Ep.34 Father's Day - He's Got a Hatchet and YOU SUMMONED HIM

Published: June 17, 2020, 4:01 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
On Father\'s Day a group of teens hold a seance for laughs to summon the spirit of a father who never got revenge for the murder of his daughter... What could go wrong?
Father\'s Day by Shane Migliavacca
Music by Ray Mattis
Produced by Daniel Wilder
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This section of the path scared Matt shitless, not that he\\u2019d admit it to anyone.... especially to Greg and Jenny; his two best friends, walking a little ways in front of him.\\xa0
Last year there had been a stabbing. A few years before that a man\\u2019s body had been discovered face down in Pearce Creek, not that far from here.\\xa0
Matt didn\\u2019t believe in curses or bad luck, but there was a feeling he got in his gut whenever he passed through the area.\\xa0
He\\u2019d rather be at home playing video games today.\\xa0
His parents were visiting\\xa0 Matt\\u2019s grandfather for Father\\u2019s day and he\\u2019d have the whole house to himself. Instead, here he was.\\xa0
Matt blamed Jenny\\u2026 specifically her tight blue jeans and nice smile. \\xa0
The three of them had been friends for years. Matt was fairly certain that Jenny had a thing for Greg, but Greg was oblivious to it\\u2026 but it was only a matter of time before he noticed.\\xa0
Matt could feel his chance with Jenny slipping away if he didn\\u2019t speak up soon.
He winced as the two laughed about some joke.
\\u201cSo, where the hell are we going?\\u201d Matt blurted out.\\xa0
Greg looked back over his shoulder. \\u201cDon\\u2019t have a cow dude, we\\u2019re almost there.\\u201d\\xa0
Jenny laughed, making Matt feel a bit annoyed. He kicked a stone off the path, watching it shoot off into the grass. The three walked in silence for a few minutes, until Greg stopped them.
\\u201cAnd here we are.\\u201d He pointed towards the left side of the trail.\\xa0
Matt\\u2019s gaze followed his friend\\u2019s gesture. There through the trees, the roof of a house could be seen. It\\u2019s tiled roof weathered from age and the elements.\\xa0
\\u201cThere?\\u201d Jenny asked.\\xa0
\\u201cYup!\\u201d Greg said proudly.\\xa0
They followed him off the path, Pushing through some brush to get to the house. As they emerged into the house\\u2019s overgrown backyard, it\\u2019s ramshackle condition became more apparent.\\xa0
\\u201cWhat a dump.\\u201d Jenny observed. \\u201cWe\\u2019re not-\\u201d
Greg cut her off. \\u201cSure as shit we are.\\u201d
\\u201cWhy?\\u201d Asked Matt, wishing he\\u2019d stayed home.\\xa0
\\u201cBecause.\\u201d Greg answered as he walked up the steps to the back door. \\u201cDon\\u2019t you want to have some fun? Instead of jacking off to Saved By The Bell all day?\\u201d
\\u201cHar, Har.\\u201d Matt responded. He felt a bit of anger boil through from his friend\\u2019s consent prodding. He surprised himself when he flipped Greg off.\\xa0
\\u201cI didn\\u2019t think you had it in you.\\u201d Somebody said, clapping. \\u201cBesides, I see you stroking it more to Power Rangers.\\u201d
They turned to see Dave Stover standing by the side of the house. A girl dressed in black stepped out from behind him. Her short brown hair was slicked straight back, and a black choker encircled her neck.\\xa0
\\u201cWhat are you doing here Stover?\\u201d Matt asked. There was something about that smug, shiteating grin that made Matt want to punch Stover\\u2019s teeth in.\\xa0
Greg and Stover went way back. Why his friend would hang out with that ass was beyond Matt.
