u2019t worry.\\u201d The older woman took out a cigarette, lighting it up. \\u201cHappens every time there\\u2019s a big storm.\\u201d
A sinister laugh erupted from the TV.\\xa0
\\u201c31 Days of Halloween will return with: Jesse James Meets Frankenstein\'s Daughter after these horrendous arcane adverts!\\u201d\\xa0
Mrs. Bradley was the senior nurse on the 5th floor, which meant she could do whatever the hell she wanted\\u2026 so, the old nurse spent her shift watching old horror movies and smoking. \\xa0
\\u201cHow are all our little chickadees?\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cGood.\\u201d Mrs. Bradley coughed. \\u201cSit down for a bit. They ain\\u2019t going anywhere.\\u201d\\xa0
Kay sat, stifling a cough. She hadn\\u2019t talked to the older nurse much since staring at Forbes. Bradley intimidated her, and Kay had heard stories from the other nurses that the old woman could be quite the tyrant if you crossed her\\u2026 so Kay did as she was told and kept her head down.
\\u201cYou like it here?\\u201d\\xa0
She felt her throat tighten as Kay strained to think of the appropriate words.
\\u201cIt\\u2019s a shithole.\\u201d Mrs. Bradley laughed. \\u201cDon\\u2019t worry about trying to kiss my ass and say this is a great place. Do your job, put in your time, and if you\'re smart you\\u2019ll use this as a stepping stone.\\u201d
After a few moments of silence, Kay worked up the courage to ask a question. \\xa0
\\u201cHow come you stayed?\\u201d\\xa0
Before answering, the old nurse tapped some ash into a coffee cup.\\xa0
\\u201cBig fish small pond. If I\\u2019d gone somewhere else, I\\u2019d have to start over again.\\u201d\\xa0
Johnny Earl sauntered towards them. \\u201cWell, well. Nobody told me it was break time.\\u201d He made a hurt face.\\xa0
Standing, Kay adjusted her uniform. \\u201cWell, back to it.\\u201d She walked by Johnny Earl, giving him the cold shoulder. Kay could feel them both watching her as she walked away. She listened to the squeak of her sneakers on the cold linoleum floor.\\xa0
Outside lightning\\xa0 flashed, the brightest one yet. On its heels was a building-shaking rumble as thunder rolled above the earth.\\xa0
The light\\u2019s flickered and hummed again before going out. This time, they remained dark.\\xa0
\\u201cOh fuck.\\u201d Kay muttered to herself.
She stood alone in the hallway, darkness surrounding her. Kay used the faint light from outside to find the wall. Slowly, feeling along the wall, her hand glided over the concrete of the wall and the metal of the doors.\\xa0
She continued on this way until she bumped face first into the wall at the hall\\u2019s end.
Embarrassed, Kay headed back. She could see the pumpkin grinning there by the now dark TV. A fiery face grinning at her\\u2026 a beacon in the dark.
Another sharp blast of lightning revealed the older nurse sitting there in her chair. Kay\\u2019s eyes strained to adjust after the bright flash of light.
\\u201cThis is something.\\u201d Kay said, feeling a little better in the veteran\\u2019s presence. \\u201cI\\u2019m sure the power will be back on soon, right?\\u201d
Unable to see but the faintest outline of the older nurse, Kay turned the face of the Jack-O-Lantern towards the woman.
\\u201cMrs. Bradley?\\u201d
The woman\\u2019s head slumped to the side, her eyes open and wide. Her swollen tongue hung limp from her mouth, which was frozen in a silent scream.
Nearly tripping over her own feet, Kay backed away.\\xa0
What should she do? Find Johnny Earl\\u2026 call the cops?\\xa0
Slowly turning, Kay came face to face with a blank white face mask. Narrowed eyes sized her up from behind it.\\xa0
\\u201cAmanda.\\u201d Was all Kay could spit out before strong muscular hands gripped her by the throat, lifting her off the ground. Amanda\\u2019s eyes met Kay\\u2019s\\u2026 cold, deep and somehow innocent.\\xa0
Suddenly there was a deafening crack and it was over. Kay\\u2019s body hit the linoleum floor with a dull thud. Amanda stepped over the body without a second glance. She had much to do.\\xa0

Kyle Williams felt guilty as he put on his Halloween costume. Amanda would want him to go out, have a good time. The thought of her made him touch the side of his face as he ran his hand over the scar on his cheek.\\xa0
If only he\\u2019d done something to help her that night.\\xa0
\\u201cCome on lead ass!\\u201d\\xa0
Trevor, his impatient roommate stood in the door dressed as Dracula.\\xa0
\\u201cThem wild wild women ain\\u2019t waiting forever.\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cSure, almost done.\\u201d
Truthfully, he was glad to be going\\u2026 it was a chance to get out of the dorm, instead of sitting around by himself while everybody had fun.
\\u201cI can\\u2019t believe you\'re going as a hobo.\\u201d
\\u201cI\\u2019m not a hobo.\\u201d Kyle groaned. \\u201cI\\u2019m Dr. Who.\\u201d
\\u201cI\\u2019ve seen Dr. Who, he doesn\\u2019t dress like a hobo.\\u201d
\\u201cThe second one did.\\u201d
Trevor shook his head. \\u201cWhatever man, I\\u2019ll take your word for it. Let\\u2019s go.\\u201d

As they pulled up the driveway, Kyle was amazed by just how many people were there.
\\u201cHoly shit.\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cGot that right.\\u201d Trevor said, looking for an open spot on the lawn to park. \\u201cI think the whole collage is here and then some.\\u201d
Finding a spot on the outer edge of the lawn. Trevor parked. They got out, both marveling at the lit up three story house. Halloween lights crisscrossing it\\u2019s front.
A pretty Latino woman in a revealing red dress and shoddy black wig, a close enough approximation of Sigourney Weaver from Ghostbusters, brushed past Kyle as he and Trevor made their way towards the house.
\\u201cSorry.\\u201d She said, turning to look at Kyle, before disappearing behind a van.\\xa0
\\u201cNo prob.\\u201d Kyle replied. Watching her go.
\\u201cDude, she was checking you out.\\u201d
\\u201cYeah right.\\u201d
\\u201cFuck, she was. Trust me.\\u201d
Trevor nods. \\u201cGo on. I\\u2019ll be inside.\\u201d\\xa0
Kyle hesitated for a moment, before going to look for the girl in the red dress.
Poking his head around the other side of the van, Kyle scanned the rows of parked cars.\\xa0 A guy, his hair pulled back in a ponytail, dressed in a karate gi and a blonde girl in a cheerleader uniform stared at him as he prowled around looking for the girl.
He headed back towards where they\\u2019d parked. It was like the girl had vanished into thin air.
\\u201cHey. Over here.\\u201d
Kyle turned to see the girl in the red dress leaning against a tree.
\\u201cHi.\\u201d He stammered.\\xa0
She beckoned him over.\\xa0
\\u201cKyle Williams?\\u201d
\\u201cCome with me if you want to live.\\u201d
\\u201cI always wanted to say that.\\u201d
A man cleared his throat, stepping from behind a tree. \\u201cOfficer Mortez, we don\\u2019t have time for shenanigans.\\u201d\\xa0
The man rubbed his hands together. His thinning white hair was combed back. Kyle was very familiar with the little man.
\\u201cDr. Chandler?\\u201d Kyle said, perplexed. \\u201cWhat are you doing here? Did something happen?\\u201d
The doctor stroked his chin. \\u201cYour sister escaped\\u2026 after killing two nurses and an orderly.\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cAnd later she st'