Ep.28 AIDS Mary - Urban Legend of Vengeance!

Published: May 6, 2020, 4:01 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
After a heinous crime is committed against two young women they begin exercising bloody vengeance in horrific ways. Based on the urban legend of the same name!
AIDs Mary by Rob Fields
Read more about the legend at: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/aids-mary/
Music by Ray Mattis
Produced by Daniel Wilder
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Raymond Burr reached his girlfriend\\u2019s off-campus apartment. He looked at the tenant listings and pressed the buzzer button next to M. Wright. Moments later, he was buzzed in.\\xa0
He went down the hall to the corresponding apartment and knocked on the door. It opened shortly after.\\xa0
Raymond\\u2019s girlfriend stood there, dressed in an oversized T-shirt.\\xa0
\\u201cAnne, hi,\\u201d Raymond said.\\xa0
\\u201cHey.\\u201d She stepped aside to let him in.\\xa0
Raymond kissed Anne on the lips. Then it turned into a more passionate kiss. Anne began to moan a little. When Raymond felt her hands in his hair, he moved a hand to grope one of her breasts.\\xa0
Suddenly, Anne gasped.
\\u201cRaymond, stop!\\u201d she commanded.\\xa0
When he wouldn\\u2019t relent, she grabbed his hair. \\u201cGet off me, goddamn it!\\u201d
When he realized that she was serious, he obeyed.\\xa0
She glared at him. \\u201cIs this all you want from me when we\\u2019re together? Is that all we are to you and your fucking fraternity brothers \\u2013 sex toys?\\u201d
He groaned in frustration. \\u201cJesus, Anne, what the fuck? You join a convent or something? It used to be you wanting to fuck all the time. Now you\\u2019re all holier-than-thou.\\u201d He groaned again. \\u201cYou\\u2019ve been like this for weeks. I\\u2019m trying to be patient, but I\\u2019m at my end. You wanna break up?\\u201d
Anne started crying. \\u201cI\\u2019m sorry, Raymond. I just don\\u2019t think I can be sexual with you anymore.\\u201d She looked at him sharply. \\u201cDo you love me? Tell me the truth.\\u201d
He took a deep breath. \\u201cYou know I love you. I do. But you gotta tell me what\\u2019s wrong.\\u201d
A long silence. \\u201cI\\u2019m late.\\u201d
\\u201cLate? What do you mean?\\u201d
Her glare was stronger. \\u201cI\\u2019m late! As in . . . I missed my period. As in I got pregnant.\\u201d
His eyes grew wide. \\u201cYou\\u2019re . . . pregnant?\\u201d
She went to the bathroom and returned with three sticks in her hand: 2 white and 1 pink. \\u201cI got pregnant \\u2013 three different tests.\\u201d
He took the sticks from her, all showing plus signs. Then he looked back at her. \\u201cYou\\u2019re sure?\\u201d
She glared at him again. \\u201cYou want me to take another test? You want to fuck me again, just to make sure they\\u2019re right?\\u201d
He threw the sticks down and grabbed her shoulders. \\u201cThat\\u2019s enough!\\u201d When he saw her fear, he quickly released her. \\u201cLet\\u2019s talk.\\u201d
\\u201cWhat\\u2019s there to say?\\u201d she whispered.\\xa0
A long pause. \\u201cWhy didn\\u2019t you tell me sooner?\\u201d Raymond asked.
