Ep.35 The Message - You Never Know Who is Watching...

Published: June 24, 2020, 5:27 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
A truly despicable college co-ed may have finally met her match because you just never know who is watching you, and what they are capable of...
The Message by Rob Fields
Music by Ray Mattis
Produced by Daniel Wilder
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Imagine this . . . You\\u2019re a twenty-three-year-old girl who\\u2019s got everything going for you: a very rich family, luxury and privilege, never wanting for anything, and a beautiful body. You can have any man you want. You\\u2019re on top of the world.\\xa0
Interested? Okay, let\\u2019s begin . . .\\xa0
You\\u2019ve passed every class while you were in school \\u2013 without studying. Why should you have to study when you can just cruise along with your million-dollar body? You can just keep your pretty eyes on certain men . . . show generous amounts of cleavage . . . offer a handjob to the right teacher . . . All for those As you\\u2019ve never had to study for.\\xa0
You still here? Come on, stay with me . . .
You graduate with a great GPA. But in order for you to take over the family business someday, you must continue your education. You agree to go to college. Like high school, you rely on your porn star body to get through each semester of college. Like you\\u2019re actually going to crack open a book and read the assignments, right? You\\u2019re even allowed to bring a laptop to take notes, but why?! Why should you have to write . . . anything?! You\\u2019re rich! You\\u2019re privileged! You\\u2019re entitled! Besides, your glorious nails cost a pretty penny. Hell, you can charm some geek into writing your papers, right? \\xa0
You still with me? Nice . . .
You finish your first three-and-a-half years at Strickfield University, with plenty of good grades. And . . . all of your professors were guys. Coincidence? Or maybe because you know your sex appeal won\\u2019t work on women, aside from lesbians or bisexuals? Also, you\\u2019ll be damned if you lip-lock with another female. Anyway, all your professors are male. Because even college professors can let the little head think for the big head.
We\\u2019re moving along. Hang in there . . .
The second semester of your pivotal senior year comes. Things are a little more challenging. You\\u2019re finding your looks are just not enough now. To get those all-important As, you have to show your big titties . . . give more handjobs . . . maybe give a really good blowjob. And for some professors who want even more . . . you\\u2019ll actually have to spend the night with them. You haven\\u2019t been a virgin since junior high, so what difference does fucking university professors old enough to be your dad make?\\xa0
Don\\u2019t worry, it gets better. Stay with me . . .\\xa0
Now you\\u2019ve finally got that one professor . . . Yeah, that one! The one who doesn\\u2019t care about your looks, your big tits, or your sexy body. He\\u2019s a happily married man who loves his wife of twenty-five years, so the sight of you doesn\\u2019t arouse his little head in the least. No matter what you do, you just can\\u2019t win this professor over. You still refuse to take notes, do homework, or lift your pen to take exams. Your grades in his class are the worst. But you\\u2019re privileged . . . You\\u2019re entitled . . . You\\u2019re rich . . . The world owes you. Hell, what this professor makes in a year is pocket change to you, right?\\xa0
You still want to keep going? Of course you do . . .
You\\u2019re desperate now. Sitting in the back, you\\u2019ve shown him your tits during class. You\\u2019ve even shown him you weren\\u2019t wearing panties. In fact, you\\u2019ve even offered to suck your professor\\u2019s cock \\u2013 more than once. Even more, you\\u2019ve offered to let him fuck you, and in some compromising places. You\\u2019ve even surprised him by waiting for him in his office . . . completely naked! Yet, the fucking professor just will not surrender to you. He never once pops a chubby. What the fuck?! Does he really love his wife that much? Nobody loves his wife for that many years! Your own parents are out fucking around on each other, for Christ\\u2019s sake.\\xa0
Ah, you\\u2019re still with me, still loving all this juiciness. Mm, mmmm . . .\\xa0
The professor\\u2019s going to turn you in to the dean for your erratic behavior. He\\u2019ll tell him that you haven\\u2019t done . . . anything really! He certainly has your grades to show for it, including your blank exams. Because you\\u2019re simply too entitled to put forth the effort. In fact, you\\u2019re entitled to everything life has to offer.\\xa0
It\\u2019s getting dark now. Turn on those smartphone flashes . . .
Now you\\u2019ve got a real problem. You can\\u2019t let your parents see that you\\u2019ve actually failed a class. Didn\\u2019t your parents tell you that if didn\\u2019t bring home the grades, they weren\\u2019t going to keep you in school? If you\\u2019re not ready to be a part of the family business, they\\u2019ll cut you off. They\\u2019ll send you out into the real world to make your own way. You\\u2019ll no longer live in luxury. You\\u2019ll no longer be entitled. You\\u2019ll no longer be pampered and have the world at your feet. You\\u2019ll be banished to the Mortal Realm with all the other bottom-feeders who have to bust their asses just to make end\\u2019s meet. There\\u2019s only one thing left to do . . .\\xa0
Darker still! Hope your smartphone batteries have a good charge . . .
