6.4 Doctor Patient Relationships You Are The Key

Published: May 18, 2021, 9:21 p.m.


How do visually disabled people find supportive communities if their doctor doesn\\u2019t offer any resources to them?  It\\u2019s a valid question. I\\u2019m embarrassed to say that I thought I knew a lot about vision and low vision, only to learn that I know very little about blindness.


Who we are when no one is watching. Are you hiding in your cave? Are you connecting with people by phone? Are you choosing to laugh because you can?  One last thing. Please connect with your eye doctor and make sure he or she knows the resources you use. It may just help someone who you don\\u2019t know yet, and would love to meet you.


Make it a great day, Aloha.


Let\\u2019s Talk Low Vision can be found at: ltlv.cclvi.org


Insightful Publications can be found at: in-sightful.com

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