Why SOCs Fail

Published: June 4, 2021, 2 p.m.


Billions of dollars are spent annually to set up SOCs across every industry and yet, according to RBS, 3,932 breaches were publicly reported in 2020 alone. Why are SOCs failing? Listen as former Gartner analyst and Exabeam Chief Strategy Officer, Gorka Sadowski, talks more about why SOCs are failing and the outcomes-based maturity model required to build cyber resilient organizations.
Key Learnings:
Why an outcome-based approach is the only way for SOCs to offer effective coverage and protection for your organization
How the most successful SOCs use a comprehensive, strategic and end-to-end focused approach to address 95% of all operational issues at scale
Why it is critical for Security Operations (SecOps) to become more use case-driven and full lifecycle workflow orientated
Lastly, learn about a new simple framework and maturity model that will help your organization approach SOCs the right way
Gorka Sadowski, Chief Strategy Officer, Exabeam