She groaned. \\u201cI didn\\u2019t want a baby!\\u201d She wiped away tears, then pointed to the door. \\u201cGet the fuck out!\\u201d\\xa0
Without another word, she stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door. The lock clicked soon after . . . \\xa0
Raymond returned to his dorm. He wanted to comfort Anne, but he didn\\u2019t know what to say. He couldn\\u2019t bear to hear Anne sobbing behind her bathroom door.\\xa0
Suddenly, his smartphone rang. He answered it. \\u201cWhat?!\\u201d
\\u201cTurn on the news, man! Do it now!\\u201d
\\u201cMarcus, I don\\u2019t have time for this.\\u201d
\\u201cMary\\u2019s here! She\\u2019s on our campus! Jeff\\u2019s dead!\\u201d
Raymond quickly reached for the TV remote. He turned the news on and recognized the building where the news cameras were. It was the Delta Omega Kappa fraternity house on the other side of Strickfield University.\\xa0
As the reporter talked about the incident, the camera switched to a bedroom inside the house.\\xa0
\\u201cDid you see it \\u2013 on the mirror? It was in Carl\\u2019s room, too!\\u201d\\xa0
The camera stopped on the mirror and zoomed in.\\xa0
Raymond remembered hearing about this same message two days ago. The message was written in red lipstick. The words in the message were identical:
\\u201cYou still there, dude?\\u201d
Raymond found his voice. \\u201cI\\u2019ll be right over.\\u201d
Raymond met up with Marcus in front of the DOK house. Just seeing his look of horror sent a shiver down his spine.\\xa0
Marcus grabbed his arm. \\u201cThe rest of us are over at Masterson Hall.\\u201d
The two fraternity brothers walked to the other side of campus. When they entered the building, Raymond saw that there were only two others there. When they stopped, Raymond turned to Marcus.\\xa0
\\u201cYou said the rest of us were here.\\u201d
\\u201cThis is the rest of us, Raymond. Carl was on the news two days ago. The cops found his body at the Lemley Hotel off the main highway. The gun was in his hand and rest of his head all over the fucking walls.\\xa0
Carl saw Mary\\u2019s message on the mirror and he blew his head off \\u2013 AIDS Mary.\\u201d
Raymond wanted to laugh. \\u201cAIDS Mary?!\\u201d Then he regarded all of them. \\u201cHow do you people know her fucking name? There something you wanna tell me?\\u201d
\\u201cYou should be afraid, too,\\u201d James Clarke stammered. \\u201cShe\\u2019ll come for you, too.\\u201d
\\u201cShe\\u2019ll come for all of us,\\u201d Marv Vernon added. \\u201cAin\\u2019t no coincidence she got Carl, then Jeff.\\u201d\\xa0
He stood up. \\u201cThat fucking bitch has AIDS, and now she wants to give it to us. We know what she looks like, but she still got Carl and Jeff to fuck her anyway.\\u201d
Raymond raised his hand. \\u201cHow do you know she screwed them? Were you there?\\u201d
\\u201cTheir bodies were found \\u2013 naked,\\u201d Marcus said. \\u201cDidn\\u2019t you watch the report on Carl? Why would she put that fucking message on the mirrors? She definitely fucked them both.\\u201d
Raymond was frustrated. \\u201cAssholes, you need to talk to me! Why is this AIDS Mary after everybody in our fraternity?\\u201d
A brief silence . . . Then one of them said, \\u201cWe raped her!\\u201d
Raymond\\u2019s heart dropped into his stomach. \\u201cWhat?!\\u201d
\\u201cI said, we raped her!\\u201d
\\u201cThat\\u2019s what I thought you said.\\u201d Raymond took a deep breath. \\u201cOkay . . . Tell me more.\\u201d
Marcus sat down with the others. \\u201cEarlier this semester, while you were taking a make-up exam, we went out looking for girls. We found this high school chick in a bar \\u2013 drunk as shit. We brought her back to the house. We felt playful and started touching her. When she backed off, we grabbed her and took her down to the floor. She wasn\\u2019t as drunk as we thought since she tried fighting us off.\\u201d
Raymond groaned. \\u201cUn_fucking_believable!\\u201d
\\u201cExcept it wasn\\u2019t just her. It was them \\u2013 as in it wasn\\u2019t just Mary.\\u201d
Raymond\\u2019s jaw dropped. \\u201cJesus Christ, how many girls did you rape that night?! Three?! Five?! A hundred?!\\u201d
\\u201cTwo,\\u201d Marv replied. \\u201cJust two.\\u201d
Raymond faked a smile. \\u201cOkay, you raped two girls. Where\\u2019d you get the other one?\\u201d
\\u201cA girl saw us through a window. She ran, but we caught her and \\u2013\\u201d
\\u201cI can\\u2019t believe this shit!\\u201d Raymond roared in anger. \\u201cSo . . . another girl saw you . . . was gonna blow the whistle and \\u2013 ! What happened after you finished with them?!\\u201d\\xa0
\\u201cWe took Mary back to her high school and left here there. The other girl ran off. We were all still drunk, so we don\\u2019t really remember what she looked like.\\u201d
Raymond waved his hand frantically. \\u201cOkay, how do you know it\\u2019s this AIDS Mary? How do you know it\\u2019s not the other girl?\\u201d
Marcus handed Raymond he had been holding. \\u201cOpen it.\\u201d
Raymond opened the envelope and removed the paper. It was the results of a hospital AIDS test, which was positive. The recipient was Mary Richter.
