Episode 6: Med School to Business School to Your Tribe

Published: Oct. 27, 2020, 5 p.m.


Episode 6 is the last of the introductory episodes. This episode addresses 7 insights to increasing profits in an Ophthalmology Practice from the analogy of the eyeball:


\\xb7  Sclera \\u2013 The structure of your business. How do patient customers find you?


\\xb7  Cornea \\u2013 What do your patient customers see once they open the door for the first time?


\\xb7  Anterior & Posterior Chambers \\u2013 How are patients received by the receptionist as they flow from checking in to the waiting room to the exam chair?


\\xb7  Iris/Pupil \\u2013 What is the process or flow from the time the assistant, technician or Optometrist enters the room, performs initial testing, refraction, and dilation to waiting for the Ophthalmologist?


\\xb7  Crystalline lens \\u2013 Is the refraction done by an assistant who learned it on a YouTube video, a certified assistant, technician, technologist, or an Optometrist? Does it include all the required elements as stated by the patient\\u2019s insurance provider?


\\xb7  Vitreous Humor \\u2013 Does your staff work together promoting the different services within the practice, working in cooperation with each other?


\\xb7  Retina \\u2013 Where are the blind spots in your practice? 


I call it the Visual Field Office Assessment.

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