Ep.24 The Rest Area - A Maniac With an Axe!

Published: April 8, 2020, 4:39 a.m.

b'Episode Notes
Two pals are on their way back from a fun road trip when they make a pit stop, but now an axe wielding maniac wants to make them into a road snack!
The Rest Area by Rob Fields
Music by Ray Mattis
Produced by Daniel Wilder
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Brad and Robbie were traveling north along U.S. 23 while coming back from the Ohio State Fair one Saturday evening late in the summer. The two friends were talking about all the fun they had had while at the fair, when eventually they came to a very dark part of the freeway nearly devoid of traffic.
As Robbie was driving, Brad came up with a mischievous idea. He grinned slightly and turned to face Robbie. \\u201cHey, Robbie, have you heard the stories about Aaron Rutter? He\\u2019s supposed to be an ax murderer who just escaped from the state mental hospital, you know.\\u201d
Robbie sighed, but kept his eyes on the road.\\xa0
\\u201cIt\\u2019s been said that he\\u2019s hacked up about ten people around this area in the last two days,\\u201d Brad continued, talking in a more quiet, eerie voice.
Robbie muttered a sigh. \\u201cYou are so weird, man.\\u201d
Brad continued. \\u201cRumor also has it that he eats his victims, too.\\u201d\\xa0
Robbie tried to ignore him, but Brad kept on going. \\u201cSometimes he even fillets them.\\u201d
Robbie groaned. \\u201cWould you please shut up?\\u201d
Brad just laughed. \\u201cOh, Robbie, you scare way too easy.\\u201d
Robbie didn\\u2019t pay any attention. They continued on down the freeway. Eventually, they passed a sign that said that a rest area was one mile ahead.
\\u201cHey, Robbie, could you pull off at the rest area when we get to it?\\u201d Brad asked. \\u201cI need to use the bathroom.\\u201d
Robbie sighed. \\u201cI guess . . .\\u201d
When they got to the rest area\\u2019s off-ramp, Robbie pulled off the freeway and parked the car. They both got out.
\\u201cI\\u2019ll just be a few minutes,\\u201d Brad said.
\\u201cTake your time,\\u201d Robbie replied.
Brad walked to the men\\u2019s restroom and went in. After taking a piss, he washed his hands and came back outside. He looked to the car to see Robbie wasn\\u2019t in it.\\xa0
Suddenly, he heard something snap not too far off in the distance. He waited there for a moment. When he didn\\u2019t hear anything, he started walking back toward the car.
Suddenly, he heard another snap, only it was closer this time.
\\u201cRobbie?\\u201d Brad uttered. \\u201cIs that you?\\u201d
There was no answer.
\\u201cRobbie?\\u201d Brad repeated, now sounding tense.
There was still no answer.\\xa0
He heard another snap.\\xa0
As before, it was closer.\\xa0
Brad was feeling really uneasy. Then, as if on impulse, he turned and headed toward the area where the vending machines were.\\xa0
As he was about to open the door and head in, he heard yet another snap. And again . . . it was closer. He turned around to look behind him.
Suddenly, a figure leapt out from nearby!
Brad felt a straight edge strike him at the back of his right shoulder blade. He was struck again almost immediately. Brad screamed with each chop.
And again!
And again!
And again . . .
\\u201cChop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop!\\u201d the ax murderer shouted with glee.
Brad then realized something wasn\\u2019t right. For one thing, he didn\\u2019t feel anything actually cutting into his skin. Second, he recognized who it was that was \\u2018attacking\\u2019 him.\\xa0
Brad quickly turned around to see him.
\\u201cRobbie!\\u201d Brad shouted. \\u201cIt was you!\\u201d
Robbie burst out into wild laughter.
\\u201cIt was you all the time!\\u201d Brad cried.
Robbie managed to collect himself. He pointed to Brad. \\u201cYou should\\u2019ve seen your face.\\u201d
Brad\\u2019s face twisted in anger. \\u201cI could just kill you!\\u201d
Robbie stopped laughing and became serious. \\u201cOh, but it was okay for you to keep carrying on about Aaron Rutter in the car, huh?\\u201d
When Brad heard this, he calmed down knowing Robbie was right. He sighed. \\u201cAll right, we\\u2019re even.\\u201d
\\u201cAll right,\\u201d Robbie agreed. \\u201cLet\\u2019s get out of here and get home.\\u201d
As they were walking back to their car, Brad said, \\u201cYou know, that was clever how you broke those sticks on the way to the vending machines.\\u201d
Robbie looked at Brad oddly. \\u201cI didn\\u2019t break any sticks, man.\\u201d
Brad looked at him in surprise. \\u201cYou didn\\u2019t?\\u201d
\\u201cNo,\\u201d Robbie answered. \\u201cI was hiding behind the car. When I saw you going to the vending area, I came out from behind the car and got you. I know I didn\\u2019t break any sticks.\\u201d
Now Brad was really confused. \\u201cThen if it wasn\\u2019t you \\u2013\\u201d
\\u201cI did,\\u201d a deep, rumbling voice not belonging to either of them answered from behind them.
They quickly turned around to see a big man with an ax in his hands. And he was smiling at them in a very demented way.