Raymond gave the items back. \\u201cOkay . . . But what I really wanna know . . . ? Which one of you motherfuckers gave it to her?\\u201d
The guys looked at each other in bewilderment.\\xa0
Raymond laughed scornfully. \\u201cAre you fucking serious?!\\u201d\\xa0
He calmed down. \\u201cYou shitheels raped two girls. You have a hospital report saying one of them\\u2019s got full-blown AIDS. It never occurred to you that one of you has it?\\u201d
No replies.\\xa0
Raymond sighed. \\u201cOkay, I\\u2019ll add something. You dumbasses probably all have it now. You all took turns with Mary, right?\\u201d When the others looked at each other in horror, he knew he had them. \\u201cYou gotta get your sorry asses to a hospital \\u2013 stat! If you all have AIDS, you know why.\\u201d\\xa0
Raymond raised his finger. \\u201cThen . . . ! Turn yourselves in to the police and confess to everything. AIDS Mary\\u2019s still out there, right? She knows you shitheads \\u2013 what you did to her. You\\u2019ll all be lipstick on mirrors eventually. Me? I\\u2019m leaving. I got problems of my own. And I\\u2019m done with this fucking fraternity. AIDS Mary ain\\u2019t coming for me since I wasn\\u2019t in on the rape. Have a nice life, gentlemen.\\u201d
Without another word, Raymond left Masterson Hall and walked back to his dorm.\\xa0
A week later, Raymond was in his room, still trying to talk to Anne. This time it was on video chat. Clearly, she was still down about her pregnancy. Not wanting to talk any further, she disconnected on him.\\xa0
He decided to turn on the news.\\xa0
He nearly dropped the remote when he saw the top story. Like the other DOK brothers, James had been found in his room \\u2013 wrists slit. A familiar message was written on the full-length mirror in lipstick:
Raymond turned off the TV and raced to see if the other frat brothers were still alive.\\xa0
When he reached the fraternity house, he ran inside and shouted for them.\\xa0
No reply!\\xa0
He raced upstairs. When he reached Marv\\u2019s room, he looked in. The room was empty.\\xa0
He moved to Marcus\\u2019s room. Empty! Now he was worried. From past experiences, he knew there was always a frat brother at the house.\\xa0
Raymond moved throughout the rest of the house. As he was about to leave, he remembered the basement and headed to that door.\\xa0
Upon reaching it, he opened the door and flipped the light switch. Nothing!
He turned and headed to the kitchen. He flipped the switches there. Nothing! He went to a drawer and pulled out a knife.
He returned to the basement and descended slowly.\\xa0
Once off the bottom step, he looked around uneasily. He saw the back room and walked quietly towards it.\\xa0
He peeked in and saw that Marcus was tied to the bed \\u2013 in just his boxers. When Marcus saw him, his eyes widened and he made'