You talk to your scumbag boyfriend, knowing he\\u2019s a scumbag. But he\\u2019s always been there for you when you needed him. He listens intently as you tell him about the professor who\\u2019s fucking up your whole world. Then he comes up with the perfect plan to help you get the grade you\\u2019re entitled to. All it\\u2019ll cost you is a little of your green and some quality time with your pink. Anything to keep you entitled!
Really dark now!! Hope your smartphone batteries aren\\u2019t ready to die . . .
Your boyfriend knows the professor works in his office late on Fridays. He knows your professor always gets a Mountain Dew out of the soda machine beforehand. Not coffee . . . not bottled water . . . a Mountain Dew! Probably the only unconventional thing about him. Having his office phone number, you make a desperate phone call. You tell him you need help and give him a false location. When he leaves, your boyfriend slithers into his office and roofies his Mountain Dew. Later, you and your boyfriend watch as the professor returns to his office, no doubt upset at your phone call. Oh, but he has no idea of what awaits him in that green bottle. It\\u2019s only time . . .\\xa0
We\\u2019re at NC-17 content now. Put the kids to bed . . .
You and your boyfriend take the sleeping professor to an empty classroom. It\\u2019s Friday night and nobody\\u2019s around. You undo the professor\\u2019s trousers and pull them down with his boxers. Up comes your dress \\u2013 no panties. You finally get him nice and hard. And . . . Congratulations! You \\u2013 a girl \\u2013 just committed rape! You\\u2019ve got him by the balls \\u2013 literally! You both get him dressed and take him back to his office. Next, you both go back to your place. With the incriminating juices still inside you, your boyfriend beats the living shit out of you. It has to look like an actual rape, right? When he\\u2019s finished, you call the police and tell them everything.\\xa0
Feeling pissed off yet? Good . . .
The professor is arrested. The police take samples from you both. They get a match. But they won\\u2019t find the Mountain Dew with the roofie in it. Your boyfriend saw to that. His plan worked perfectly. Yes, his plan! Psst! He\\u2019s actually smarter than you. So now . . . The professor\\u2019s in jail. He\\u2019s fired from Strickfield University. His wife leaves him after twenty-five happily married years. She wouldn\\u2019t even listen to him when he pled his case to her. He gets a trial by jury, is found guilty, and sentenced to life in prison. That night . . . he hangs himself, knowing he won\\u2019t survive prison. Your boyfriend already got into the professor\\u2019s computer to change your grade. But if it was that simple, then why ruin the man\\u2019s life? Because you\\u2019re entitled! And nobody fucks that up for you.\\xa0
Hey, you\\u2019ve made it all the way to this point. Ready for the twist? Sure you are . . .
Now, two things are established: you think you\\u2019re entitled . . . and you\\u2019re not too bright. Your boyfriend made the plan that led to the death of an innocent professor who wouldn\\u2019t give you the grade you wanted. But neither of you had any idea that a certain girl was in that same class with you. Actually, I was in a couple. \\xa0
Boy, did you two ever stand out to me . . .\\xa0
Not only did I see you showing your titties and your cooch to Professor Rodney Simmons, I even saw you arguing with him in his office after that class. I suppose those things alone wouldn\\u2019t trigger a red flag. It was after the newspapers revealed that Professor Simmons had committed suicide. I watched you both closely. Neither of you showed remorse.
I did my usual research and found the gradebook in Professor Simmons\\u2019 office before anyone came to clean it out. I took pics on my smartphone, wearing gloves of course. I also lifted fingerprints off the professor\\u2019s laptop. Some belonged to the professor. The others belonged to Jacob Lavigne. Thanks to a fingerprint scanner I rigged up, I matched them with a special program I picked up on the Dark Net that gave me immediate access to fingerprints databases.\\xa0
Now, I just needed one more thing . . . \\xa0
\\u201cWhat the fuck . . . ?\\u201d Genevieve Van Sant demanded. \\u201cWhere am I?\\u201d
\\u201cRight where I want you,\\u201d I replied, stepping out of the darkness.\\xa0
Genevieve spoke with her entitled voice. \\u201cI know you. You\\u2019re that Criminal Justice bitch people talk about all over campus.\\u201d \\xa0
\\u201cWow, you actually know something,\\u201d I replied. \\u201cI\\u2019m surprised you know anything, considering how stupid you are.\\u201d\\xa0
She struggled to get free. \\u201cYou can\\u2019t scare me!\\u201d Then she glared at me. \\u201cYou really fucked up. Once I talk to select people, you\\u2019re fucked. You don\\u2019t ever put your hands on me. Professor Simmons found that out.\\u201d
\\u201cOh, you mean'