\\u201cSo nice of you guys to show up for a late-night dinner,\\u201d the man said to them in a crazed tone.
Robbie and Brad knew at once who this man was, and they screamed in terror.
They quickly turned and ran for their car. Aaron Rutter was right behind them.\\xa0
As Robbie tried to get into the car, he heard the slam and immediately saw the ax blade embedded in the car roof.\\xa0
Brad was already a long ways away from the car.\\xa0
Robbie lashed out and kicked Rutter in the stomach to stun him, then he turned away from the car and ran himself.\\xa0
\\u201cOhshitohshitohshitohshit!\\u201d Robbie gasped as he ran for all he was worth, so much so that he was feeling his own heart pounding.\\xa0
Robbie and Brad were both running into the woods behind the rest area in separate directions. They both knew Rutter would likely catch up to them.\\xa0
Robbie pressed himself up against a tree to try and catch his breath. \\u201cI\\u2019ve got to find Brad!\\u201d he thought as he continued to catch his breath, trying to make as little noise as possible as he quickly tried to process the hell he currently found himself in.
Suddenly, Robbie screeched as he just barely avoided the ax blade that damn near embedded itself in his throat.\\xa0
He pushed himself away from the tree and resumed running.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Aaron Rutter trying to pull the ax out of the tree. Robbie knew he didn\\u2019t have much time before this insane psycho would be after him again.\\xa0
And he still had to find Brad!
Robbie bolted into the darkness barely avoiding oncoming trees.
He knew he had to try and get back to the car somehow. He needed to get to his cell phone which he remembered leaving in one of the cupholders\\u2026 or better yet, maybe he could get the hell out of that place. Rationality set in quickly, and he knew he couldn\\u2019t just leave Brad behind.\\xa0
What the fuck am I gonna do? he demanded of himself.\\xa0
Robbie backed himself up against another large tree. Again, he tried to take breaths without being too loud and alerting Rutter to his location \\u2013 if he didn\\u2019t know already!
\\u201cOkay! Okay! You . . . you gotta . . . gotta think straight now!\\u201d he mouthed to himself. \\u201cOkay . . . where are you? You gotta think straight now! Where is the car? Where is it?\\u201d
He took one more long, deep breath and decided to try to get back to the rest area and get to the car.\\xa0
Robbie looked both ways to make sure that Aaron Rutter wasn\\u2019t ready to chop off his head again, and slowly pushed himself away from the tree and turned around. Cautiously, he started to make his way back to the car.\\xa0
After taking several careful steps, he muttered a curse as he heard the stick that broke under his foot. \\u201cFuck!\\u201d he mouthed to himself. \\u201cShit!\\u201d
Robbie forced himself to keep moving pissed at Brad for not shutting the fuck up about that insane psycho\\u2026 and just why the batshit crazy fucking hell did Aaron Rutter really have to even be at that rest area? Robbie didn\\u2019t used to believe in things like fate, but now he wasn\\u2019t so sure.\\xa0
\\u201cMaybe Brad is on his way back to the car,\\u201d he mouthed to himself.\\xa0
Robbie moved from one tree . . . to another . . . to another . . . cautiously . . . carefully . . . quietly . . . !
\\u201cGod damn it!\\u201d Robbie whispered loudly when he felt another stick break under his shoe.
Robbie forced himself to remain focused and saw the lights in the distance. This had to be the rest area. What else was lit-up brightly at that part of outer Marion, Ohio at that hour of the night?\\xa0
He kept looking left . . . right . . . having eyes in the back of his head . . . face front . . . ! The lights were so close . . . and so far away.\\xa0
Robbie also considered that Aaron Rutter might even be waiting at the car for either one of them. Okay, maybe Rutter wasn\\u2019t hanging out at the car, but it was possible that he was keeping an eye on it.\\xa0
Okay, I just have to get my cell phone, Robbie thought. Or if Brad is there, we can get the hell out of here.\\xa0
Robbie felt his pockets. He felt some relief in knowing that he still had the keys on him. But then, he never just left his keys in the car \\u2013 for any reason. He still had his wallet, not that he could buy Rutter off, right?\\xa0
But I just had to leave my fucking cell phone in my car! Of all the fucking things I could leave in my car, I just had to leave my fucking cell phone! How fucking dumb can I get?
Robbie decided there was no point in crying over spilled milk. He continued to creep further towards the rest area, felt as if the rest area was moving further away from him. He shook his head quickly and kept moving.\\xa0
After agonizing minutes, Robbie had finally returned to the rest area.\\xa0
He moved to the back wall and made his way around to get back to the front. He was in such a big hurry to get to the main entrance that he didn\\u2019t see the person who had suddenly placed a hand on his shoulder.\\xa0
Robbie shrieked and started to run.\\xa0
He quickly stopped when he saw it was Brad. The two of them both backed themselves up against the wall and looked each other over. Robbie looked at Brad as if saying, \\u201cYou\\u2019re alive!\\u201d
Brad nodded in acknowledgement.\\xa0
They turned and started to creep along the wall, until they were both looking out at the parking lot.\\xa0
A lone car suddenly sped by the rest area.\\xa0
Both of them looked around to see if Aaron Rutter was nearby.'