\\u201cHe\\u2019s the reason we\\u2019re here.\\u201d Greg answered.\\xa0
Matt sighed. \\u201cGreat.\\u201d
Stover introduced the girl. \\u201cThis is Ember. She\'s going to help us play a little game.\\u201d
They followed Stover into the house.\\xa0
The back door opened easily. The smell of stale cat urine greeted them as they stepped into a bare kitchen. \\xa0
Jenny whispered in Matt\\u2019s ear. \\u201cEmber? That\\u2019s bullshit. Her name\\u2019s Traci Hollis. She\\u2019s in my English Lit class.\\u201d
The two softly chuckled.\\xa0
Stover took them down a musty hallway.\\xa0
The plaster walls were chipped and marked with graffiti. Chunks of broken plaster crunched underfoot. Matt wondered who\\u2019d lived here. There was nothing left to mark their time here.
The hallway opened up in a large room. At the room\\u2019s center was a large circle of candles. Strange symbols were written on the floor within the circle.\\xa0
Matt felt strangely uneasy as he entered the room.\\xa0
He didn\\u2019t believe in magic, but it didn\\u2019t mean you went messing around with the shit.\\xa0
\\u201cWhat the hell?\\u201d Matt said. \\u201cI don\\u2019t think we should fuck around with this stuiped shit.\\u201d
\\u201cRelax man.\\u201d Greg reassured his friend. \\u201cWait till you hear the story.\\u201d
\\u201cLet\\u2019s find out first.\\u201d Jenny added. \\u201cI want to find out what\\u2019s up.\\u201d
Damn it. Matt didn\\u2019t want to walk out with Jenny staying behind\\u2026 partly because he\\u2019d look like a wimp and partly because he worried about her.
\\u201cThen, let\\u2019s get on with it.\\u201d Matt grumbled. \\u201cWhat have we got to do?\\u201d
Ember sat them around the circle all holding hands, with him and Stover on either side of Ember. Matt felt a little nervous and shy taking the girl\\u2019s pale hand. She smelled like sage, and her lips were black as midnight.\\xa0
Staring into her eyes for a second, he forgot about Jenny.\\xa0
Stover cleared his throat before starting. \\u201cMan got home from the war and bought this house for him and his pregnant wife. They wanted to start a future here.\\u201d
Greg interrupted.\\xa0 \\u201cWhich war?\\u201d
\\u201cWhat?\\u201d Stover stammered.\\xa0
\\u201cWhich war?\\u201d
Stover\\u2019s brow furrowed. \\u201cThat one, a long time ago\\u2026 in the \\u201870\\u2019s.\\u201d
\\u201cKorea?\\u201d Jenny asked.
\\u201cNo, that one from Rambo... \\u2018Nam.\\u201d
\\u201cWasn\\u2019t that in the 80\\u2019s?\\u201d Greg said, unsure.
Frustrated, Stover grumbled. \\u201cDoes it fucking matter?\\u201d
\\u201cWell, context.\\u201d Greg said. \\u201cHelps set the scene better man.\\u201d
\\u201cIt was the fucking \\u201870\\u2019s\\u2026 okay? Can I get on with the story?\\u201d
Nobody said anything.
\\u201cSo the dude and his wife bought this house. A couple years later they have a daughter. The three have a happy life for a bunch of years. Then the mom gets sick and dies.\\u201d
\\u201cAwww, that blows.\\u201d Jenny said.\\xa0
Stover ignored her, continuing on with the story.\\xa0
\\u201cThe father was left to raise the girl by himself, and he did the best he could\\u2026 got a second job and shit.\\u201d Stover leaned forward.\\xa0
\\u201cThen one day, the father came home, worn out from a tough day. The daughter, fifteen at the time, told him to take a nap in his favorite chair.\\u201d Stover smiled. \\u201cRight over there.\\u201d Indicating a corner of the room.
\\u201cShe wanted to surprise him, make him some dinner. So she decided to walk to the convenience store just down the path.\\u201d
\\u201cWhat?\\u201d Greg asked. \\u201cI don\\u2019t remember any store around here.\\u201d
Stover sighed. \\u201cThe vacant lot on Rathburn\\u2026 used to be a store there. They closed it because it was getting robbed too much.\\u201d
\\u201cOh.\\u201d Greg nodded, mulling it over.\\xa0
\\u201cAnyway, the father wakes up.\\u201d Stover continued. \\u201cHe finds the house all dark. He calls for his daughter and there\\u2019s no answer.\\u201d
Jenny shifted nervously on the floor.
