5/9/2018 - Wednesday Comics Forecast

Published: May 8, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

b'The Wednesday Comics crew\\xa0go over the comics released on May 9th, 2018! Catch our normal weekly review episode on Sunday\\n\\xa0\\nTwitter:\\n@wednesdaycomics\\n@alexprostrollo\\n@garot2188\\n@marvin_salguero\\n@pastrami_news\\n\\xa0\\nFacebook:\\nFacebook.com/WednesdayComicspodcast\\nEmail:\\xa0wednesdaycomics605@gmail.com\\n\\xa0\\nThank you to Reddit user /u/RIPGeech (Joe) for the logo.\\nThank you to our Sponsors:\\xa0www.rootsoftheswampthing.com\\xa0and\\xa0www.siouxpercon.com\\nVisit RootsoftheSwampThing.com today and follow them online at facebook.com/rootsoftheswampthing and on twitter @dcworldswampy\\nVisit\\xa0Siouxpercon.com for more information on Siouxpercon 2018: The Return of the Con. Follow them on Facebook and Twitter.\\xa0\\nWednesday Comics Forecast Intro and Outro music by Marvin Salguero'