Ep.51 Photosensitive - You're the Focus of a KILLER on Halloween Night!

Published: Oct. 14, 2020, 4:01 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
A new house brings a new lease on life until mysterious photographs begin showing up on the new owner\'s cell phone... but that isn\'t the only thing happening at night while she sleeps!
Photosensitive by Joe Solmo
Music by Ray Mattis
Produced by Daniel Wilder
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Lacey set the cardboard box down at the door\\u2019s threshold and took a minute. This was the last box, and she was finally moved in to her new home. It really was a long time coming, she had saved up for years to afford a house of her own. No more apartments with noisy neighbors, she was on her own out here in the country.\\xa0
It really was a steal; nowhere could she find a three-bedroom house for this cheap. She had been looking for a while. The best part would be the commute. She was now only five miles from work, as manager of the tabletop game store, Dragon\\u2019s Den. She had been there since high school, working her way up to her position.\\xa0
\\u201cGet a move on, bitch,\\u201d came a voice from behind Lacey as her sister Simone, bumped into her. \\u201cAre you trying out your future as a door?\\u201d
\\u201cI\\u2019m just taking in the moment. This is kind of a big deal,\\u201d Lacey said and moved into the house. Her sister was always the impatient one, but as far as older sisters go, she wasn\\u2019t half bad. There really wasn\\u2019t much of a rivalry growing up together. When Simone and her friends got into witchcraft, they would let her sit in the corner and watch them. She had no idea what they were doing back then, the age difference was too much. An eight-year-old can barely understand what the high school seniors were doing, but it seemed exciting to Lacey.
They entered the kitchen and Lacey put the kettle on the stove, the cold late October morning chilled the bones. The furnace guy was coming later today to clean it and make sure it was good, and she didn\\u2019t want to turn it on until he said it was okay.
\\u201cSo which bedroom will be mine when I leave Dan?\\u201d Simone asked, pushing her auburn hair out of her face.
\\u201cYou can have the basement. Seems more your style,\\u201d Lacey joked.\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cYou have all the luck, little sis. You know that right. Single, owning your own house. I envy you.\\u201d
\\u201cHa, I will be lucky if I can afford groceries after the mortgage. You don\\u2019t seem to have a problem with that though,\\u201d Lacey joked poking her sister in her belly.
\\u201cI miss this. Living in North Carolina kinda sucks, to be honest,\\u201d Simone finished. \\u201cWell at least I got three more days to hang here with you in New York. I fly back on November first.\\u201d
\\u201cDon\\u2019t blame me, you\\u2019re the idiot that decided to chase your dreams,\\u201d Lacey said as the tea kettle began to whistle.
They spent the rest of the day putting Lacey\\u2019s belongings away and making the house feel more like a home. She was getting worried about the furnace, the guy they sent over had been down there a long time. He had startled her when he showed up, one minute she was in the kitchen, putting away the dishes that didn\\u2019t get broke from Simone\\u2019s lousy packing, the next he was standing in the doorway. Neither sister heard him enter the house. When she saw him there, leaning against the kitchen doorway, it made her jump.\\xa0
She hadn\\u2019t heard a noise from the basement in a while and went downstairs to check on him since Simone decided to take a nap on the couch. She always could fall asleep anywhere. It was like turning a switch off. Lacey used to tease her and call her a robot.
She descended the wooden basement stairs slowly. She always hated basements. She didn\\u2019t like the dark open space. She knew the fear was irrational. In her imagination, once a space was empty and dark, that\\u2019s when spooky things could fill the space.\\xa0 She decided that she would just leave the basement lights on from now on. That would give her peace of mind, at least.
\\u201cAlmost done. The furnace looks good. Even for sitting as long as it did. I put a heavy-duty air filter in there, because of the dirt,\\u201d the furnace guy said pointing next to the loose dirt near the washer and dryer. His name tag on his blue work shirt said Brad.
\\u201cThank you. I wonder why they never finished the basement,\\u201d she replied. Brad kind of gave her a weird look, like the answer should be obvious.
\\u201cIt\\u2019s going to be ninety dollars for the service. I just need to pack up my tools. Cash or check works, I don\\u2019t have a way to take credit card,\\u201d he said as the furnace kicked on for the first time since she moved in. She couldn\\u2019t wait for the warmth. She shivered from the cold.
She headed upstairs to get the man the money. She had enough cash to cover it. Simone was snoring, so Lacey took a few seconds to record it on her cell phone to blackmail her later, like sisters would do. She giggled with glee at the thought.
A moment later Brad entered the kitchen where she was taking the cash from her purse. She handed over the cash to him. She noticed he wore a gold ring. Too bad he was taken. He was a little older, but was good looking.
\\u201cThanks. I ran out of receipts. I will have the office send one over in the mail, if that is okay with you,\\u201d Brad asked her with a smile.
