Will Central Banks Destroy Us All?

Published: Oct. 21, 2022, 6:11 p.m.

b'Fed set to raise by .75\\u2026what will they do next? Philadelphia Fed President echoes the definition of stupidity/insanity. Meanwhile in the real world...housing collapsing, ridiculous volatility etc. CNN is stuck on stupid. We need to learn from the errors of central planners and focus on the beauty of the free market. Cut the size of the government, cut spending, balance the budget. As for portfolios, focus on the fundamentals, exercise patience and courage. Everything you wanted to know about the UK crisis but were afraid to ask. Could a UK meltdown be heading our way? Conservative party is dead. Stop spending and stop lying to voters! Snap crap. The terrible game of greater fools. Another example of how ugly Wall Street has become.'