Fire and Ice

Published: Dec. 4, 2020, 6 a.m.


Hello And Welcome Back To The Waffle-Free Storytelling Podcast!

As we progress through the human experience, our roles change. We go from wild, imaginative, unpredictable, weird, wired, unique individuals to Mom, Dad, Gran, Granddad, Aunt, Uncle...

In the eyes of generations that come after us, we become roles rather than unique and interesting individuals.

"Fire and Ice" is about seeing the people who came before us for who they really are.

So, make yourself a mug of something warm and lovely, and enjoy. When it\'s done, feel free to amble around for more waffle-free stories and other stuff and nonsense.

Never miss an episode! Click here to join the Waffle-Free Storytelling Fireside. Once a week I\'ll let you know that a new episode is live and will send you any articles or ideas that I think you\'ll enjoy.


P.S. This story was inspired by my own family\'s adventure into our past. Digging and diving into the life and times of our ancestors before they took on roles has uncovered some remarkable tales! It\'s worth the journey...


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