\\u201cYeah, that\\u2019s fine. Thanks for coming on short notice. The office said they weren\\u2019t sure if they could send someone that quick. I definitely will be calling you guys for all my furnace stuff. Let me walk you out,\\u201d Lacey said.
\\u201cSure thing,\\u201d Brad said and turned towards the front of the house, his tool belt hit Simone\\u2019s tea cup, which fell to the floor and shattered. \\u201cOh damn. I am so sorry. I can be a klutz sometimes,\\u201d he said apologetically. \\u201cLet me pick this up.\\u201d
\\u201cNo, it\\u2019s ok. I will get it,\\u201d Lacey said grabbing some paper towels for the spilled tea. She got down on her knees and began to clean it up.
\\u201cOk then, I will just show myself out,\\u201d Brad said and left the kitchen.
Simone entered the kitchen a second later. \\u201cHey. What happened?\\u201d she asked.
\\u201cYou left your mug on the edge of the table and Brad knocked it over on his way out,\\u201d Lacey said picking up the broken pieces in her hand.
\\u201cWho is Brad? Do you have a secret boyfriend you haven\\u2019t told me about?\\u201d Simone joked and helped her pick up the pieces of the mug.
\\u201cYou must have seen him. He was just here. He fixed the furnace,\\u201d Lacey explained.
\\u201cI just woke up. Must have just missed him,\\u201d Simone said. \\u201cWas he cute?\\u201d
\\u201cHe had his charm. Now that we have heat, let\\u2019s get a pizza and watch some cheesy horror movies. I think I am done for today,\\u201d Lacey said.
\\u201cFine with me!\\u201d
Later that night, Lacey washed up for bed. It was fun having her sister around. After living alone for so long, it was good to have someone to talk to. She hadn\\u2019t realized how lonely she actually was. Simone had passed out halfway through Chopping Mall. Lacey left her on the couch, even though they had set up one of the spare rooms for her.\\xa0
She crawled into bed and checked her phone. No new messages. She really was lonely. She decided she would try to be a little more outgoing and make an effort to meet someone. It didn\\u2019t have to be romantic, just someone to watch movies with or something. She placed her phone on the night stand and closed her eyes.
The next morning Lacey woke with a start. She had had a nightmare. She couldn\\u2019t remember it, just the uneasy feeling it gave her. A sleezy, greasy feeling. She got out of bed and looked for her phone. She shook out the blankets and it fell to the floor. She looked at the nightstand for a moment and then shrugged. She had been pretty tired last night. She heard Simone downstairs in the kitchen and smelled bacon cooking. Her stomach rumbled in agreement with the delicious odor.
She went downstairs and sat at the table. The kettle was already on. She checked her messages again. Still nothing. Simone looked at her with a cocked head.
\\u201cSomeone special getting ahold of you?\\u201d she asked.
\\u201cNo. No messages,\\u201d she said with a sigh and put her phone on the table.
\\u201cI\\u2019m sorry Brad hasn\\u2019t sexted you,\\u201d Simone said and set a plate of food down in front of her little sister. It reminded her of when they both lived at home and she had to babysit. \\u201cWait until I go back to North Carolina before having him spend the night. I need my beauty sleep and I don\\u2019t need you two keeping me up all night!\\u201d Simone joked.
\\u201cMe keeping you up? That\\u2019s rich. Do you know how loud you snore?\\u201d Lacey said and reached for her phone.
\\u201cI certainly do not snore!\\u201d Simone said loudly. \\u201cDan would have told me when we moved in together.\\u201d
\\u201cI have proof!\\u201d Lacey said and opened the photos on her phone. Her face went pale and she dropped her phone onto her plate of eggs and bacon.
\\u201cLacey? What is it?\\u201d Simone said.
\\u201cThat wasn\\u2019t very funny!\\u201d Lacey said cleaning off her phone. Simone gave her a confused look.
\\u201cTaking those pictures last night,\\u201d Lacey finished.
\\u201cI don\\u2019t know what you are talking about, let me see,\\u201d Simone said and grabbed her phone from her. There were half a dozen picture of Lacey sleeping in the same pajamas she was wearing now. Except the last one. The last one Lacey\\u2019s top was pulled up exposing her breasts.
\\u201cThese are from last night?\\u201d Simone asked.
\\u201cYeah, that\\u2019s the new room around me. When did you take them?\\u201d Lacey asked. She looked at her plate, but she had lost her appetite.
\\u201cI swear it wasn\\u2019t me, the last thing I remember is falling asleep during the movie and waking up like a half hour before you. I didn\\u2019t do this, I swear!\\u201d Simone said.
\\u201cYou better not be fucking with me,\\u201d Lacey said and got up. They both went to the bedroom and looked everything over. The windows were still locked. Lacey explained to her sister how she thought she left her phone on the nightstand and when she woke it was on the bed. Both of them agreed that it was really creepy. They got dressed and went to the hardware store t'