\\u201cBefore he can go out to find her there\\u2019s a knock at the door. It\\u2019s the police. The cops ask if she\\u2019s there. The clerk at the shop called the cops after the girl was getting harassed by some boys. Well, days passed and there was no trace of the girl. The father grew desperate.\\u201d
Matt glanced at Ember, who had her eyes closed. Was she meditating?\\xa0
\\u201cFinally one day, they found one of the girl\\u2019s shoes near the hangout of a bunch of boys\\u2026 the ones that had been giving the girl a hard time that night. Trouble is, there\\u2019s no other evidence. The cops couldn\\u2019t do shit.\\u201d
Matt looked over at Jenny, who was enjoying the story. His mind wandered as he briefly thought of Jenny, Ember and him all alone together. The thought was a little too much for his hormones. He could feel things stirring that shouldn\\u2019t be right now.\\xa0
He quickly turned his attention back to the story, trying to focus on Stover\\u2019s words.\\xa0
\\u201cThis wasn\\u2019t good enough for the father. So, one by one he captured and tortured the boys\\u2026 killing every one of them with a hatchet he\\u2019d had in the war... save for one boy he let live. Why the one boy? Nobody knows. After the deed he came home and hung himself in this very room!\\u201d\\xa0
Stover laughed like a maniac.\\xa0
\\u201cDid he find her?\\u201d Jenny blurted out.\\xa0
Stover shrugged. \\u201cNobody knows. The father killed himself before anybody found out. The boy he let live was a nutcase\\u2026 they have him locked away up in Wolten. He\\u2019s never uttered a word since.\\u201d
\\u201cThat was quite a story.\\u201d Matt said.\\xa0
\\u201cA real bummer.\\u201d Jenny added.\\xa0
\\u201cWhat\\u2019s it got to do with us?\\u201d Matt asked.\\xa0
\\u201cSince it\\u2019s Father\\u2019s Day.\\u201d Stover smiled. \\u201cI thought we\\u2019d try to contact the daughter\\u2019s spirit with the help of Ember here. Maybe we can find out what happened to her.\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cReally?\\u201d Matt asked sarcastically.\\xa0
\\u201cFor sure.\\u201d Stover replied.
Suddenly Ember tightened her grip on their hands.\\xa0
Without thinking, Matt tightened his grip in response.\\xa0
The girl opened her eyes, making brief contact with him.\\xa0
Suddenly Matt felt his face become warm\\u2026\\xa0 his chest tightened and he found it hard to breathe. And then it passed.
\\u201cI\\u2019m ready.\\u201d The girl said. Her gaze passed over each and every one of them in turn. \\u201cIt\\u2019s important to remain in a circle, holding hands. We\\u2019re safe. You don\\u2019t want to be pulled away into the spirit world.\\u201d
Ember took a deep breath. \\u201cI call upon the four elements. Earth, Water, Fire and Air. Give me strength.\\u201d The girl started to rock back and forth. \\u201cGuide us over the bridge between this world and the next.\\u201d\\xa0
The candles seemed to flicker briefly as a gust of wind passed through the room.
\\u201cI call upon the spirit of Samantha Swane.\\u201d\\xa0
A low warbling moan started up from somewhere in the house. Matt felt the hairs on his arms stand up. The air felt charged.
\\u201cThere\\u2019s a presence here.\\u201d Ember said.\\xa0
There was an unearthly moan. From above the group a loud bang sounded, making them jump all jump.\\xa0
Ember warned them. \\u201cDon\\u2019t break contact.\\u201d
The otherworldly moan grew louder. The house itself creaked and groaned as if in pain.\\xa0
\\u201cSpirit, speak.\\u201d Ember commanded. \\u201cTell us your name.\\u201d\\xa0
There was another unearthly wail of pain. \\u201cMy name is\\u2026\\u201d A voice spoke. \\u201cMy name Is\\u2026 Harry Reems.\\u201d
Stover burst into laughter.\\xa0
\\u201cThe fuck?'