Ep.2 What Lurks in the Caves?

Published: Nov. 6, 2019, 11:14 p.m.

b'Episode Notes
Tonight\'s story "Caves" by Joe Solmo
Music by Ray Mattis
Produced by Daniel Wilder
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\\u201cBecky, where the hell are we?\\u201d Janice asked trying to peer out of the rain-coated windshield. The downpour was almost too much for the wipers on the \\u201967 Camaro to handle, even on the fastest setting.
Janice turned the old AM/FM radio down, silencing The Cure\\u2019s Friday I\\u2019m in Love. She gripped the handle on the door as the classic muscle car traveled down the dirt road that led seemingly nowhere. \\u201cEasy! If you get a scratch on this car your dad is going to kill you. I still don\\u2019t know why we couldn\\u2019t just go to the lake like we normally do,\\u201d Janice said scooching her butt on the recently redone black leather seats.
\\u201cYou don\\u2019t have to tell me, I remember when I dropped my ice cream in his \\u201950 Chevy. I couldn\\u2019t sit for a week,\\u201d she replied. \\u201cLast time at the lake was too close. Out here no one will see us.\\u201d
\\u201cI still don\\u2019t know why you think we should hide it. We are happy together, that is all that should matter,\\u201d Janice said placing her hand on Becky\\u2019s shoulder. \\u201cI think my parents would understand.\\u201d
\\u201cMaybe yours would, but my father sure wouldn\\u2019t. To him I am still daddy\\u2019s little girl who should wear pink and like horses and boys. It\\u2019s only for another few months, then we graduate and we can leave this tiny town and start over in a new city. Did you hear back from any of the schools you applied too yet?\\u201d Becky asked as she navigated the car down the old logging trail. Years of misuse has let some of the underbrush grow back and come close to scraping the custom paint job on her father\\u2019s prize possession.
\\u201cHow much further is it?\\u201d Janice said adjusting her seatbelt that cut across her large breasts. She tucked the cross strap behind her for comfort.
\\u201cIt\\u2019s been like ten years since I\\u2019ve been here. But I don\\u2019t think it\\u2019s much further. You remember Veronica? Her mom brought us hear hiking once in the girl scouts. There are traces of Native American painting and shit on the walls in the caves. It will be a cool place for us to be alone,\\u201d Becky said.
\\u201cReally alone,\\u201d Janice said planting a kiss on Becky\\u2019s neck. Beck slammed on the brakes bringing the car to a halt. \\u201cWhat\\u2019s wrong? Don\\u2019t you like my kisses anymore?\\u201d Janice said playfully.
\\u201cIt\\u2019s not that. We are here. Well it\\u2019s on foot from here, anyway,\\u201d Becky said.
\\u201cWe have to walk in this shit?\\u201d Janice said looking down at the peep toe heels she was wearing. \\u201cYou didn\\u2019t tell me we would have to walk in the mud to get there.\\u201d
\\u201cI got it covered. Don\\u2019t worry, Becky said and reached into the back seat. Her breasts nearly escaped her tube top, exciting Janice. A backpack materialized in her hands and she placed it between them. She drew an old pair of sneakers and socks out of the bag. They shared a shoe size, something they had learned in junior high. They began to wear each other\\u2019s clothes shortly after and soon they found they had feelings for each other. Being from such a small town, they knew no one would understand so they kept it quit, pretending to just be best friends, but they were so much more.
Janice still remembered the first time they kissed. It was just a dare. They were still hiding their feelings for each other at that point, but as soon as their lips touched, Janice\\u2019s heart skipped a beat, and it hasn\\u2019t caught up since. Becky was her whole life, her reason for getting out of bed every day and she couldn\\u2019t wait until they could tell the world. Until she could wake next to her soulmate every single day.
\\u201cWhat would I do without you?\\u201d Janice asked, and actually meant it.
\\u201cProbably chase after Justine. She has bigger boobs than me,\\u201d Becky joked squeezing her own breasts.
\\u201cYou know it\\u2019s more than just physical, right,\\u201d Justine said. She was always afraid that was what Becky thought. She was never good at expressing herself and sometimes a quip, usually about sex, was how it came out.
\\u201cI know, babe. Now change those shoes so that we can get going,\\u201d Becky said and killed the engine. She put the keys in a small pouch on the front of the blue backpack.
\\u201cWhat else do you have in there?\\u201d Janice asked as she tied the sneakers.
\\u201cA surprise for us,\\u201d she said and reached into the backseat again. This time Becky pulled out two cheap plastic rain ponchos and a flashlight. The rain was coming down so hard it made the forest look like night had fallen already even though dusk wasn\\u2019t for a few more hours yet.
Janice opened the door and hopped out, nearly falling onto the muddy forest floor. A slight scream from the other side of the car let her know Becky wasn\\u2019t having an easier time of it. She ran around the front of the car in the driving rain. \\u201cWhere to, my love?\\u201d Janice said over the sound of the rain pounding on the metal of the car.
Becky pointed towards a gate and headed towards it. She didn\\u2019t have a key for it, but it was the woods, you could just walk around. She hoped once they got into the woods, the trees would protect her from the rain, but the rain proved too much for the leaves above. She was glad she put the backpack on before the poncho.
Janice caught up to her and slipped a wet hand into her own. With a squeeze she led her forbidden lover into the forest based on a ten-year-old memory.
\\u201cIt really isn\\u2019t that far from here, maybe twenty minutes,\\u201d Becky said. \\u201cThere is a big rock that looks like a big ass. Once we see that, we are close.\\u201d

