1.12 Alexa - What's your Vision?

Published: July 29, 2021, 3 p.m.


Have you ever danced with the concept of adding something new to your life, and the two step became a tango?


When I worked with an Alexa and a Dot while employeed at Assistive Technology Resource Centers of Hawaii, I experienced many ways the device helps those with disabilities. I\'m considering buying one, but learned that I could download the Alexa app on my phone for free. 


It was not a two step.You will hear my results. Instead of WYSIWYG, my experiment was WYHIWYG! It became a tango, a duo of Q & A.


This podcast integrates vision, vision statements, and visual diagnoses with the assistance of AI. The only abbreviation in the podcast is AI for Artifical Intelligence.


I hope you "LIKE" this podcast, so will say thank you in advance.


Make it a great day, Aloha.


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