The Business Toolkit In One Card

Published: Feb. 21, 2024, 6 a.m.

b'Michelle Shevill, Co-Founder of OneCard, discusses how the innovative tool \\u2018One Card\\u2019 is changing the game in business networking. Michelle shares her journey from running a merchandising business to developing OneCard amidst the challenges of Covid, showcasing the shift from traditional methods to a digital, environmentally friendly approach. \\n\\nOneCard streamlines networking by allowing users to book meetings, share documents, and integrate with CRMs directly through a digital card, complete with a feature to support charities. Michelle, along with her team including her husband Mark and technical lead Sean, has navigated the business from its roots in personal passion to a tech-driven solution for modern professionals. \\n\\nHighlighting OneCard\\u2019s growth to 800 users and overcoming challenges like brand loyalty and tech skepticism, Michelle emphasizes its role in increasing leads, sales, and productivity efficiently. \\n\\nJoin us to learn how OneCard is paving the way for the future of business interactions, blending sustainability with practicality for professionals everywhere.'