\\u201cFigured you would like a big ass!\\u201d Janice said.
\\u201cI like your ass just the way it is. Come on, the faster we get there the faster we can get dry,\\u201d Becky said.
\\u201cOdd way to phrase what we have planned,\\u201d Janice joked.
\\u201cHa-ha, babe,\\u201d Becky replied and climbed over a fallen pine. She helped Janice over the slick bark. The cold of the rain was starting to settle in as they hiked the path, and their conversation came to a halt shortly after. The next few minutes went on in silence until they reached a stream that crossed the path. A worn plank of wood crossed it, worn with age and weather. It looked sketchy if the plank would hold for their crossing.
\\u201cOk I really remember this. We are almost there. The ass rock should be just up there. We could probably see it from here if the goddamn rain would let up,\\u201d Becky said.
Motion. There was definitely motion. What would be out in this weather? Even the deer have holed up somewhere, it thought. It put out a furry paw farther onto the thin branch and moved closer for a better view. It looked down on the two shapes as they passed below. A bright yellow, he couldn\\u2019t place it, but the sounds they made sparked a memory. It took a few minutes for its sluggish brain to access the right path. Hibernation will do that. It did remember a time, last hunting season where it came across these monsters. It cocked its head and watched as they walked towards the natural cave system it called home. It jumped from limb to limb, racing the strange bipedal creatures back to its lair.
\\u201cHere\\u2019s ass rock, just like I said,\\u201d Becky said. I wish I brought Dad\\u2019s polaroid too. Could have gotten a picture with it,\\u201d she joked.
\\u201cDidn\\u2019t he just get that? He probably wouldn\\u2019t have let you take it anyway,\\u201d Janice said from beside her.
\\u201cYeah, your right. If I remember there was a bunch of evergreens\\u2026Oh there they are. We are here!\\u201d Becky said excitedly and took off for the trees.
\\u201cWait!\\u201d Janice said and chased after her. There was a moment of panic when she lost sight of Becky, but all was well when she peeked out of the branches of the young pines. Now she could see behind them was a rock wall, about twenty feet tall. Becky was peeking out from a hole in those rocks. Together they left the rain for the shelter of the cave.
Becky\\u2019s flashlight came to life, illuminating the stone walls of the cave. It seemed that a tunnel continued back into the ground. On the ground was the ancient remains of a fire pit, Janice noticed as she shed the poncho. \\u201cNow what?\\u201d She asked.
\\u201cNow we get a fire going, and get dry,\\u201d Becky said pulling some wood and paper from the backpack.
\\u201cOh, you\\u2019re trying to appeal to the pyro in me, aren\\u2019t you?\\u201d Janice said pulling her lighter out of her pocket and doing a few test flicks to make sure it still worked.
\\u201cI know you so well,\\u201d Becky said and took Janice in her arms. She kissed her, feeling the coldness of her lips from traveling through the woods.
\\u201cInside and out,\\u201d Janice responded in a whisper, then shivered.
\\u201cLet\\u2019s heat this place up,\\u201d Becky said and grabbed the lighter from her friend. In a moment the cave was light by the orange light of the fire she created. She looked around the wall for the paintings she remembered as a kid, but didn\\u2019t see them. She did see some asshole had spray-painted \\u201cJack was here,\\u201d though. She sighed. People just like to ruin stuff. Nothing was going to ruin this trip though. Their time was too precious together to waste.
Becky sat down next to Janice and held her hand. She was glad the warmth was coming back to her lover. She leaned in for a kiss. A moment passed and the two started to forget about the world around them and the only thing that mattered was them, this moment, the feelings they had for each other.

Becky felt Janice\\u2019s hand slide up her leg and over her zipper, making her hold her breath in anticipation of the carnal pleasures she was expecting. It wasn\\u2019t long until Janice undid the button and zipper and slid her slender fingers between cloth and flesh.
Becky moaned as Janice kissed her neck, her lips no longer could as they were engorged with blood flow in the heat of the moment. She returned the neck kisses to Janice, kissing towards her immense cleavage. She could feel her breasts pressed up against her and she wanted nothing mo'